blob: 3b7a1c7788549ecd9c6592264f0ce9814ef5a3c1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <brillo/dbus/async_event_sequencer.h>
#include <install_attributes/libinstallattributes.h>
#include "authpolicy/authpolicy_metrics.h"
#include "authpolicy/org.chromium.AuthPolicy.h"
#include "authpolicy/samba_interface.h"
namespace login_manager {
class PolicyDescriptor;
namespace authpolicy {
class ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo;
class Anonymizer;
class AuthPolicyMetrics;
class SessionManagerClient;
class PathService;
class ResponseTracker;
extern const char kChromeUserPolicyType[];
extern const char kChromeDevicePolicyType[];
extern const char kChromeExtensionPolicyType[];
// Implementation of authpolicy's D-Bus interface. Mainly routes stuff between
// D-Bus and SambaInterface.
class AuthPolicy : public org::chromium::AuthPolicyAdaptor,
public org::chromium::AuthPolicyInterface {
// Args: ErrorType, serialized ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo protobuf.
using AuthenticateUserResponseCallback = std::unique_ptr<
brillo::dbus_utils::DBusMethodResponse<int32_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>>;
// Args: ErrorType.
using PolicyResponseCallback =
// Helper method to get the D-Bus object for the given |object_manager|.
static std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> GetDBusObject(
brillo::dbus_utils::ExportedObjectManager* object_manager);
AuthPolicy(AuthPolicyMetrics* metrics, const PathService* path_service);
// Initializes internals. See SambaInterface::Initialize() for details.
ErrorType Initialize(bool device_is_locked) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Registers the D-Bus object and interfaces.
void RegisterAsync(
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object,
const brillo::dbus_utils::AsyncEventSequencer::CompletionAction&
// Cleans all persistent state files. Returns true if all files were cleared.
static bool CleanState(const PathService* path_service) {
return SambaInterface::CleanState(path_service);
// org::chromium::AuthPolicyInterface: (see org.chromium.AuthPolicy.xml).
// |auth_user_request_blob| is a serialized AuthenticateUserRequest protobuf.
// Calls |callback| with an ErrorType and a serialized
// ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo protobuf.
void AuthenticateUser(AuthenticateUserResponseCallback callback,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& auth_user_request_blob,
const base::ScopedFD& password_fd) override;
// |get_status_request_blob| is a serialized GetUserStatusRequest protobuf.
// |user_status_blob| is a serialized ActiveDirectoryUserStatus protobuf.
void GetUserStatus(const std::vector<uint8_t>& get_status_request_blob,
int32_t* error,
std::vector<uint8_t>* user_status_blob) override;
// |kerberos_files_blob| is a serialized KerberosFiles profobuf.
void GetUserKerberosFiles(const std::string& account_id,
int32_t* error,
std::vector<uint8_t>* kerberos_files_blob) override;
// |join_domain_request_blob| is a serialized JoinDomainRequest protobuf.
void JoinADDomain(const std::vector<uint8_t>& join_domain_request_blob,
const base::ScopedFD& password_fd,
int32_t* error,
std::string* joined_domain) override;
void RefreshUserPolicy(PolicyResponseCallback callback,
const std::string& acccount_id) override;
void RefreshDevicePolicy(PolicyResponseCallback callback) override;
std::string SetDefaultLogLevel(int32_t level) override;
int32_t ChangeMachinePasswordForTesting() override;
SambaInterface& GetSambaInterfaceForTesting() { return samba_; }
void SetDeviceIsLockedForTesting() { device_is_locked_ = true; }
bool IsUserTgtAutoRenewalEnabledForTesting() {
return samba_.GetUserTgtManagerForTesting()
// Gets triggered by when the Kerberos credential cache or the configuration
// file of the currently logged in user change. Triggers the
// UserKerberosFilesChanged signal.
void OnUserKerberosFilesChanged();
// Sends policy to SessionManager. Assumes |gpo_policy_data| contains user
// policy if |account_id_key| is not nullptr, otherwise assumes it's device
// policy.
void StorePolicy(std::unique_ptr<protos::GpoPolicyData> gpo_policy_data,
const std::string* account_id_key,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedTimerReporter> timer,
PolicyResponseCallback callback);
// Sends a single policy blob to Session Manager. |policy_type| is the policy
// type passed into enterprise_management::PolicyData. |policy_blob| is the
// policy data (serialized Chrome proto or JSON string for extensions). If
// nullptr, the policy is deleted in Session Manager. |response_tracker| is a
// data structure to track all responses from Session Manager.
void StoreSinglePolicy(const login_manager::PolicyDescriptor& descriptor,
const char* policy_type,
const std::string* policy_blob,
scoped_refptr<ResponseTracker> response_tracker);
AuthPolicyMetrics* metrics_; // Not owned.
SambaInterface samba_;
// Used during enrollment when authpolicyd cannot send policy to Session
// Manager because device is not locked yet.
std::unique_ptr<protos::GpoPolicyData> cached_device_policy_data_;
bool device_is_locked_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object_;
std::unique_ptr<SessionManagerClient> session_manager_client_;
} // namespace authpolicy