blob: a29e74f5967d1ccf62846c1d2800dbcce214baba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/generic_failure_collector.h"
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "crash-reporter/util.h"
namespace {
const char kSignatureKey[] = "sig";
} // namespace
using base::FilePath;
const char* const GenericFailureCollector::kGenericFailure = "generic-failure";
const char* const GenericFailureCollector::kSuspendFailure = "suspend-failure";
: GenericFailureCollector(kGenericFailure) {}
GenericFailureCollector::GenericFailureCollector(const std::string& exec_name)
: CrashCollector("generic_failure"),
exec_name_(exec_name) {}
GenericFailureCollector::~GenericFailureCollector() {}
bool GenericFailureCollector::LoadGenericFailure(std::string* content,
std::string* signature) {
FilePath failure_report_path(failure_report_path_.c_str());
if (!base::ReadFileToString(failure_report_path, content)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open " << failure_report_path.value();
return false;
std::string::size_type end_position = content->find('\n');
if (end_position == std::string::npos) {
LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected generic failure format";
return false;
*signature = content->substr(0, end_position);
return true;
bool GenericFailureCollector::Collect() {
std::string reason = "normal collection";
bool feedback = true;
if (util::IsDeveloperImage()) {
reason = "always collect from developer builds";
feedback = true;
} else if (!is_feedback_allowed_function_()) {
reason = "no user consent";
feedback = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Processing generic failure: " << reason;
if (!feedback) {
return true;
std::string generic_failure;
std::string failure_signature;
if (!LoadGenericFailure(&generic_failure, &failure_signature)) {
return true;
FilePath crash_directory;
if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(kRootUid, &crash_directory, nullptr)) {
return true;
std::string dump_basename = FormatDumpBasename(exec_name_, time(nullptr), 0);
FilePath log_path = GetCrashPath(crash_directory, dump_basename, "log");
FilePath meta_path = GetCrashPath(crash_directory, dump_basename, "meta");
AddCrashMetaData(kSignatureKey, failure_signature);
bool result = GetLogContents(log_config_path_, exec_name_, log_path);
if (result) {
FinishCrash(meta_path, exec_name_, log_path.BaseName().value());
return true;