blob: d72a68198a52867e4ae13756086622070f139759 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
template("generate_dbus_proxies") {
if (!defined(new_fd_bindings)) {
new_fd_bindings = true
if (!defined(proxy_output_file)) {
proxy_output_file = ""
if (!defined(proxy_path_in_mocks)) {
proxy_path_in_mocks = ""
if (!defined(mock_output_file)) {
mock_output_file = ""
if (!defined(dbus_service_config) || dbus_service_config == "") {
service_config = ""
} else {
service_config = rebase_path(dbus_service_config)
action(target_name) {
sources = invoker.sources
script = "//common-mk/"
outputs = []
args = [ "generate-chromeos-dbus-bindings" ] +
rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir) +
[ "--service-config=${service_config}" ]
if (proxy_output_file != "") {
outputs += [ "${root_gen_dir}/${proxy_output_file}" ]
args += [ "--proxy=${root_gen_dir}/${proxy_output_file}" ]
if (mock_output_file != "") {
outputs += [ "${root_gen_dir}/${mock_output_file}" ]
args += [ "--mock=${root_gen_dir}/${mock_output_file}" ]
if (proxy_path_in_mocks != "") {
args += [ "--proxy-path-in-mocks=${proxy_path_in_mocks}" ]
if (new_fd_bindings) {
args += [ "--new-fd-bindings" ]