blob: 7c202f60aa67cda732f6b5addc6381c30e1a6fd6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chaps/opencryptoki_importer.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "chaps/chaps_factory.h"
#include "chaps/chaps_utility.h"
#include "chaps/object.h"
#include "chaps/object_pool.h"
#include "chaps/tpm_utility.h"
#include "pkcs11/cryptoki.h"
using base::FilePath;
using brillo::SecureBlob;
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace {
// Extracts a 32-bit integer by reinterpreting bytes.
uint32_t ExtractUint32(const void* data) {
uint32_t value;
memcpy(&value, data, sizeof(value));
return value;
} // namespace
namespace chaps {
OpencryptokiImporter::OpencryptokiImporter(int slot,
const FilePath& path,
TPMUtility* tpm,
ChapsFactory* factory)
: slot_(slot),
public_leaf_key_(0) {}
OpencryptokiImporter::~OpencryptokiImporter() {}
bool OpencryptokiImporter::ImportObjects(ObjectPool* object_pool) {
const char kOpencryptokiDir[] = ".tpm";
const char kOpencryptokiObjectDir[] = "TOK_OBJ";
const char kOpencryptokiMasterKey[] = "MK_PRIVATE";
const char kOpencryptokiObjectIndex[] = "OBJ.IDX";
LOG(INFO) << "Importing opencryptoki objects.";
FilePath base_path = path_.DirName().Append(kOpencryptokiDir);
FilePath object_path = base_path.Append(kOpencryptokiObjectDir);
FilePath index_path = object_path.Append(kOpencryptokiObjectIndex);
master_key_path_ = base_path.Append(kOpencryptokiMasterKey);
if (!base::PathExists(index_path)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Did not find any opencryptoki objects to import.";
return true;
string index;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(index_path, &index)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read object index.";
return false;
vector<string> object_files =
base::SplitString(index, base::kWhitespaceASCII, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
vector<AttributeMap> ready_for_import;
LOG(INFO) << "Found " << object_files.size() << " object files.";
// Try to read and process each file listed in the index file. If a problem
// occurs just move on the next one.
for (size_t i = 0; i < object_files.size(); ++i) {
string object_file_content;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(object_path.Append(object_files[i]),
&object_file_content)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read object file: " << object_files[i];
bool is_encrypted = false;
string flat_object;
if (!ExtractObjectData(object_file_content, &is_encrypted, &flat_object)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse object file: " << object_files[i];
if (is_encrypted) {
// We can't process encrypted files until we have the master key.
encrypted_objects_[object_files[i]] = flat_object;
AttributeMap attributes;
if (!UnflattenObject(flat_object, object_files[i], false, &attributes)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse object attributes: " << object_files[i];
if (!ProcessInternalObject(attributes, object_pool)) {
// This is an ordinary object.
if (encrypted_objects_.size() == 0 && ready_for_import.size() == 0) {
// Nothing to import, our job is done.
LOG(INFO) << "Did not find any opencryptoki objects to import.";
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Found objects: " << encrypted_objects_.size() << " private, "
<< ready_for_import.size() << " public.";
// Objects that have opencryptoki internal attributes such as tpm-protected
// blobs need to be moved to the chaps format.
int num_imported = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ready_for_import.size(); ++i) {
if (IsPrivateKey(ready_for_import[i])) {
// Private keys need authorization data decrypted which requires the TPM.
// Queue up the object for later processing.
Object* object = NULL;
if (!CreateObjectInstance(ready_for_import[i], &object)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create an object instance.";
if (object_pool->Import(object) == ObjectPool::Result::Success)
LOG(INFO) << "Imported: " << num_imported << "; Pending: "
<< encrypted_objects_.size() + unflattened_objects_.size();
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::FinishImportAsync(ObjectPool* object_pool) {
// If there are any encrypted objects, now is the time to decrypt them.
if (!DecryptPendingObjects()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to decrypt encrypted objects. Only public objects"
<< " can be imported.";
// Objects that have opencryptoki internal attributes such as tpm-protected
// blobs need to be moved to the chaps format.
int num_imported = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < unflattened_objects_.size(); ++i) {
if (!ConvertToChapsFormat(&unflattened_objects_[i])) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to convert an object to Chaps format.";
Object* object = NULL;
if (!CreateObjectInstance(unflattened_objects_[i], &object)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create an object instance.";
if (object_pool->Import(object) == ObjectPool::Result::Success)
LOG(INFO) << "Finished importing " << num_imported << " pending objects.";
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::ExtractObjectData(const string& object_file_content,
bool* is_encrypted,
string* object_data) {
// An object file has a header formatted as follows:
// * Total Length - 4 bytes
// * Private Indicator - 1 byte
// * Object Data - All remaining bytes.
if (object_file_content.length() < 5)
return false;
size_t total_length = ExtractUint32(;
if (total_length != object_file_content.length())
return false;
*is_encrypted = (0 != object_file_content[4]);
*object_data = object_file_content.substr(5);
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::UnflattenObject(const string& object_data,
const string& object_name,
bool is_encrypted,
AttributeMap* attributes) {
// A flattened object is laid out as follows:
// * Object Class - 4 bytes (ignored).
