blob: 8603892d836bac9ef27167af242a5174ed170234 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// This file defines services that will be running in the guest VM.
package vm_tools;
import "common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// Parameters for setting up IPv4 networking inside the VM. Each parameter
// is stored in network-byte order (for example from the output of inet_pton).
message IPv4Config {
// IPv4 address for the VM.
fixed32 address = 1;
// VM subnet.
fixed32 netmask = 2;
// Gateway for sending packets out to the internet.
fixed32 gateway = 3;
// DNS parameters for the VM. These correspond to settings in resolv.conf(5).
message ResolvConfig {
// The nameservers to use for DNS resolution.
repeated string nameservers = 1;
// The search domains for hostname lookup. See resolv.conf(5).
repeated string search_domains = 2;
message NetworkConfigRequest {
// IPv4 configuration for the VM.
IPv4Config ipv4_config = 1;
// DNS configuration for the VM.
ResolvConfig resolv_config = 2;
// Description of a single process that should be spawned by maitre'd.
message LaunchProcessRequest {
// Process arguments. argv[0] must be either an absolute path or the name of
// an executable program that can be found in the default PATH inside the VM.
repeated string argv = 1;
// Any additional environment variables that should be set before spawning
// the process. Can be empty.
map<string, string> env = 2;
// If |true| the process will be respawned when it exits or is killed.
// Processes that respawn too frequently will be stopped and will need to be
// explicitly restarted via a LaunchProcess rpc. Cannot be true if
// |wait_for_exit| is true.
bool respawn = 3;
// If |true| the process will use /dev/console for its standard I/O.
// Otherwise all standard I/O is redirected to /dev/null.
bool use_console = 4;
// If |true| then maitre'd will wait for the process to exit and include its
// exit status in the response. Cannot be true if |respawn| is true.
bool wait_for_exit = 5;
// The current status of a process launched via LaunchProcess.
enum ProcessStatus {
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// The process exited normally.
// The process was killed by a signal.
// Successfully launched but may or may not have exited yet.
// One or more setup steps failed and the process did not launch.
// Response sent back after maitre'd launches a process. Will only be filled in
// if the |wait_for_exit| field of the LaunchProcessRequest was set to true.
message LaunchProcessResponse {
// The status of the launched process.
ProcessStatus status = 1;
// If |status| is EXITED then this contains the exit status of the process. If
// |status| is SIGNALED then this contains the signal number that killed the
// process. Otherwise the contents of this field are undefined.
sint32 code = 2;
// Request for maitred to mount a filesystem.
message MountRequest {
string source = 1;
string target = 2;
string fstype = 3;
uint64 mountflags = 4;
string options = 5;
// Request to mount a 9P filesystem via a vsock socket using the trans=fd
// option.
message Mount9PRequest {
// The port number on the host where the server is listening for connections.
uint32 port = 1;
// The path where the filesystem should be mounted.
string target = 2;
// Response after maitred attempts to mount a filesystem.
message MountResponse {
sint32 error = 1;
// The request protobuf for a StartTermina message. StartTermina requests that
// maitred run all VM guest setup necessary to start containers.
message StartTerminaRequest {
// The address for tremplin to connect to.
uint32 tremplin_ipv4_address = 1;
// The IPv4 address config for LXD. Expected to be in a ""
// format.
string lxd_ipv4_subnet = 2;
// Name of the device containing the stateful partition.
string stateful_device = 3;
message StartTerminaResponse {
enum Status {
// The result of StartTermina is unknown.
// Termina services were started successfully.
// Termina services didn't start successfully. Check failure_reason.
// The status of starting Termina services.
Status status = 1;
// If status is FAILED, the reason why StartTermina failed.
string failure_reason = 2;
message SetResolvConfigRequest {
// DNS configuration for the VM.
ResolvConfig resolv_config = 1;
// Protos to update time in guest.
// This RPC is necessary because Linux on ARM does not have paravirtualized
// time, so (especially on resume) there can be significant clock drift as
// compared to the host. We work around this on ARM by triggering guest clock
// update on resume, using this RPC.
// See for details.
message SetTimeRequest {
// The current time, as seconds and nanos since UTC epoch. (Jan 1, 1970)
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
// Response to GetKernelVersion, containing detailed Termina kernel information
// for enterprise reporting.
message GetKernelVersionResponse {
string kernel_release = 1;
string kernel_version = 2;
// Implemented by maitred inside the VM.
service Maitred {
// Set up networking inside the VM so that it can access the internet.
rpc ConfigureNetwork(NetworkConfigRequest) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Initiate a shut-down of the VM.
rpc Shutdown(EmptyMessage) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Launch one process inside the VM.
rpc LaunchProcess(LaunchProcessRequest) returns (LaunchProcessResponse);
// Mount a filesystem in the VM.
rpc Mount(MountRequest) returns (MountResponse);
// Start Termina-specific system services.
rpc StartTermina(StartTerminaRequest) returns (StartTerminaResponse);
// Set the VM time to a specified value.
// If the new time is invalid (roughly 0), ignore it.
// This RPC is to address cases where the guest loses time for some reason
// (e.g. due to the host being suspended for a while).
rpc SetTime(SetTimeRequest) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Mount a 9P server using a vsock socket. This uses the trans=fd option
// when mounting the 9P server, which requires first connecting a socket
// to the server. Other transports should use the normal Mount rpc instead.
rpc Mount9P(Mount9PRequest) returns (MountResponse);
// Sets the resolv config (nameservers, search domains, and local domain).
rpc SetResolvConfig(SetResolvConfigRequest) returns (EmptyMessage);
// Returns the kernel release and version for enterprise reporting.
rpc GetKernelVersion(EmptyMessage) returns (GetKernelVersionResponse);