blob: 374b8623b1629b60dc589a3041108ac06ccda395 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace brillo {
class CrosConfigInterface;
} // namespace brillo
namespace chromeos {
namespace ui {
class ChromiumCommandBuilder;
} // namespace ui
} // namespace chromeos
namespace login_manager {
// Property name of the wallpaper setting in CrosConfig.
extern const char kWallpaperProperty[];
// Property name of the per-model regulatory label directory in CrosConfig.
extern const char kRegulatoryLabelProperty[];
// Path to get the power button position info from cros_config.
extern const char kPowerButtonPositionPath[];
// Edge property in power button position info.
extern const char kPowerButtonEdgeField[];
// Position property in power button position info.
extern const char kPowerButtonPositionField[];
// Property name of the display setting in CrosConfig.
extern const char kDisplayCategoryField[];
// Path to hardware properties in CrosConfig.
extern const char kHardwarePropertiesPath[];
// Path to powerd prefs in cros_config.
extern const char kPowerPath[];
// Powerd pref to allow Ambient EQ in cros_config.
extern const char kAllowAmbientEQField[];
// AllowAmbientEQ feature to enable on Chrome.
extern const char kAllowAmbientEQFeature[];
// Does this board require us to use a particular crash handler for Chrome?
enum BoardCrashHandler {
// Breakpad doesn't work on this board, always use crashpad.
// Crashpad doesn't work on this board, always use breakpad.
// Both crash handlers work, so do the experiment where we select the
// crash handler randomly.
// Initializes a ChromiumCommandBuilder and performs additional Chrome-specific
// setup. Returns environment variables that the caller should export for Chrome
// and arguments that it should pass to the Chrome binary, along with the UID
// that should be used to run Chrome.
// Initialization that is common across all Chromium-derived binaries (e.g.
// content_shell, app_shell, etc.) rather than just applying to the Chrome
// browser should be added to libchromeos's ChromiumCommandBuilder class
// instead.
// |cros_config| (if non-null) provides the master configuration (used to look
// up the default wallpaper filename).
void PerformChromeSetup(brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config,
bool* is_developer_end_user_out,
std::map<std::string, std::string>* env_vars_out,
std::vector<std::string>* args_out,
uid_t* uid_out,
BoardCrashHandler* crash_handler_out);
// Add flags to specify the wallpaper to use. This is called by
// PerformChromeSetup and only present in the header for testing.
// Flags are added to |builder|, and |path_exists| is called to test whether a
// given file exists (e.g. use base::Bind(base::PathExists)).
// |cros_config| (if non-null) provides the master configuration (used to look
// up the default wallpaper filename).
void SetUpWallpaperFlags(
chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config,
base::Callback<bool(const base::FilePath&)> path_exists);
// Add "--regulatory-label-dir" flag to specify the regulatory label directory
// containing per-region sub-directories, if the model-specific
// regulatory-label read from |cros_config| is non-null.
void SetUpRegulatoryLabelFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "--ash-power-button-position" flag with value in JSON format read from
// |cros_config|.
void SetUpPowerButtonPositionFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "--ash-side-volume-button-position" flag with value in JSON format read
// from |cros_config|.
void SetUpSideVolumeButtonPositionFlag(
chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "--has-internal-stylus" flag if the device has
// an internal stylus.
void SetUpInternalStylusFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "--fingerprint-sensor-location" flag with value read from |cros_config|.
// If value is not "none".
void SetUpFingerprintSensorLocationFlag(
chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Flips feature flag for shelf auto-dimming if cros config indicates shelf
// auto-dimming should be enabled.
void SetUpAutoDimFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "--arc-build-properties" flag with value read from |cros_config|.
void SetUpArcBuildPropertiesFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Add "AllowAmbientEQ" flag if allow-ambient-eq powerd pref is set to 1 in
// |cros_config|. Do not add flag is allow-ambient-eq is set to 0 or not set.
void SetUpAllowAmbientEQFlag(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
brillo::CrosConfigInterface* cros_config);
// Determine which Chrome crash handler this board wants to use. We pass this
// information to BrowserJob instead of just setting the command line flags
// because some boards are running an experiment where they switch between
// crashpad and breakpad on each Chrome restart, and because some tast tests
// opt out of the experiment and force a particular crash handler.
void SelectCrashHandler(chromeos::ui::ChromiumCommandBuilder* builder,
BoardCrashHandler* crash_handler_out);
} // namespace login_manager