// * Number of Attributes - 4 bytes.
// * Object Name - 8 bytes.
// * Attribute List - No padding between items, each item as follows:
// ** CK_ATTRIBUTE with 32-bit fields - 12 bytes.
// ** CK_ATTRIBUTE::ulValueLen bytes of data.
if (object_data.length() < 16)
return false;
// If this exact number of attributes cannot be extracted the object will be
// considered corrupted.
int num_attrs = ExtractUint32(&object_data[4]);
// This is not needed but we'll consider the object corrupted if it doesn't
// match the file name from where this object data was extracted.
string stored_object_name(object_data.substr(8, 8));
if (stored_object_name != object_name) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Object name mismatch: " << object_name << ", "
<< stored_object_name;
return false;
size_t pos = 16;
for (int i = 0; i < num_attrs; ++i) {
if (object_data.size() < pos + 12)
return false;
CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type = ExtractUint32(&object_data[pos]);
size_t length = ExtractUint32(&object_data[pos + 8]);
pos += 12;
if (object_data.size() < pos + length)
return false;
string data = object_data.substr(pos, length);
pos += length;
if (type == CKA_PRIVATE) {
if (data.size() < 1)
return false;
bool is_private = (data[0] != CK_FALSE);
if (is_encrypted != is_private) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Object privacy mismatch.";
return false;
(*attributes)[type] = data;
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::ProcessInternalObject(const AttributeMap& attributes,
ObjectPool* object_pool) {
const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE kOpencryptokiHidden = CKA_VENDOR_DEFINED + 0x01000000;
const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE kOpencryptokiOpaque = CKA_VENDOR_DEFINED + 1;
const char kPrivateRootKeyID[] = "PRIVATE ROOT KEY";
const char kPrivateLeafKeyID[] = "PRIVATE LEAF KEY";
const char kPublicRootKeyID[] = "PUBLIC ROOT KEY";
const char kPublicLeafKeyID[] = "PUBLIC LEAF KEY";
// The primary indicator we use to determine if this object is an internal
// object is the opencryptoki hidden attribute (aka CKA_HIDDEN).
AttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributes.find(kOpencryptokiHidden);
if (it == attributes.end() || !it->second[0])
return false;
// From here on we will return 'true' even if we fail to import the object
// because we don't want an internal object to get treated as an ordinary
// object. The public key objects are not useful so we'll discard them. From
// the private key objects we'll extract the TPM-wrapped blobs.
it = attributes.find(CKA_CLASS);
if (it == attributes.end() || it->second.size() != 4)
return true;
CK_OBJECT_CLASS object_class = ExtractUint32(it->;
if (object_class != CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)
return true;
// Extract the TPM-wrapped blob.
it = attributes.find(kOpencryptokiOpaque);
if (it == attributes.end())
return true;
string blob = it->second;
// Extract the ID so we can determine which object this is. If we don't
// recognize the ID then the object will be discarded.
it = attributes.find(CKA_ID);
if (it == attributes.end())
return true;
string id = it->second;
if (id == kPrivateRootKeyID) {
if (!object_pool->SetInternalBlob(kLegacyPrivateRootKey, blob)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write private root key blob.";
return true;
private_root_blob_ = blob;
} else if (id == kPrivateLeafKeyID) {
private_leaf_blob_ = blob;
} else if (id == kPublicRootKeyID) {
if (!object_pool->SetInternalBlob(kLegacyPublicRootKey, blob)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write public root key blob.";
return true;
public_root_blob_ = blob;
} else if (id == kPublicLeafKeyID) {
public_leaf_blob_ = blob;
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::LoadKeyHierarchy(bool load_private) {
const char kDefaultAuthData[] = "111111";
string& root_blob = load_private ? private_root_blob_ : public_root_blob_;
string& leaf_blob = load_private ? private_leaf_blob_ : public_leaf_blob_;
int& root_key = load_private ? private_root_key_ : public_root_key_;
int& leaf_key = load_private ? private_leaf_key_ : public_leaf_key_;
// Check if the requested hierarchy is already loaded.
if (root_key && leaf_key)
return true;
// We need both the root and leaf blobs in order to proceed.
if (root_blob.empty() || leaf_blob.empty())
return false;
// Load the root key.
if (!tpm_->LoadKey(slot_, root_blob, SecureBlob(), &root_key))
return false;
// Load the leaf key.
SecureBlob leaf_auth_data = Sha1(
SecureBlob(std::begin(kDefaultAuthData), std::end(kDefaultAuthData)));
if (!tpm_->LoadKeyWithParent(slot_, leaf_blob, leaf_auth_data, root_key,
return false;
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::DecryptMasterKey(const string& encrypted_master_key,
SecureBlob* master_key) {
if (!LoadKeyHierarchy(true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load private key hierarchy.";
return false;
// Trousers defines the handle value 0 as NULL_HKEY so this check works.
