blob: 895affb25c9f8b75c8e12222fda565b79ea93e5f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/shims/netfilter_queue_processor.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace shill {
namespace shims {
class NetfilterQueueProcessorTest : public testing::Test {
NetfilterQueueProcessorTest() : processor_(kInputQueue, kOutputQueue) {}
int GetInputQueue() { return processor_.input_queue_; }
int GetOutputQueue() { return processor_.output_queue_; }
struct nfq_handle* GetNFQHandle() {
return processor_.nfq_handle_;
struct nfq_q_handle* GetInputQueueHandle() {
return processor_.input_queue_handle_;
struct nfq_q_handle* GetOutputQueueHandle() {
return processor_.output_queue_handle_;
std::deque<NetfilterQueueProcessor::ListenerEntryPtr>& GetListeners() {
return processor_.listeners_;
NetfilterQueueProcessor::ListenerEntry& GetListener(int index) {
return *processor_.listeners_[index];
int GetExpirationInterval() {
return NetfilterQueueProcessor::kExpirationIntervalSeconds;
std::string AddressAndPortToString(uint32_t ip, uint16_t port) {
return NetfilterQueueProcessor::AddressAndPortToString(ip, port);
void SetPacketValues(int in_device,
int out_device,
bool is_udp,
uint32_t packet_id,
uint32_t source_ip,
uint32_t destination_ip,
uint16_t source_port,
uint16_t destination_port) {
packet_.SetValues(in_device, out_device, is_udp, packet_id, source_ip,
destination_ip, source_port, destination_port);
void LogOutgoingPacket(time_t now) {
processor_.LogOutgoingPacket(packet_, now);
bool IsIncomingPacketAllowed(time_t now) {
return processor_.IsIncomingPacketAllowed(packet_, now);
NetfilterQueueProcessor processor_;
NetfilterQueueProcessor::Packet packet_;
static const int kInputQueue;
static const int kOutputQueue;
const int NetfilterQueueProcessorTest::kInputQueue = 1;
const int NetfilterQueueProcessorTest::kOutputQueue = 2;
TEST_F(NetfilterQueueProcessorTest, Init) {
EXPECT_EQ(kInputQueue, GetInputQueue());
EXPECT_EQ(kOutputQueue, GetOutputQueue());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, GetNFQHandle());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, GetInputQueueHandle());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, GetOutputQueueHandle());
TEST_F(NetfilterQueueProcessorTest, LogOutgoingPacket) {
const int kDevice1 = 1000;
const int kDevice2 = 2000;
const int kPacketId = 0;
const uint32_t kMulticastAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kUnicastAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint16_t kPort1 = 100;
const uint16_t kPort2 = 200;
const time_t kTime0 = 0;
// Ignore non-UDP packets.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, false, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
// Ignore UDP packets not sent to a multicast address.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kUnicastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
// Ignore UDP packets sent to an unknown output device.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, 0, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
// Add a listener for an outgoing UDP packet.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetListeners().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime0, GetListener(0).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort1, GetListener(0).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice2, GetListener(0).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(0).address);
// Not testing netmask, but it should be zero since we have a bogus
// device index.
// Add a second listener for a newer outgoing UDP packet to a different port.
const time_t kTime1 = kTime0 + GetExpirationInterval();
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetListeners().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetListener(0).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort2, GetListener(0).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice1, GetListener(0).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(0).address);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime0, GetListener(1).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort1, GetListener(1).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice2, GetListener(1).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(1).address);
// Resending the first packet should simply swap the two entries, and update
// the transmission time of the first.
const time_t kTime2 = kTime1 + GetExpirationInterval();
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetListeners().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime2, GetListener(0).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort1, GetListener(0).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice2, GetListener(0).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(0).address);
EXPECT_EQ(kTime1, GetListener(1).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort2, GetListener(1).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice1, GetListener(1).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(1).address);
// A new transmission after the expiration interval will expire the
// older entry.
const time_t kTime3 = kTime2 + GetExpirationInterval() + 1;
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kUnicastAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetListeners().size());
EXPECT_EQ(kTime3, GetListener(0).last_transmission);
EXPECT_EQ(kPort2, GetListener(0).port);
EXPECT_EQ(kDevice1, GetListener(0).device_index);
EXPECT_EQ(kUnicastAddress, GetListener(0).address);
TEST_F(NetfilterQueueProcessorTest, IsIncomingPacketAllowedUnicast) {
const int kDevice1 = 1000;
const int kDevice2 = 2000;
const int kPacketId = 0;
const uint32_t kMulticastAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kLocalAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kNeighborAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint16_t kPort1 = 100;
const uint16_t kPort2 = 200;
const time_t kTime0 = 0;
// An incomng packet received before a listener is present wll be rejected.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kLocalAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
const uint32_t kNetmask = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
// Set the netmask manually since we don't have the mocks to do so.
GetListener(0).netmask = kNetmask;
// Expect that this listener entry will not allow incoming multicasts.
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetListener(0).destination);
// Packet is not UDP.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, false, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
// Packet arrives on the wrong interface.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
// Packet arrives addressed to a multicast address. Ensure that since
// the source and destination address of the listener do not match,
// multicast traffic to neither port will work.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kMulticastAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
// Packet arrives addressed to an address other than the address associated
// with the outgoing packet.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kNeighborAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
// Packet comes from a network address outside the allowed netmask.
const uint32_t kRemoteAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kRemoteAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
// Packet arrives addresssed to the wrong port.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort1, kPort2);
// This packet should successfully be accepted.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort2, kPort1);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsIncomingPacketAllowed(kTime0 + GetExpirationInterval()));
// The same packet arriving after the expiration interval will be rejected.
EXPECT_FALSE(IsIncomingPacketAllowed(kTime0 + GetExpirationInterval() + 1));
// Moreover the expiration has removed the listener entry.
TEST_F(NetfilterQueueProcessorTest, IsIncomingPacketAllowedMulticast) {
const int kDevice1 = 1000;
const int kDevice2 = 2000;
const int kPacketId = 0;
const uint32_t kMulticastAddress1 = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kMulticastAddress2 = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kLocalAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint32_t kNeighborAddress = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
const uint16_t kPort1 = 100;
const uint16_t kPort2 = 200;
const time_t kTime0 = 0;
// Send a packet to a multicast address where the source and destination
// ports match. This will create a non-zero "destination" listener.
SetPacketValues(kDevice1, kDevice2, true, kPacketId, kLocalAddress,
kMulticastAddress1, kPort1, kPort1);
const uint32_t kNetmask = ntohl(inet_addr(""));
// Set the netmask manually since we don't have the mocks to do so.
GetListener(0).netmask = kNetmask;
// Expect that this listener entry will allow incoming multicasts.
EXPECT_EQ(kMulticastAddress1, GetListener(0).destination);
// Packet arrives addressed to a different multicast address.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kMulticastAddress2, kPort1, kPort1);
// Packet arrives addressed to a different port.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kMulticastAddress1, kPort1, kPort2);
// This packet should successfully be accepted.
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kMulticastAddress1, kPort2, kPort1);
// So will a unicast packet (other unicast cases are tested above in
// IsIncomingPacketAllowedUnicast).
SetPacketValues(kDevice2, kDevice1, true, kPacketId, kNeighborAddress,
kLocalAddress, kPort1, kPort1);
TEST_F(NetfilterQueueProcessorTest, AddressAndPortToString) {
EXPECT_EQ("", AddressAndPortToString(0x01020304, 5678));
} // namespace shims
} // namespace shill