blob: b3e02f88c4d9c444cbfa090619fa6bc1d91db47b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "libipproto/ipp_enums.h"
#include "libipproto/ipp_export.h"
#include "libipproto/ipp_package.h"
// This is part of libipproto. See ipp.h for general information about this
// library.
namespace ipp {
// represents operation id
typedef E_operations_supported Operation;
// represents status-code [rfc8010]
typedef E_status_code Status;
// represents the version of IPP protocol
// The first byte (MSB) of this value correspond to major version number, the
// second one to minor version number.
typedef E_ipp_versions_supported Version;
// This class represents IPP request.
class IPP_EXPORT Request : public Package {
// It creates new Request object using class from predefined schema in
// ipp_operations.h. It returns nullptr if schema for given operation is
// not known.
static std::unique_ptr<Request> NewRequest(Operation);
// Constructor.
explicit Request(Operation operation_id) : operation_id_(operation_id) {}
// Returns operation id set in the constructor.
Operation GetOperationId() const { return operation_id_; }
const Operation operation_id_;
// This class represents IPP response.
class IPP_EXPORT Response : public Package {
// It creates new Response object using class from predefined schema in
// ipp_operations.h. It returns nullptr if schema for given operation is
// not known.
static std::unique_ptr<Response> NewResponse(Operation);
// Constructor.
explicit Response(Operation operation_id) : operation_id_(operation_id) {}
// Returns operation id set in the constructor.
Operation GetOperationId() const { return operation_id_; }
// Returns reference to status code of the response.
Status& StatusCode() { return status_code_; }
const Operation operation_id_;
Status status_code_ = Status::successful_ok;
// Single entry in error logs used by Client and Server classes defined below.
struct Log {
// Description of the error, it is always non-empty string.
std::string message;
// Position in the input buffer, set to 0 if unknown.
std::size_t buf_offset = 0;
// String with hex representation of part of the frame corresponding to
// position given in buf_offset. Empty string if buf_offset == 0.
std::string frame_context;
// Attribute/Group names where the error occurred. Empty string if
// unknown.
std::string parser_context;
// Forward declaration of internal structure.
struct Protocol;
// This is a main class to build/parse frames from the client side.
class IPP_EXPORT Client {
// Constructor. Parameter version and request_id are initial values for
// variables used in frame header, they are both stored in the Client object.
// The value of request_id is incremented each time the method
// BuildRequestFrom() is called. When (request_id == 0), the first
// constructed request will have (request_id == 1).
explicit Client(Version version = Version::_1_1, int32_t request_id = 0);
// Destructor
// Get/Set current version number of the IPP protocol.
Version GetVersionNumber() const;
void SetVersionNumber(Version);
// Clears internal buffer and error log and increments request_id by 1.
// Then fills internal buffer with the content defined in given
// Request object. The given object may be modified by the method,
// the following attributes are set automatically if their state is
// AttrState::unset: attributes-charset, attributes-natural-language.
void BuildRequestFrom(Request* request);
// Returns the length of the frame constructed with BuildRequestFrom()
// method or read with ReadResponseFrameFrom() method.
std::size_t GetFrameLength() const;
// Writes the frame from internal buffer to |buf|. The given vector is
// resized to frame's size that equals the value returned by
// GetFrameLength().
// Fails when some values provided in BuildRequestFrom() are incorrect.
// In that case, the given buffer may be partially written. The reason of
// the failure is saved to the error log (see GetErrorLog() method).
bool WriteRequestFrameTo(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf) const;
// Clears internal buffer and error log.
// Then fills internal buffer with the content extracted from a given
// frame with response.
// Returns true <=> whole frame was parsed. Even if the method returns
// true, there still may be some errors and/or warnings in the error log
// (see GetErrorLog() method). In this case, some attributes/groups may
// be missing in the final output.
// Returns false <=> the parser has spotted an error it cannot recover from.
// In this case the internal buffer will contain incorrect data. The last
// entry in the error log contains a reason of the failure.
bool ReadResponseFrameFrom(const uint8_t* ptr, const uint8_t* const buf_end);
bool ReadResponseFrameFrom(const std::vector<uint8_t>&);
// Parses the content of the response loaded with ReadResponseFrameFrom
// method and stores it in given the Response object.
// When the parameter log_unknown_values is true, this method adds to the
// error log info about all unknown attributes and groups extracted from
// the frame and not known by given Response object.
// Returns true <=> whole frame was parsed. Even if the method returns
// true, there still may be some errors and/or warnings in the error log
// (see GetErrorLog() method). In this case, some attributes/groups may
// be missing in the final output.
// Returns false <=> the parser has spotted an error it cannot recover from.
// In this case the given Response object will contain incorrect data. The
// last entry in the error log contains a reason of the failure.
bool ParseResponseAndSaveTo(Response* response,
bool log_unknown_values = false);
// Returns the error log.
const std::vector<Log>& GetErrorLog() const;
std::unique_ptr<Protocol> protocol_;
// This is a main class to build/parse frames from the server side.
class IPP_EXPORT Server {
// Constructor. Parameter version and request_id are initial values for
// variables used in frame header, they are both stored in the Server object.
// These two parameters are updated in ReadRequestFrameFrom method by
// replacing them with values contained in a received request. The only
// reason to set these values in the constructor is to build a response frame
// without prior parsing of any request.
explicit Server(Version version = Version::_1_1, int32_t request_id = 1);
// Destructor
// Clears internal buffer and error log.
// Then fills internal buffer with the content extracted from a given
// frame with request. The internal fields with version and request_id are
// set to values read from the given frame.
// Returns true <=> whole frame was parsed. Even if the method returns
// true, there still may be some errors and/or warnings in the error log
// (see GetErrorLog() method). In this case, some attributes/groups may
// be missing in the final output.
// Returns false <=> the parser has spotted an error it cannot recover from.
// In this case the internal buffer will contain incorrect data. The last
// entry in the error log contains a reason of the failure.
bool ReadRequestFrameFrom(const uint8_t* ptr, const uint8_t* const buf_end);
bool ReadRequestFrameFrom(const std::vector<uint8_t>&);
// This method returns operation id after successful run of
// ReadRequestFrameFrom().
Operation GetOperationId() const;
// Get/Set current version number of the IPP protocol.
Version GetVersionNumber() const;
void SetVersionNumber(Version);
// Parses the content of the request loaded with ReadRequestFrameFrom
// method and stores it in given the Request object.
// When the parameter log_unknown_values is true, this method adds to the
// error log info about all unknown attributes and groups extracted from
// the frame and not known by given Request object.
// Returns true <=> whole frame was parsed. Even if the method returns
// true, there still may be some errors and/or warnings in the error log
// (see GetErrorLog() method). In this case, some attributes/groups may
// be missing in the final output.
// Returns false <=> the parser has spotted an error it cannot recover from.
// In this case the given Request object will contain incorrect data. The
// last entry in the error log contains a reason of the failure.
bool ParseRequestAndSaveTo(Request* request, bool log_unknown_values = false);
// Clears internal buffer and error log, fields with the protocol version
// and request_id is left untouched.
// Then fills internal buffer with the content defined in the given
// Response object. The given object may be modified by the method,
// the following attributes are set automatically if their state is
// AttrState::unset: attributes-charset, attributes-natural-language,
// status-message.
void BuildResponseFrom(Response* response);
// Returns the length of the frame constructed with BuildResponseFrom()
// method or read with ReadRequestFrameFrom() method.
std::size_t GetFrameLength() const;
// Writes the frame from internal buffer to |buf|. The given vector is
// resized to frame's size that equals the value returned by
// GetFrameLength().
// Fails when some values provided in BuildResponseFrom() are incorrect.
// In that case, the given buffer may be partially written. The reason
// of the failure is saved to the error log (see GetErrorLog() method).
bool WriteResponseFrameTo(std::vector<uint8_t>* buf) const;
// Returns the error log.
const std::vector<Log>& GetErrorLog() const;
std::unique_ptr<Protocol> protocol_;
} // namespace ipp