blob: df28f9709293d11671405fd68156cbecab8eb732 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cros-disks/disk_monitor.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/udev/udev.h>
#include <brillo/udev/udev_device.h>
#include <brillo/udev/udev_enumerate.h>
#include <brillo/udev/udev_monitor.h>
#include "cros-disks/device_ejector.h"
#include "cros-disks/quote.h"
#include "cros-disks/udev_device.h"
namespace cros_disks {
namespace {
const char kBlockSubsystem[] = "block";
const char kMmcSubsystem[] = "mmc";
const char kScsiSubsystem[] = "scsi";
const char kScsiDevice[] = "scsi_device";
const char kUdevAddAction[] = "add";
const char kUdevChangeAction[] = "change";
const char kUdevRemoveAction[] = "remove";
const char kPropertyDiskEjectRequest[] = "DISK_EJECT_REQUEST";
const char kPropertyDiskMediaChange[] = "DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE";
// An EnumerateBlockDevices callback that appends a Disk object, created from
// |dev|, to |disks| if |dev| should not be ignored by cros-disks. Always
// returns true to continue the enumeration in EnumerateBlockDevices.
bool AppendDiskIfNotIgnored(std::vector<Disk>* disks,
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev) {
UdevDevice device(std::move(dev));
if (!device.IsIgnored())
return true; // Continue the enumeration.
// An EnumerateBlockDevices callback that checks if |dev| matches |path|. If
// it's a match, sets |match| to true and |disk| (if not NULL) to a Disk object
// created from |dev|, and returns false to stop the enumeration in
// EnumerateBlockDevices. Otherwise, sets |match| to false, leaves |disk|
// unchanged, and returns true to continue the enumeration in
// EnumerateBlockDevices.
bool MatchDiskByPath(const std::string& path,
bool* match,
Disk* disk,
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev) {
const char* sys_path = dev->GetSysPath();
const char* dev_path = dev->GetDevicePath();
const char* dev_file = dev->GetDeviceNode();
*match = (sys_path && path == sys_path) || (dev_path && path == dev_path) ||
(dev_file && path == dev_file);
if (!*match)
return true; // Not a match. Continue the enumeration.
if (disk)
*disk = UdevDevice(std::move(dev)).ToDisk();
return false; // Match. Stop enumeration.
// Logs a device with its properties.
void LogUdevDevice(const brillo::UdevDevice& dev) {
if (!VLOG_IS_ON(1))
// Some device events (eg USB drive removal) result in devnode being null.
// This is gracefully handled by quote() without crashing.
VLOG(1) << " node: " << quote(dev.GetDeviceNode());
VLOG(1) << " subsystem: " << quote(dev.GetSubsystem());
VLOG(1) << " devtype: " << quote(dev.GetDeviceType());
VLOG(1) << " devpath: " << quote(dev.GetDevicePath());
VLOG(1) << " sysname: " << quote(dev.GetSysName());
VLOG(1) << " syspath: " << quote(dev.GetSysPath());
if (!VLOG_IS_ON(2))
// Log all properties.
for (std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevListEntry> prop =
prop; prop = prop->GetNext()) {
VLOG(2) << " " << prop->GetName() << ": " << quote(prop->GetValue());
} // namespace
DiskMonitor::DiskMonitor() : udev_(brillo::Udev::Create()) {
CHECK(udev_) << "Failed to initialize udev";
udev_monitor_ = udev_->CreateMonitorFromNetlink("udev");
CHECK(udev_monitor_) << "Failed to create a udev monitor";
udev_monitor_->FilterAddMatchSubsystemDeviceType(kBlockSubsystem, nullptr);
udev_monitor_->FilterAddMatchSubsystemDeviceType(kMmcSubsystem, nullptr);
udev_monitor_->FilterAddMatchSubsystemDeviceType(kScsiSubsystem, kScsiDevice);
DiskMonitor::~DiskMonitor() = default;
int DiskMonitor::udev_monitor_fd() const {
return udev_monitor_->GetFileDescriptor();
bool DiskMonitor::Initialize() {
// Since there are no udev add events for the devices that already exist
// when the disk manager starts, emulate udev add events for these devices
// to correctly populate |disks_detected_|.
return true;
bool DiskMonitor::EmulateAddBlockDeviceEvent(
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev) {
DeviceEventList events;
LOG(INFO) << "Emulating action 'add' on device " << quote(dev->GetSysName());
ProcessBlockDeviceEvents(std::move(dev), kUdevAddAction, &events);
return true; // Continue the enumeration.
