blob: af1c2dcdeec3921e6f72d10dcf669d5f5732b252 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm_tools/concierge/vm_util.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
#include <base/strings/safe_sprintf.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/sys_info.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
namespace {
// Examples of the format of the given string can be seen at the enum
// UsbControlResponseType definition.
bool ParseUsbControlResponse(base::StringPiece s,
UsbControlResponse* response) {
s = base::TrimString(s, base::kWhitespaceASCII, base::TRIM_ALL);
if (s.starts_with("ok ")) {
response->type = OK;
unsigned port;
if (!base::StringToUint(s.substr(3), &port))
return false;
if (port > UINT8_MAX) {
return false;
response->port = port;
return true;
if (s.starts_with("no_available_port")) {
response->type = NO_AVAILABLE_PORT;
response->reason = "No available ports in guest's host controller.";
return true;
if (s.starts_with("no_such_device")) {
response->type = NO_SUCH_DEVICE;
response->reason = "No such host device.";
return true;
if (s.starts_with("no_such_port")) {
response->type = NO_SUCH_PORT;
response->reason = "No such port in guest's host controller.";
return true;
if (s.starts_with("fail_to_open_device")) {
response->type = FAIL_TO_OPEN_DEVICE;
response->reason = "Failed to open host device.";
return true;
if (s.starts_with("devices")) {
std::vector<base::StringPiece> device_parts = base::SplitStringPiece(
s.substr(7), " \t", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
if ((device_parts.size() % 3) != 0) {
return false;
response->type = DEVICES;
for (size_t i = 0; i < device_parts.size(); i += 3) {
unsigned port;
unsigned vid;
unsigned pid;
if (!(base::StringToUint(device_parts[0], &port) &&
base::HexStringToUInt(device_parts[1], &vid) &&
base::HexStringToUInt(device_parts[2], &pid))) {
return false;
if (port > UINT8_MAX || vid > UINT16_MAX || pid > UINT16_MAX) {
return false;
UsbDevice device;
device.port = port;
device.vid = vid; = pid;
return true;
if (s.starts_with("error ")) {
response->type = ERROR;
response->reason = s.substr(6).as_string();
return true;
return false;
bool CallUsbControl(brillo::ProcessImpl crosvm, UsbControlResponse* response) {
crosvm.RedirectUsingPipe(STDOUT_FILENO, false /* is_input */);
int ret = crosvm.Run();
if (ret != 0)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed crosvm call returned code " << ret;
base::ScopedFD read_fd(crosvm.GetPipe(STDOUT_FILENO));
std::string crosvm_response;
ssize_t response_size =
read(read_fd.get(), &crosvm_response[0], crosvm_response.size());
if (response_size < 0) {
response->reason = "Failed to read USB response from crosvm";
return false;
if (response_size == 0) {
response->reason = "Empty USB response from crosvm";
return false;
if (!ParseUsbControlResponse(crosvm_response, response)) {
response->reason =
"Failed to parse USB response from crosvm: " + crosvm_response;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
std::string GetVmMemoryMiB() {
int64_t vm_memory_mb = base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemoryMB();
vm_memory_mb /= 4;
vm_memory_mb *= 3;
return std::to_string(vm_memory_mb);
bool SetUpCrosvmProcess(const base::FilePath& cpu_cgroup) {
// Note: This function is meant to be called after forking a process for
// crosvm but before execve(). Since Concierge is multi-threaded, this
// function should not call any functions that are not async signal safe
// (see man signal-safety). Especially, don't call malloc/new or any functions
// or constructors that may allocate heap memory. Calling malloc/new may
// result in a dead-lock trying to lock a mutex that has already been locked
// by one of the parent's threads.
// Set up CPU cgroup. Note that FilePath::value() returns a const reference
// to std::string without allocating a new object. c_str() doesn't do any copy
// as long as we use C++11 or later.
const int fd =
HANDLE_EINTR(open(cpu_cgroup.value().c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
if (fd < 0) {
// TODO(yusukes): Do logging here in an async safe way.
return false;
char pid_str[32];
const size_t len = base::strings::SafeSPrintf(pid_str, "%d", getpid());
const ssize_t written = HANDLE_EINTR(write(fd, pid_str, len));
if (written != len) {
// TODO(yusukes): Do logging here in an async safe way.
return false;
// Set up process group ID.
return SetPgid();
bool SetPgid() {
// Note: This should only call async-signal-safe functions. Don't call
// malloc/new. See SetUpCrosvmProcess() for more details.
if (setpgid(0, 0) != 0) {
// TODO(yusukes): Do logging here in an async safe way.
return false;
return true;
bool WaitForChild(pid_t child, base::TimeDelta timeout) {
sigset_t set;
sigaddset(&set, SIGCHLD);
const base::Time deadline = base::Time::Now() + timeout;
while (true) {
pid_t ret = waitpid(child, nullptr, WNOHANG);
if (ret == child || (ret < 0 && errno == ECHILD)) {
// Either the child exited or it doesn't exist anymore.
return true;
// ret == 0 means that the child is still alive
if (ret < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait for child process";
return false;
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
if (deadline <= now) {
// Timed out.
return false;
const struct timespec ts = (deadline - now).ToTimeSpec();
if (sigtimedwait(&set, nullptr, &ts) < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
// Timed out.
return false;
bool CheckProcessExists(pid_t pid) {
// kill() with a signal value of 0 is explicitly documented as a way to
// check for the existence of a process.
return pid != 0 && (kill(pid, 0) >= 0 || errno != ESRCH);
void RunCrosvmCommand(std::string command, std::string socket_path) {
constexpr char kCrosvmBin[] = "/usr/bin/crosvm";
brillo::ProcessImpl crosvm;
// This must be synchronous as we may do things after calling this function
// that depend on the crosvm command being completed (like suspending the
// device).
bool AttachUsbDevice(std::string socket_path,
uint8_t bus,
uint8_t addr,
uint16_t vid,
uint16_t pid,
int fd,
UsbControlResponse* response) {
brillo::ProcessImpl crosvm;
crosvm.AddArg(base::StringPrintf("%d:%d:%x:%x", bus, addr, vid, pid));
crosvm.AddArg("/proc/self/fd/" + std::to_string(fd));
crosvm.BindFd(fd, fd);
fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 0); // Remove the CLOEXEC
CallUsbControl(std::move(crosvm), response);
return response->type == OK;
bool DetachUsbDevice(std::string socket_path,
uint8_t port,
UsbControlResponse* response) {
brillo::ProcessImpl crosvm;
CallUsbControl(std::move(crosvm), response);
return response->type == OK;
bool ListUsbDevice(std::string socket_path, std::vector<UsbDevice>* device) {
brillo::ProcessImpl crosvm;
UsbControlResponse response;
CallUsbControl(std::move(crosvm), &response);
if (response.type != DEVICES)
return false;
*device = std::move(response.devices);
return true;
bool UpdateCpuShares(const base::FilePath& cpu_cgroup, int cpu_shares) {
const std::string cpu_shares_str = std::to_string(cpu_shares);
return base::WriteFile(cpu_cgroup.Append("cpu.shares"),
cpu_shares_str.size()) == cpu_shares_str.size();
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools