blob: 7a1b0c24d4671368348eba892ede81da548d32d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vpn-manager/daemon.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
using ::brillo::Process;
using ::brillo::ProcessImpl;
namespace vpn_manager {
// static
const int Daemon::kTerminationTimeoutSeconds = 2;
Daemon::Daemon(const std::string& pid_file) : pid_file_(pid_file) {}
Daemon::~Daemon() {
void Daemon::ClearProcess() {
Process* Daemon::CreateProcess() {
return SetProcess(std::make_unique<ProcessImpl>());
bool Daemon::FindProcess() {
if (!base::PathExists(base::FilePath(pid_file_)))
return false;
std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> process(new ProcessImpl);
if (!Process::ProcessExists(process->pid())) {
return false;
return true;
bool Daemon::IsRunning() {
return process_ && process_->pid() != 0 &&
pid_t Daemon::GetPid() const {
return process_ ? process_->pid() : 0;
Process* Daemon::SetProcess(std::unique_ptr<Process> process) {
if (process_) {
// If we are re-assigning the same pid, do not terminate the process.
// Otherwise, we should kill the previous process if it is still running.
if (process && process_->pid() == process->pid())
else if (IsRunning())
process_->Kill(SIGKILL, kTerminationTimeoutSeconds);
process_ = std::move(process);
return process_.get();
bool Daemon::Terminate() {
bool result =
!IsRunning() || process_->Kill(SIGTERM, kTerminationTimeoutSeconds);
ClearProcess(); // This will send a SIGKILL if we failed above.
base::DeleteFile(base::FilePath(pid_file_), false);
return result;
} // namespace vpn_manager