blob: e9f1a164384220d12cb9c6d9ee2f58357478c1b6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <netinet/icmp6.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <shill/net/byte_string.h>
#include <shill/net/ip_address.h>
#include "portier/ether_socket.h"
#include "portier/ll_address.h"
#include "portier/network_socket.h"
#include "portier/status.h"
namespace portier {
struct ICMPv6Header {
// IPv6 header fields.
// - |remote_address| the IPv6 address which
// is contained in the IPv6 header's Source / Destination address
// fields. When receiving a message, the remote address is the
// address of the sending node. When sending, the remote address
// should be the address of the receiving node.
shill::IPAddress remote_address;
// ICMPv6 header fields.
uint8_t type;
uint8_t code;
// Note that checksum is not provided and is calculated by the kernel.
// Data found in the fifth through eigth byte of the ICMPv6 packet.
// This is typically reserved.
uint8_t data[4];
ICMPv6Header() : type(0), code(0), data() {}
~ICMPv6Header() = default;
// A wrapper around an ICMPv6 socket.
class ICMPv6Socket : public NetworkSocket {
static std::unique_ptr<ICMPv6Socket> Create(const std::string& if_name);
~ICMPv6Socket() override;
// Attaches ICMPv6 filter to the socket. This filter is described in
// detail in RFC 3542 section 3.2. Passing NULL to this function
// will set socket filter to PASSALL mode.
Status AttachFilter(const struct icmp6_filter* icmp6_filter);
// Sets the default IPv6 Hop Limit field in all outgoing ICMPv6
// multicast packets.
Status SetMulticastHopLimit(uint8_t hop_limit);
// Sets the default IPv6 Hop Limit field in all outgoing ICMPv6
// unicast packets.
Status SetUnicastHopLimit(uint8_t hop_limit);
// Generic sending and receiving methods.
// Receives a raw ICMPv6 message. Contents of |header_fields| will
// indicate the ICMP Type, Code and first 4 byte of the message (which
// typically contain some special information). |message_body| will
// contain the rest of the message after the ICMPv6 header.
Status ReceiveMessage(ICMPv6Header* header_fields,
shill::ByteString* message_body);
// Discards a message that is ready to be received. Useful if receiving
// unexpected ICMP messages.
Status DiscardMessage();
// Sends an ICMP message. Only requirement of |header_fields| is that
// the remove_address is IPv6. |header_fields.type| and
// |header_fields.code| are not checked to see if they contain valid values.
Status SendMessage(const ICMPv6Header& header_fields,
const shill::ByteString& message_body);
// Specialized sending methods.
// Sends a ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message. The provided
// |code| should be one of the values specified in RFC4443 section
// 3.1.
// The method is expected to be used for packets that were received
// from an EtherSocket. |original_header| and |original_body| will
// be serialized to form the payload of the packet. Regardless of
// the size of |original_body|, the out going packet will be at most
// the minimum IPv6 MTU (1280 bytes).
Status SendDestinationUnreachableMessage(
const shill::IPAddress& destination_address,
uint8_t code,
const IPv6EtherHeader& original_header,
const shill::ByteString& original_body);
// Sends a ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message.
// The provided |mtu| should be the valud of the link MTU which
// caused the issue.
// The method is expected to be used for packets that were received
// from an EtherSocket. |original_header| and |original_body| will
// be serialized to form the payload of the packet. Regardless of
// the size of |original_body|, the out going packet will be at most
// the minimum IPv6 MTU (1280 bytes).
Status SendPacketTooBigMessage(const shill::IPAddress& destination_address,
uint32_t mtu,
const IPv6EtherHeader& original_header,
const shill::ByteString& original_body);
explicit ICMPv6Socket(const std::string& if_name);
Status Init() override;
} // namespace portier