blob: f29e64f8adb557de5e026b2202b86de3763ba8e1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for gyplint."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
# Find chromite!
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
'..', '..', '..'))
from chromite.lib import commandline
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
import gyplint
class LintTestCase(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Helper for running linters."""
def _CheckLinter(self, functor, inputs):
"""Make sure |functor| rejects every input in |inputs|."""
# First run a sanity check.
ret = functor(self.STUB_DATA)
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
# Then run through all the bad inputs.
for x in inputs:
ret = functor(x)
self.assertNotEqual(ret, [])
class GypLintTests(LintTestCase):
"""Tests of various gyp linters."""
def testGypLintLibFlags(self):
"""Verify GypLintLibFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintLibFlags, (
{'ldflags': ['-lfoo']},
{'ldflags+': ['-lfoo']},
{'ldflags!': ['-lfoo']},
def testGypLintVisibilityFlags(self):
"""Verify GypLintVisibilityFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintVisibilityFlags, (
{'cflags': ['-fvisibility']},
{'cflags+': ['-fvisibility']},
{'cflags!': ['-fvisibility=default']},
{'cflags_c': ['-fvisibility=hidden']},
{'cflags_cc': ['-fvisibility=internal']},
def testGypLintDefineFlags(self):
"""Verify GypLintDefineFlags catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintDefineFlags, (
{'cflags': ['-D_FLAG']},
{'cflags+': ['-D_FLAG']},
{'cflags!': ['-D_FLAG=1']},
{'cflags_c': ['-D_FLAG=0']},
{'cflags_cc': ['-D_FLAG="something"']},
def testGypLintCommonTesting(self):
"""Verify GypLintCommonTesting catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintCommonTesting, (
{'libraries': ['-lgmock']},
{'libraries': ['-lgtest']},
{'libraries': ['-lgmock', '-lgtest']},
def testGypLintStaticSharedLibMixing(self):
"""Verify GypLintStaticSharedLibMixing catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintStaticSharedLibMixing, (
'targets': [
'target_name': 'libhammerd',
'type': 'static_library',
'target_name': 'libhammerd-api',
'type': 'shared_library',
'dependencies': ['libhammerd'],
'target_name': 'another-target',
'type': 'shared_library',
'dependencies': ['libhammerd'],
def testGypLintOrderedFiles(self):
"""Verify GypLintOrderedFiles catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintOrderedFiles, (
{'sources': ['b.h', '']},
{'sources': ['', 'a.h']},
def testGypLintSourceFileNames(self):
"""Verify GypLintSourceFileNames catches bad filenames."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintSourceFileNames, (
{'sources': ['']},
{'sources': ['foo_unittest.h']},
{'sources': ['foo_unittest.c']},
def testGypLintPkgConfigs(self):
"""Verify GypLintPkgConfigs catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.GypLintPkgConfigs, (
{'libraries': ['-lz']},
{'libraries': ['-lssl']},
class LinesLintTests(LintTestCase):
"""Tests of various line based linters."""
STUB_DATA = ['{', '}']
def testLinesLintWhitespace(self):
"""Verify LinesLintWhitespace catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.LinesLintWhitespace, (
# Tabs instead of spaces.
['{', '\t[]', '}'],
# Trailing whitespace.
['{', '} '],
# Leading blanklines.
['', '{', '}'],
# Trailing blanklines.
['{', '}', ''],
def testLinesLintDanglingCommas(self):
"""Verify LinesLintDanglingCommas catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.LinesLintDanglingCommas, (
['{', ' [', ' ]', '}'],
['{', ' {', ' }', '}'],
['{', " 'foo': 'bar'", '}'],
def testLinesLintSingleQuotes(self):
"""Verify LinesLintSingleQuotes catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.LinesLintSingleQuotes, (
['{', ' 0: "blah"', '}'],
def testLinesLintCuddled(self):
"""Verify LinesLintCuddled catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.LinesLintCuddled, (
['{', " 'foo': [ 'asdf',", ']', '}'],
['{', " ['foo',", ']', '}'],
['{', " {'foo': 'bar',", '}', '}'],
def testLinesLintCuddledValid(self):
"""Allow various forms."""
DATA = (
"['deps != []', {",
"'foo': [{",
"['foo', 'bar'],",
"'foo': ['foo', 'bar'],",
for s in DATA:
self.assertEqual(gyplint.LinesLintCuddled([s]), [])
def testLinesLintIndent(self):
"""Verify LinesLintIndent catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.LinesLintIndent, (
[' {'],
['', ' ['],
def testLinesLintIndentValid(self):
"""Allow various valid indentation levels."""
