blob: 6ea9b11ff5bec313ae4b468ba831f55e8bca5a4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "libipproto/ipp_enums.h"
#include "libipproto/ipp_export.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace ipp {
class Group;
// This class represents IPP frame. It is container for Groups that represent
// IPP attributes groups (like operation-attributes). Groups in a single Package
// must have unique tags (names).
class IPP_EXPORT Package {
// destructor
virtual ~Package();
// Returns vector with groups in the schema, all pointers are != nullptr.
virtual std::vector<Group*> GetKnownGroups() { return {}; }
// Returns vector of all groups in the package, all pointers are != nullptr.
// Returned vector = GetKnownGroups() + vector with unknown groups.
std::vector<Group*> GetAllGroups();
// Returns pointer to the group with given tag.
// Returns nullptr if there is no group with given tag in the package.
Group* GetGroup(GroupTag);
// Adds a new group to the package and returns pointer to it or nullptr if
// a group with given tag already exists in the package.
Group* AddUnknownGroup(GroupTag, bool is_a_set);
// Returns reference to payload (e.g. document to print), empty vector means
// no payload.
std::vector<uint8_t>& Data() { return data_; }
Package() = default;
// Copy/move/assign constructors/operators are not available.
Package(const Package&) = delete;
Package(Package&&) = delete;
Package& operator=(const Package&) = delete;
Package& operator=(Package&&) = delete;
std::vector<Group*> unknown_groups_;
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
// Defined later in this file.
class Collection;
// Base class represents single IPP attribute group or a sequence of the
// same IPP attribute groups. Single instance of IPP attribute groups is
// represented by Collection object.
class IPP_EXPORT Group {
virtual ~Group() = default;
// Returns tag of the group.
GroupTag GetName() const { return name_; }
// Returns true if it is a sequence of IPP groups (Collections) or false
// if it is a single IPP group (one Collection).
bool IsASet() const { return is_a_set_; }
// Returns the current number of elements (IPP groups) in the Group.
// (IsASet() == false) => always returns 1.
virtual size_t GetSize() const = 0;
// Resizes a sequence of IPP groups. Does nothing if (IsASet() == false).
virtual void Resize(size_t) = 0;
// Returns a pointer to underlying collection, representing one of the IPP
// groups. Returns nullptr <=> (index >= GetSize()).
virtual Collection* GetCollection(size_t index = 0) = 0;
Group(GroupTag name, bool is_a_set) : name_(name), is_a_set_(is_a_set) {}
GroupTag name_;
bool is_a_set_;
// Final class for Groups, represents Group with single IPP attribute group
// defined in the schema. Template parameter TCollection must be a class
// derived from Collection and defines the structure of the group.
template <class TCollection>
class SingleGroup : public Group, public TCollection {
explicit SingleGroup(GroupTag name) : Group(name, false) {}
// Implementation of Group API
size_t GetSize() const override { return 1; }
void Resize(size_t) override {}
Collection* GetCollection(size_t index = 0) override {
if (index == 0)
return this;
return nullptr;
// Final class for Group, represents sequence of IPP attribute groups with
// the same tag and defined in the schema. Template parameter TCollection is
// a class derived from Collection and defines the structure of a single group.
template <class TCollection>
class SetOfGroups : public Group {
explicit SetOfGroups(GroupTag name) : Group(name, true) {}
virtual ~SetOfGroups() {
for (auto g : groups_)
delete g;
// Implementation of Group API.
size_t GetSize() const override { return groups_.size(); }
void Resize(size_t new_size) override {
while (groups_.size() < new_size)
groups_.push_back(new TCollection);
while (groups_.size() > new_size) {
delete groups_.back();
Collection* GetCollection(size_t index = 0) override {
if (index >= groups_.size())
return nullptr;
return groups_[index];
// Operator [] in specialized API, returns one of TCollection from the
// sequence. If index is out of range, the vector is resized to (index+1).
TCollection& operator[](size_t index) {
if (index >= groups_.size())
Resize(index + 1);
return *(groups_[index]);
std::vector<TCollection*> groups_;
// Final class for Group, represents Group not defined in the schema.
class UnknownGroup : public Group {
UnknownGroup(GroupTag name, bool is_a_set);
virtual ~UnknownGroup();
// Implementation of Group API.
size_t GetSize() const override { return groups_.size(); }
void Resize(size_t new_size) override;
Collection* GetCollection(size_t index = 0) override {
if (index >= groups_.size())
return nullptr;
return groups_[index];
std::vector<Collection*> groups_;
// These are defined in ipp_attribute.h.
class Attribute;
enum class AttrType : uint8_t;
// Base class for all IPP collections. Collections is like struct filled with
// Attributes. Each attribute in Collection must have unique name.
class IPP_EXPORT Collection {
Collection() = default;
virtual ~Collection();
// Method to implement in derived class, returns attributes from schema.
// There is no nullptrs in the returned vector.
virtual std::vector<Attribute*> GetKnownAttributes() { return {}; }
// Returns all attributes in the collection.
// Returned vector = GetKnownAttributes() + unknown attributes.
// Unknown attributes are in the order they were added to the collection.
// There is no nullptrs in the returned vector.
std::vector<Attribute*> GetAllAttributes();
// Methods return attribute by name. Methods return nullptr <=> the collection
// has no attribute with this name.
Attribute* GetAttribute(AttrName);
Attribute* GetAttribute(const std::string& name);
// Adds new attribute to the collection. Returns nullptr <=> an attribute
// with this name already exists in the collection or given name/type are
// incorrect.
Attribute* AddUnknownAttribute(const std::string& name,
bool is_a_set,
AttrType type);
// Clears values and states of all attributes.
// Calls the following methods for member attributes:
// * Resize(0) for all member attributes being a set (IsASet() == true).
// * SetState(unset) for all member attributes.
// * Recursively ResetAllAttributes() for all Collections stored in member
// attributes.
// Note: Does NOT remove Unknown Attributes from Collection.
void ResetAllAttributes();
// Copy/move/assign constructors/operators are forbidden.
Collection(const Collection&) = delete;
Collection(Collection&&) = delete;
Collection& operator=(const Collection&) = delete;
Collection& operator=(Collection&&) = delete;
std::vector<std::string> unknown_attrs_names_;
std::map<std::string, Attribute*> unknown_attrs_;
} // namespace ipp