blob: 2636c17e2b4aea5425c9a94474fe6b00abf3cb82 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_method_response.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
namespace hwsec {
namespace MockDBusMethodResponseUtils {
// CreateSaveArgsOnceFn is simple helper template for generating function that
// will save the content of its parameter into the pointers given to
// CreateSaveArgsOnceFn().
// This is the terminal, boundary condition template when there's only one
// template parameter left.
template <typename T>
base::Callback<void(const T&)> CreateSaveArgsOnceFn(base::Optional<T>* dest) {
// This create a Callback by binding in the |dest| pointer so that once the
// callback is called, it'll save the argument into |dest|.
return base::Bind(
[](base::Optional<T>* dest_ptr, const T& orig) {
// Ensure that this is called no more than once.
*dest_ptr = orig;
// This is the variadic template that recurse by removing one parameter at a
// time.
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
base::Callback<void(const First&, const Rest&...)> CreateSaveArgsOnceFn(
base::Optional<First>* first_dest, base::Optional<Rest>*... rest_dest) {
// This create a callback by binding in |first_dest|, which is where we are
// going to save the first parameter when called. After that, this also binds
// into the callback another callback, named |rest_callback|, that is created
// by recursively calling CreateSaveArgsOnceFn() with the |rest_dest|
// pointers. The callback created in this function will only save the first
// parameter into |first_dest| and call |rest_callback|, which will deal with
// saving the rest of the parameters into |rest_dest|.
return base::Bind(
[](base::Callback<void(const Rest&...)> rest_callback,
base::Optional<First>* local_first_dest, const First& first_orig,
const Rest&... rest_orig) {
// Ensure that this is called no more than once.
*local_first_dest = first_orig;
// Let |rest_callback| deal with saving |rest_orig| into |rest_dest|.
CreateSaveArgsOnceFn<Rest...>(rest_dest...), first_dest);
} // namespace MockDBusMethodResponseUtils
// Mock DBusMethodResponse for capturing the output of async dbus calls.
// There are 2 ways to use this class:
// 1. Hook/Mock ReplyWithError() and Return() to capture the output of Async
// method calls.
// For example:
// std::unique_ptr<MockDBusMethodResponse<bool>> response(
// new MockDBusMethodResponse<bool>());
// // If you want to check success case.
// response->set_return_callback(base::Bind(
// [](bool result) {
// // Validate result
// }
// }));
// // If you want to check failure case.
// EXPECT_CALL(*response, ReplyWithError(...)).WillOnce(Return());
// adaptor_->YourMethod(std::move(response), ...);
// 2. Hook the response sender. This is rarely needed and more complex but
// gives you more control during testing. Especially when your test involves
// Abort() or SendRawResponse().
// For example:
// std::unique_ptr<MockDBusMethodResponse<bool>> response(
// MockDBusMethodResponse<bool>::CreateWithMethodCall());
// response->set_response_sender(base::Bind(
// [](std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> dbus_response) {
// // Verify |dbus_response|'s content.
// }));
// adaptor_->YourMethod(std::move(response), ...);
// Note that 2 member methods in this class is not mocked with gmock:
// 1. Return(): It is a variadic template member and thus unsupported by gmock
// for mocking.
// 2. response_sender_: Response sender might be called in destructor, and thus
// cannot be mocked.
template <typename... Types>
class MockDBusMethodResponse
: public brillo::dbus_utils::DBusMethodResponse<Types...> {
// The constructor should be used when you prefer method 1 above, that is
// hooking/mocking ReplyWithError() and Return(). In this case, pass nullptr
// for |method_call|.
explicit MockDBusMethodResponse(::dbus::MethodCall* method_call = nullptr)
: brillo::dbus_utils::DBusMethodResponse<Types...>(
[](MockDBusMethodResponse* mock,
std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response) {
[](std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response> response) {
// By default, sending unsolicited response during testing
// will trigger warning.
<< "Unexpected Response sent in MockDBusMethodResponse.";
return_callback_(base::Bind([](const Types&...) {
// By default, unsolicited Return() call during testing will trigger
// warning.
LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected Return in MockDBusMethodResponse";
})) {}
MOCK_METHOD1(ReplyWithError, void(const brillo::Error*));
void(const tracked_objects::Location&,
const std::string&,
const std::string&,
const std::string&));
// Override the actual return function so that we can intercept the result of
// async function call.
void Return(const Types&... return_values) override {
// Create a MockDBusMethodResponse for use during testing that have a valid
// |method_call_|, use this if you want to use Method 2 above, that is,
// hooking the response sender. Note that the caller of this function owns the
// instance and should ensure its destruction.
static MockDBusMethodResponse<Types...>* CreateWithMethodCall() {
// Create a MethodCall so that DBusMethodResponse have something to use when
// it attempts to send an actual response.
auto owned_method_call = std::make_unique<dbus::MethodCall>(
"com.example.Interface", "MockMethod");
// Set a value to bypass the checks in dbus libraray.
// Note that is is an arbitrary value.
MockDBusMethodResponse<Types...>* result =
new MockDBusMethodResponse(owned_method_call.get());
return result;
// Set the response sender callback, a callback that is called whenever
// SendRawResponse() is called.
void set_response_sender(
base::Callback<void(std::unique_ptr<dbus::Response>)> response_sender) {
response_sender_callback_ = response_sender;
// Set the return callback, a callback that is called whenever Return() is
// called.
void set_return_callback(
base::Callback<void(const Types&...)> return_callback) {
return_callback_ = return_callback;
// Set the return callback to save all arguments passed to the return callback
// into |destination|.
void save_return_args(base::Optional<Types>*... destination) {
// Used by CreateWithMethodCall() above to transfer the ownership of
// |method_call_|.
void set_owned_method_call(
std::unique_ptr<dbus::MethodCall> owned_method_call) {
owned_method_call_ = std::move(owned_method_call);
// The callback that is called whenever SendRawResponse() is called.
// The callback to call when Return() is called. Note that it's not mocked
// because Return() is a variadic template member, and cannot be mocked with
// gmock.
base::Callback<void(const Types&...)> return_callback_;
// Usually |method_call_| is owned by DBus and will have its life cycle
// managed outside of DBusMethodResponse. However, during testing, we'll need
// to take care of its life cycle, so this member variable here will hold the
// |method_call_| and take care of its destruction.
std::unique_ptr<dbus::MethodCall> owned_method_call_;
} // namespace hwsec