blob: 95f83ffae9a645fd006a0cff411f03f51313b34a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chaps/object_importer.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "chaps/object.h"
namespace chaps {
class ChapsFactory;
class TPMUtility;
// OpencryptokiImporter imports token objects from an opencryptoki database.
class OpencryptokiImporter : public ObjectImporter {
OpencryptokiImporter(int slot,
const base::FilePath& path,
TPMUtility* tpm,
ChapsFactory* factory);
~OpencryptokiImporter() override;
// ObjectImporter interface.
bool ImportObjects(ObjectPool* object_pool) override;
bool FinishImportAsync(ObjectPool* object_pool) override;
// Parses an opencryptoki object file and extracts the object data and whether
// or not it is encrypted. Returns true on success.
bool ExtractObjectData(const std::string& object_file_content,
bool* is_encrypted,
std::string* object_data);
// Parses an object flattened by opencryptoki.
bool UnflattenObject(const std::string& object_data,
const std::string& object_name,
bool is_encrypted,
AttributeMap* attributes);
// Determines if an object is an internal opencryptoki object and processes it
// if so. Returns true if the object was processed.
bool ProcessInternalObject(const AttributeMap& attributes,
ObjectPool* object_pool);
// Loads the opencryptoki key hierarchy so it is available for unbinding and
// unwrapping other objects. This can only succeed if all internal objects
// that make up the hierarchy have been found and processed by
// ProcessInternalObject. Typically, these objects are '00000000' through
// '70000000' in the TOK_OBJ directory. Returns true on success.
// Parameters:
// load_private - Specifies whether to load the public or private hierarchy.
bool LoadKeyHierarchy(bool load_private);
// Uses the TPM to decrypt the opencryptoki master key. Returns true on
// success.
bool DecryptMasterKey(const std::string& encrypted_master_key,
brillo::SecureBlob* master_key);
// Decrypts an object that was encrypted with the opencryptoki master key.
// Returns true on success.
bool DecryptObject(const brillo::SecureBlob& key,
const std::string& encrypted_object_data,
std::string* object_data);
// Converts all attributes of an object to Chaps format. This includes
// unwrapping keys with the opencryptoki hierarchy and wrapping again with the
// Chaps hierarchy. Returns true on success.
bool ConvertToChapsFormat(AttributeMap* attributes);
// Create an object instance complete with policies. Returns true on success.
bool CreateObjectInstance(const AttributeMap& attributes, Object** object);
// Returns whether a given set of attributes represents a private key.
bool IsPrivateKey(const AttributeMap& attributes);
// Decrypts and unflattens all pending encrypted objects.
bool DecryptPendingObjects();
// The token slot id. We need this to associate with our key handles.
int slot_;
base::FilePath path_;
TPMUtility* tpm_;
ChapsFactory* factory_;
// Opencrytoki hierarchy key handles.
int private_root_key_;
int private_leaf_key_;
int public_root_key_;
int public_leaf_key_;
// Opencryptoki hierarchy blobs.
std::string private_root_blob_;
std::string private_leaf_blob_;
std::string public_root_blob_;
std::string public_leaf_blob_;
// The path to the encrypted master key file.
base::FilePath master_key_path_;
// Stores encrypted objects to be imported pending decryption.
std::map<std::string, std::string> encrypted_objects_;
// Stores decrypted, unflattened objects ready for import.
std::vector<AttributeMap> unflattened_objects_;
} // namespace chaps