blob: a7d28c2cbb7cf57b6e129db3f4fbb55bf0a9a795 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <components/policy/core/common/policy_types.h>
#include "authpolicy/log_colors.h"
#include "authpolicy/policy/policy_encoder_helper.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace enterprise_management {
class PolicyOptions;
class BooleanPolicyProto;
class IntegerPolicyProto;
class StringPolicyProto;
class StringListPolicyProto;
class CloudPolicySettings;
} // namespace enterprise_management
namespace policy {
struct BooleanPolicyAccess;
struct IntegerPolicyAccess;
struct StringPolicyAccess;
struct StringListPolicyAccess;
// Callbacks to set policy values. StringListPolicyCallback actually appends
// a string to the list. It does not set the whole list.
using SetBooleanPolicyCallback = std::function<void(bool)>;
using SetIntegerPolicyCallback = std::function<void(int)>;
using SetStringPolicyCallback = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;
using SetStringListPolicyCallback =
std::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)>;
// Callback to get the value of the policy.
using GetPolicyValueCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<const base::Value*(const std::string&)>;
class RegistryDict;
// Registry key path for user/device policy.
extern const char kKeyUserDevice[];
// Registry key path for Chrome extension policy.
extern const char kKeyExtensions[];
// Registry key path for Windows policy we're interested in.
extern const char kKeyWindows[];
// Registry key for recommended user and extension policy.
extern const char kKeyRecommended[];
// Registry key for mandatory extension policy. Note that mandatory user
// policy doesn't get any extension.
extern const char kKeyMandatoryExtension[];
// Checks a PReg file for existence and loads all entries in the branch with
// root |registry_key| into |dict|.
bool LoadPRegFileIntoDict(const base::FilePath& preg_file,
const char* registry_key,
RegistryDict* dict);
// Loads the |preg_files| into a the |policy_dict| and returns true if it
// succeeded for all files, or false otherwise.
bool LoadPRegFilesIntoDict(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& preg_files,
const char* registry_key,
RegistryDict* policy_dict);
// Similar to base::Value::GetAsBoolean(), but in addition it converts int
// values of 0 or 1 to bool. Returns true on success and stores the output in
// bool_value.
bool GetAsBoolean(const base::Value* value, bool* bool_value);
// Same as base::Value::GetAsInteger(), no type conversion (yet).
bool GetAsInteger(const base::Value* value, int* int_value);
// Same as base::Value::GetAsString(), no type conversion (yet).
bool GetAsString(const base::Value* value, std::string* string_value);
// Prints an error log. Used if value cannot be converted to a target type.
void PrintConversionError(const base::Value* value,
const char* target_type,
const char* policy_name,
const std::string* index_str = nullptr);
// Gets value as integer, checks that it's in [range_min, range_max] and returns
// it in |int_value|. Prints errors and returns false if there's a conversion
// error or the value is not in range.
bool GetAsIntegerInRangeAndPrintError(const base::Value* value,
int range_min,
int range_max,
const char* policy_name,
int* int_value);
// Returns a callback, which gets the policy value from the |policy_dict|.
GetPolicyValueCallback GetValueFromDictCallback(
const RegistryDict* policy_dict);
// Marks a policy recommended or mandatory.
void SetPolicyOptions(enterprise_management::PolicyOptions* options,
PolicyLevel level);
// Boolean policies.
void EncodeBooleanPolicy(const char* policy_name,
GetPolicyValueCallback get_policy_value,
const SetBooleanPolicyCallback& set_policy,
bool log_policy_value);
// Integer in range policies.
void EncodeIntegerInRangePolicy(const char* policy_name,
GetPolicyValueCallback get_policy_value,
int range_min,
int range_max,
const SetIntegerPolicyCallback& set_policy,
bool log_policy_value);
// String policies.
void EncodeStringPolicy(const char* policy_name,
GetPolicyValueCallback get_policy_value,
const SetStringPolicyCallback& set_policy,
bool log_policy_value);
// String list policies are a little different. Unlike the basic types they
// are not stored as registry value, but as registry key with values 1, 2, ...
// for the entries.
void EncodeStringListPolicy(const char* policy_name,
GetPolicyValueCallback get_policy_value,
const SetStringListPolicyCallback& set_policy,
bool log_policy_value);
} // namespace policy