# Increase by one level.
" 'foo': [",
" 'key',",
# Decrease by one level.
' ],',
# Incrementally increase by one level.
' [',
' [',
' [',
' [',
# Then decrease back down.
' ],',
' ],',
' ],',
' ],',
]), [])
class RawLintTests(LintTestCase):
"""Tests of various raw linters."""
STUB_DATA = '{}\n'
def testRawLintWhitespace(self):
"""Verify RawLintWhitespace catches bad inputs."""
self._CheckLinter(gyplint.RawLintWhitespace, (
# Missing trailing newline.
class UtilityTests(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Tests for utility funcs."""
def testWalkGyp(self):
"""Check we get called for all the nodes."""
gyp = {
'alist': [1, 2, 3],
'adict': {
'anotherlist': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
'edict': {}
exp = [
('alist', gyp['alist']),
('adict', gyp['adict']),
('anotherlist', gyp['adict']['anotherlist']),
('edict', gyp['adict']['edict']),
visited = []
def CheckNode(key, value):
visited.append((key, value))
return ['errmsg']
ret = gyplint.WalkGyp(CheckNode, gyp)
self.assertEqual(ret, ['errmsg'] * 4)
# Since ordering of dict keys isn't guaranteed (nor do we care), sort them.
self.assertEqual(sorted(visited), sorted(exp))
def testCheckGyp(self):
"""Check CheckGyp doesn't crash."""
ret = gyplint.CheckGyp('my.gyp', {})
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
def testCheckGypData(self):
"""Check CheckGypData doesn't crash."""
ret = gyplint.CheckGypData('my.gyp', '{\n}\n')
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
def testCheckGypDataInvalidInput(self):
"""Check CheckGypData doesn't crash on bad gyps."""
ret = gyplint.CheckGypData('my.gyp', '{"!')
self.assertNotEqual(ret, [])
self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret[0], gyplint.LintResult))
def testFilterFiles(self):
"""Check filtering of files based on extension works."""
exp = [
files = [
extensions = set(('gyp', 'gypi'))
result = sorted(gyplint.FilterFiles(files, extensions))
self.assertEqual(result, exp)
def testLineIsComment(self):
"""Make sure comment parsing is correct."""
'# A comment',
' # A comment',
'\t\t# A comment',
' #Comment!',
' "# In a string"',
' [ # At the end.',
for s in TRUE_INPUTS:
for s in FALSE_INPUTS:
def testGetParser(self):
"""Make sure it doesn't crash."""
parser = gyplint.GetParser()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(parser, commandline.ArgumentParser))
def testMain(self):
"""Make sure it doesn't crash."""
def testMainErrors(self):
"""Make sure outputting results doesn't crash."""
self.PatchObject(gyplint, 'CheckGypFile', return_value=[
gyplint.LintResult('LintFunc', 'foo.gyp', 'msg!', logging.ERROR),
class OptionsTests(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests for option parsing."""
def testEmpty(self):
"""We should get a dummy object when no inputs are specified."""
ret = gyplint.ParseOptions([])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, gyplint.LintSettings))
self.assertEqual(ret.skip, set())
self.assertEqual(ret.errors, [])
def testInvalid(self):
"""Flag invalid options as errors."""
ret = gyplint.ParseOptions(['disab=foo'])
self.assertNotEqual(ret.errors, [])
def testUnknownLinters(self):
"""Flag unknown linters as errors."""
ret = gyplint.ParseOptions(['disable=foo'])
self.assertNotEqual(ret.errors, [])
def testKnownLinters(self):
"""Don't flag known linters as errors."""
ret = gyplint.ParseOptions([
self.assertEqual(ret.errors, [])
def testDisabled(self):
"""Check that all the right values are extracted."""
ret = gyplint.ParseOptions(['disable = some,msgs, can be found '])
exp = set(('some', 'msgs', 'can be found'))
self.assertEqual(ret.skip, exp)
class FilesystemUtilityTests(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Tests for utility funcs that access the filesystem."""
def testCheckGypFile(self):
"""Check CheckGypFile tails down correctly."""
m = self.PatchObject(gyplint, 'CheckGypData', return_value=[])
content = 'gyyyyyyyyp file'
gypfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'asdf')
osutils.WriteFile(gypfile, content)
ret = gyplint.CheckGypFile(gypfile)
m.assert_called_once_with(gypfile, content)
self.assertEqual(ret, [])
def testFilterPaths(self):
"""Check filtering of files in subdirs."""
subfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'a/b/c.gyp')
osutils.Touch(subfile, makedirs=True)
for f in ('blah.gypi', 'Makefile', ''):
osutils.Touch(os.path.join(self.tempdir, f))
exp = sorted([
os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'blah.gypi'),
os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'a/b/c.gyp'),
paths = [
extensions = set(('gyp', 'gypi'))
result = sorted(gyplint.FilterPaths(paths, extensions))
self.assertEqual(result, exp)
if __name__ == '__main__':