blob: 96c141a6669d112c72cb64d09af316094d7d949a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Library to provide access to the Chrome OS master configuration
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include "chromeos-config/libcros_config/cros_config_interface.h"
#include "chromeos-config/libcros_config/identity.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace brillo {
static const int kDefaultSkuId = -1;
class BRILLO_EXPORT CrosConfig : public CrosConfigInterface {
~CrosConfig() override;
// Prepare the configuration system for access to the configuration for
// the model this is running on. This reads the configuration file into
// memory.
// @sku_id: If sku_id is kDefaultSkuId, then the SKU of the device
// will be probed. Otherwise (if sku_id is not kDefaultSkuId),
// the value here is used to match the configuration.
// @return true if OK, false on error.
bool Init(const int sku_id = kDefaultSkuId);
// Alias for other clients in platform2 that call InitModel()
// instead of Init().
// TODO(jrosenth): remove this alias once nothing is left that calls
// InitModel().
// @return true if OK, false on error.
bool InitModel();
// Prepare the configuration system for testing.
// This reads in the given configuration file and selects the config
// based on the supplied identifiers.
// @sku_id: SKU ID.
// @json_path: Path to configuration file.
// @arch: brillo::SystemArchitecture (kX86 or kArm).
// @name: Platform name.
// @customization_id: VPD customization ID
// @return true if OK, false on error.
bool InitForTest(const int sku_id,
const base::FilePath& json_path,
const SystemArchitecture arch,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& customization_id);
// Mount a ConfigFS image. This method can be called before or
// instead of Init, and the optimized identity file inside of the
// ConfigFS image will be used for initialization instead of the
// default JSON file.
// @image_path: The path to the ConfigFS image.
// @mount_path: The directory to mount ConfigFS at.
// @return true on success, false on error.
bool MountConfigFS(const base::FilePath& image_path,
const base::FilePath& mount_path);
// CrosConfigInterface:
bool GetString(const std::string& path,
const std::string& property,
std::string* val_out) override;
bool GetDeviceIndex(int* device_index_out) override;
// @return true if the config file was not found during Init and
// mosys platform will be used, false otherwise
bool FallbackModeEnabled() const { return fallback_mode_; }
// Get the default identity files for the specified architecture.
// @arch: The current (or tested) system architecture.
// @vpd_file_out: Output file path for whitelabel tag or
// customization id.
// @product_name_file_out: Output file path for SMBIOS name or
// dt-compatible file.
// @product_sku_file_out: Output file path for SKU ID file.
bool GetDefaultIdentityFiles(const SystemArchitecture arch,
base::FilePath* vpd_file_out,
base::FilePath* product_name_file_out,
base::FilePath* product_sku_file_out);
// Internal init function used by Init and InitForTest.
// @sku_id: SKU ID.
// @json_path: Path to configuration file.
// @arch: brillo::SystemArchitecture (kX86 or kArm).
// @product_name_file: The file to read product name, or device-tree
// compatible name, from
// @product_sku_file: The file to read sku id from
// @vpd_file: The file to read VPD customization ID from
// @return true if OK, false on error.
bool InitInternal(const int sku_id,
const base::FilePath& json_path,
const SystemArchitecture arch,
const base::FilePath& product_name_file,
const base::FilePath& product_sku_file,
const base::FilePath& vpd_file);
// Runs a quick init check and prints an error to stderr if it fails.
// @return true if OK, false on error.
bool InitCheck() const;
// The underlying CrosConfigJson or CrosConfigFallback used for
// GetString
std::unique_ptr<CrosConfigInterface> cros_config_;
// Set to true if we are using a CrosConfigFallback.
bool fallback_mode_ = false;
} // namespace brillo