blob: 6e1f18928a4e2afed2c6366a7eba6907d2fb4fb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Minijail-related macros
# minijail_netns_new(domain)
# When minijail is used with minijail_namespace_net() or the CLI is used with
# the "-e" option, it tries to enter a new network namespace.
define(`minijail_netns_new', `
allowxperm $1 $1:unix_dgram_socket ioctl { SIOCSIFFLAGS SIOCGIFFLAGS };
allow $1 self:capability net_admin;
# minijail_mountdev(domain, tmpfile_label)
# neverallows { domain -kernel -xxxxx} *:capability mknod;
allow $1 $1:capability mknod;
', ($1))
allow $1 logger_device:sock_file getattr;
filetrans_pattern_no_target_perm($1, { tmpfs $2 }, device, chr_file);
filetrans_pattern_no_target_perm($1, { tmpfs $2 }, null_device, chr_file, "null");
filetrans_pattern_no_target_perm($1, { tmpfs $2 }, zero_device, chr_file, "zero");
filetrans_pattern_no_target_perm($1, { tmpfs $2 }, urandom_device, chr_file, "urandom");
filetrans_pattern($1, { tmpfs $2 }, devpts, lnk_file, "ptmx");
allow $1 { tmpfs $2 }:lnk_file create;
# minijail_mounts(domain, extra_mount, extra_mounton, extra_getattr)
define(`minijail_mounts', `
# neverallows { domain -xxxxx} fs_type:filesytem { mount remount }
allow $1 { proc tmpfs $2 }:filesystem { mount remount};
allow $1 { labeledfs device sysfs }:filesystem { remount };
', ($1))
allow $1 { proc tmpfs labeledfs device sysfs $2}:filesystem unmount;
allow $1 { rootfs cros_var cros_var_empty tmpfs $3 }:dir mounton;
allow $1 { rootfs cros_var cros_var_empty tmpfs $3 }:file mounton;
allow $1 { rootfs cros_var cros_var_empty tmpfs $3 $4 }:dir getattr;
define(`minijail_chroot', `
allow $1 $1:capability sys_chroot;
allow minijail {rootfs $2}:dir open;
define(`minijail_seccomp', `
allow $1 cros_seccomp_policy_file:file r_file_perms;
define(`minijail_rlimit', `
allow $1 self:capability sys_resource;
# Auto-label tmpfile managed by minijail domains (static-only)
define(`minijail_static_uses_tmpfile', `
type cros_minijail_$2_tmp_file, file_type, cros_file_type, cros_tmpfile_type;
filetrans_pattern($1, tmpfs, cros_minijail_$2_tmp_file, dir);
filetrans_pattern($1, tmpfs, cros_minijail_$2_tmp_file, file);
# Domain transition where miniajil0 runs on static mode.
# ($1 where minijail running) -> (execute $2) -> $3
define(`from_minijail_static_custom', `
typeattribute $1 minijail_domain;
domain_auto_trans($1, $2, $3);
allow $3 $1:fd use;
allow $3 $1:fifo_file { read write };
rw_dir_file($3, $4);
# Domain transition where minijail0 runs on preload mode.
# ($1 where minijail running) -> (execute $2) -> $3
define(`from_minijail_preload_custom', `
from_minijail_static_custom($1, $2, $3, $4);
typeattribute $3 minijail_ldpreload_domain;
# Domain transition where minijail0 runs on static mode.
# minijail -> (execute $2) -> $1
define(`from_minijail_static', `
from_minijail_static_custom(minijail, $2, $1, cros_minijail_minijail_tmp_file);
# Domain transition where minijail0 runs on preload mode.
# minijail -> (execute $2) -> $1
define(`from_minijail_preload', `
from_minijail_preload_custom(minijail, $2, $1, cros_minijail_minijail_tmp_file);
# Domain transition where minijail0 runs on preload mode.
# $1 -> (execute minijail0) -> (intermediates) -> (execute $2) -> $3
define(`chain_minijail0_preload', `
chain_minijail0_static($1, $2, $3);
typeattribute $3 minijail_ldpreload_domain;
# Domain transition where minijail0 runs on static mode.
# $1 -> (execute minijail0) -> (intermediates) -> (execute $2) -> $3
define(`chain_minijail0_static', `
typeattribute $1 minijail_executor_domain;
type $3_minijail0, chromeos_domain, minijail_domain, domain;
permissive $3_minijail0;
typeattribute $3_minijail0 minijail_executor_domain;
domain_auto_trans($1, cros_minijail_exec, $3_minijail0);
domain_auto_trans($3_minijail0, $2, $3);
allow $3 $3_minijail0:fd use;
allow $3_minijail0 $1:fd use;