blob: 1f5cc46776f61497193e81d589b6d97778530a66 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
This file is intended for onboarding new SWEs hacking on buffet.
A. Common workflows.
B. Registering your DUT.
Some common workflows for developing with buffet:
# Tell portage that you'd like to make local changes to Buffet:
cros_workon-${BOARD} start buffet
# Edit files in platform2/buffet/
vim ...
# Compile and install those changes into the chroot:
USE=buffet emerge-${BOARD} buffet
# Compile and run buffet unittests
USE=buffet FEATURES=test emerge-${BOARD} buffet
# Deploy the most recently built version of buffet to a DUT:
cros deploy --board=${BOARD} <remote host> buffet
#To enable additional debug logging in buffet daemon, run it as:
# buffet --v=<level>, where <level> is verbosity level of debug info:
# 1 - enable additional tracing of internal object construction and destruction
# 2 - add tracing of request and response data sent over HTTP (beware of
# privacy concerns).
# 3 - enable low-level CURL tracing for HTTP communication.
buffet --v=2
This process in described in great detail at
but since these instructions are generic and comprehensive, here's
exactly what you need to do to get started when working with
buffet/Brillo, in ten simple steps.
The word DUT in this context is meant as the device that you want to
associate with the cloud - for most buffet/Brillo developers this will
be a Chromebook or another embedded device. These notes assume you
have shell access to the DUT and also have access to a normal Linux
workstation with shell and browser access.
1. Open an Incognito window in Chrome on your workstation, go to and log in with your test google account (NEVER
use credentials on DUTs). In the following we're using
<GMAIL_TEST_ACCOUNT> which you should replace with whatever you're
using, e.g.
2. First we need an Authorization Code for the test user. This is
covered in more detail in
but basically amounts to entering the following URL in the Incognito window
If you're not using the default buffet gcd-project, replace the
client_id parameter in the URL with the one for the product you
registered as per
3. The browser window should display a prompt saying that
"clouddevicesclient" would like to "Manage your cloud device". Press
the "Accept" button and write down the Authorization Code
displayed. It should look something like this
4. Open a bash prompt on your Linux workstation and type the following
export SETUP_CODE=4/J23qfSkXYFgF_0H7DCOtwS5O7HO69zF9LtnG9_ILIGA.QhJE9WLeqwcaJvIeHux6iLavlvowlwI
replacing the values for SETUP_USER and SETUP_CODE as
appropriate. Again, if you're not using the default buffet gcd-project
replace the values SETUP_CLIENT_ID and SETUP_CLIENT_SECRET as
5. Now we can get an Access Token. Run the following command from the shell:
curl -d "code=${SETUP_CODE}&client_id=${SETUP_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${SETUP_CLIENT_SECRET}&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&grant_type=authorization_code"
It should print out something like this:
"access_token" : "ya29.HQE<...>",
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 3600,
"refresh_token" : "1/iMq4<...>"
6. Export the access token in the shell:
export SETUP_ACCESS_TOKEN=ya29.HQE<...>
7. Now we can get the Registration Ticket Id for the device. Run the following
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${SETUP_ACCESS_TOKEN}" --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" --data "{ \"userEmail\": \"${SETUP_USER}\" }"
It should print out something like this
"kind": "clouddevices#registrationTicket",
"id": "453f1139-bd<...>",
"deviceId": "77500a3f-458b-<...>",
"userEmail": "<GMAIL_TEST_ACCOUNT>",
"creationTimeMs": "1424193538212",
"expirationTimeMs": "1424193778212"
8. Now, open a shell on the DUT and export the following
export DUT_SETUP_TICKET_ID=453f1139-bd<...>
9. Run the following command on the DUT shell
buffet_client RegisterDevice ticket_id=${DUT_SETUP_TICKET_ID}
appropriate. If you're not using the default buffet gcd-project you
also need to pass other parameters such as client_id, client_secret
and api_key.
It should succeed and print the device-id
Device registered: 77500a3f-458b-<...>
10. The registered DUT should now show up in the Google account that
you associated it with. In the Incognito window opened in step 1, go
where you can e.g. revoke access to the device.