// The master key is encrypted with a simple bind to the private leaf key.
string master_key_str;
if (!tpm_->Unbind(private_leaf_key_, encrypted_master_key, &master_key_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to decrypt master key.";
return false;
*master_key = SecureBlob(master_key_str.begin(), master_key_str.end());
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::DecryptObject(const SecureBlob& key,
const string& encrypted_object_data,
string* object_data) {
// Objects are encrypted with AES-256-CBC and a hard-coded IV.
const char kOpencryptokiIV[] = ")#%&!*)^!()$&!&N";
const size_t kSha1OutputBytes = 20;
string decrypted;
if (!RunCipher(false, key, kOpencryptokiIV, encrypted_object_data,
return false;
// The data is formatted as follows:
// * Length of object data - 4 bytes.
// * Object data - 'length' bytes.
// * SHA-1 of object data - 20 bytes.
if (decrypted.length() < 24)
return false;
size_t length = ExtractUint32(;
if (decrypted.size() != 4 + length + kSha1OutputBytes)
return false;
*object_data = decrypted.substr(4, length);
if (Sha1(*object_data) != decrypted.substr(4 + length))
return false;
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::ConvertToChapsFormat(AttributeMap* attributes) {
// There are two special attributes of private keys that need to be converted:
// 1. The tpm-wrapped blob (aka CKA_IBM_OPAQUE).
// 2. The encrypted authorization data (aka CKA_ENC_AUTHDATA).
const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE kOpencryptokiOpaque = CKA_VENDOR_DEFINED + 1;
const CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE kOpencryptokiAuthData =
CKA_VENDOR_DEFINED + 0x01000001;
// Sanity check for mandatory attributes that we need.
AttributeMap::iterator class_it = attributes->find(CKA_CLASS);
AttributeMap::iterator private_it = attributes->find(CKA_PRIVATE);
if (class_it == attributes->end() || class_it->second.size() < 4 ||
private_it == attributes->end() || private_it->second.size() < 1)
return false;
// If the object is not a private key, we can leave it as is.
CK_OBJECT_CLASS object_class = ExtractUint32(class_it->;
if (object_class != CKO_PRIVATE_KEY)
return true;
// It is possible that these two attributes are missing and in that case we
// can leave the object untouched. If the blob attribute exists but the
// authorization data attribute doesn't, then it is considered a failure.
AttributeMap::iterator blob_it = attributes->find(kOpencryptokiOpaque);
if (blob_it == attributes->end())
return true;
string tpm_wrapped_blob = blob_it->second;
AttributeMap::iterator auth_it = attributes->find(kOpencryptokiAuthData);
if (auth_it == attributes->end())
return false;
string encrypted_auth_data = auth_it->second;
// The value of CKA_PRIVATE tells us which hierarchy we're working with.
CK_BBOOL is_private = private_it->second[0];
int leaf_key_handle = is_private ? private_leaf_key_ : public_leaf_key_;
if (!LoadKeyHierarchy(is_private)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load key hierarchy: private=" << is_private;
return false;
// Trousers defines the handle value 0 as NULL_HKEY so this check works.
// Decrypt the authorization data.
string auth_data;
if (!tpm_->Unbind(leaf_key_handle, encrypted_auth_data, &auth_data)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unbind authorization data.";
return false;
// Remove the opencryptoki-specific attributes from the object and insert the
// expected chaps-specific attributes.
(*attributes)[kKeyBlobAttribute] = tpm_wrapped_blob;
(*attributes)[kAuthDataAttribute] = auth_data;
(*attributes)[kKeyInSoftware] = string(1, CK_FALSE);
(*attributes)[kLegacyAttribute] = string(1, CK_TRUE);
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::CreateObjectInstance(const AttributeMap& attributes,
Object** object) {
*object = factory_->CreateObject();
for (AttributeMap::const_iterator it = attributes.begin();
it != attributes.end(); ++it) {
(*object)->SetAttributeString(it->first, it->second);
CK_RV result = (*object)->FinalizeNewObject();
if (result != CKR_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to validate new object: " << CK_RVToString(result);
return false;
return true;
bool OpencryptokiImporter::IsPrivateKey(const AttributeMap& attributes) {
AttributeMap::const_iterator class_it = attributes.find(CKA_CLASS);
if (class_it == attributes.end() || class_it->second.size() < 4)
return false;
CK_OBJECT_CLASS object_class = ExtractUint32(class_it->;
return (object_class == CKO_PRIVATE_KEY);
bool OpencryptokiImporter::DecryptPendingObjects() {
if (encrypted_objects_.size() > 0) {
string encrypted_master_key;
if (!base::PathExists(master_key_path_) ||
!base::ReadFileToString(master_key_path_, &encrypted_master_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read encrypted master key.";
return false;
SecureBlob master_key;
if (!DecryptMasterKey(encrypted_master_key, &master_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to decrypt the master key.";
return false;
for (map<string, string>::iterator iter = encrypted_objects_.begin();
iter != encrypted_objects_.end(); ++iter) {
string flat_object;
if (!DecryptObject(master_key, iter->second, &flat_object)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to decrypt an encrypted object: "
<< iter->first;
AttributeMap attributes;
if (!UnflattenObject(flat_object, iter->first, true, &attributes)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse object attributes: " << iter->first;
return true;
} // namespace chaps