std::vector<Disk> DiskMonitor::EnumerateDisks() const {
std::vector<Disk> disks;
base::Bind(&AppendDiskIfNotIgnored, base::Unretained(&disks)));
return disks;
void DiskMonitor::EnumerateBlockDevices(
const base::Callback<bool(std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev)>&
callback) const {
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevEnumerate> enumerate = udev_->CreateEnumerate();
for (std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevListEntry> entry = enumerate->GetListEntry();
entry; entry = entry->GetNext()) {
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev =
if (!dev)
VLOG(1) << "Found device " << quote(dev->GetSysName());
bool continue_enumeration = callback.Run(std::move(dev));
if (!continue_enumeration)
void DiskMonitor::ProcessBlockDeviceEvents(
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev,
const char* action,
DeviceEventList* events) {
brillo::UdevDevice* raw_dev = dev.get();
UdevDevice device(std::move(dev));
if (device.IsIgnored())
bool disk_added = false;
bool disk_removed = false;
bool child_disk_removed = false;
if (strcmp(action, kUdevAddAction) == 0) {
disk_added = true;
} else if (strcmp(action, kUdevRemoveAction) == 0) {
disk_removed = true;
} else if (strcmp(action, kUdevChangeAction) == 0) {
// For removable devices like CD-ROM, an eject request event
// is treated as disk removal, while a media change event with
// media available is treated as disk insertion.
if (device.IsPropertyTrue(kPropertyDiskEjectRequest)) {
disk_removed = true;
} else if (device.IsPropertyTrue(kPropertyDiskMediaChange)) {
if (device.IsMediaAvailable()) {
disk_added = true;
} else {
child_disk_removed = true;
std::string device_path = device.NativePath();
if (disk_added) {
if (device.IsAutoMountable()) {
if (base::ContainsKey(disks_detected_, device_path)) {
// Disk already exists, so remove it and then add it again.
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDiskRemoved, device_path));
} else {
disks_detected_[device_path] = {};
// Add the disk as a child of its parent if the parent is already
// added to |disks_detected_|.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> parent = raw_dev->GetParent();
if (parent) {
std::string parent_device_path =
if (base::ContainsKey(disks_detected_, parent_device_path)) {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDiskAdded, device_path));
} else if (disk_removed) {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDiskRemoved, device_path));
} else if (child_disk_removed) {
bool no_child_disks_found = true;
if (base::ContainsKey(disks_detected_, device_path)) {
auto& child_disks = disks_detected_[device_path];
no_child_disks_found = child_disks.empty();
for (const auto& child_disk : child_disks) {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDiskRemoved, child_disk));
// When the device contains a full-disk partition, there are no child disks.
// Remove the device instead.
if (no_child_disks_found)
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDiskRemoved, device_path));
void DiskMonitor::ProcessMmcOrScsiDeviceEvents(
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev,
const char* action,
DeviceEventList* events) {
UdevDevice device(std::move(dev));
if (device.IsMobileBroadbandDevice())
std::string device_path = device.NativePath();
if (strcmp(action, kUdevAddAction) == 0) {
if (base::ContainsKey(devices_detected_, device_path)) {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDeviceScanned, device_path));
} else {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDeviceAdded, device_path));
} else if (strcmp(action, kUdevRemoveAction) == 0) {
if (base::ContainsKey(devices_detected_, device_path)) {
events->push_back(DeviceEvent(DeviceEvent::kDeviceRemoved, device_path));
bool DiskMonitor::GetDeviceEvents(DeviceEventList* events) {
CHECK(events) << "Invalid device event list";
std::unique_ptr<brillo::UdevDevice> dev = udev_monitor_->ReceiveDevice();
if (!dev) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignore device event with no associated udev device.";
return false;
const char* sys_path = dev->GetSysPath();
const char* subsystem = dev->GetSubsystem();
const char* action = dev->GetAction();
LOG(INFO) << "Got action " << quote(action) << " on device "
<< quote(dev->GetSysName());
if (!sys_path || !subsystem || !action) {
return false;
// |udev_monitor_| only monitors block, mmc, and scsi device changes, so
// subsystem is either "block", "mmc", or "scsi".
if (strcmp(subsystem, kBlockSubsystem) == 0) {
ProcessBlockDeviceEvents(std::move(dev), action, events);
} else {
// strcmp(subsystem, kMmcSubsystem) == 0 ||
// strcmp(subsystem, kScsiSubsystem) == 0
ProcessMmcOrScsiDeviceEvents(std::move(dev), action, events);
return true;
bool DiskMonitor::GetDiskByDevicePath(const base::FilePath& device_path,
Disk* disk) const {
if (device_path.empty())
return false;
bool disk_found = false;
EnumerateBlockDevices(base::Bind(&MatchDiskByPath, device_path.value(),
return disk_found;
bool DiskMonitor::IsPathRecognized(const base::FilePath& path) const {
// The following paths are handled:
// /sys/...
// /devices/...
// /dev/...
return base::StartsWith(path.value(), "/sys/",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::StartsWith(path.value(), "/devices/",
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::StartsWith(path.value(), "/dev/", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
} // namespace cros_disks