blob: 7c3d70a87dfe7615223c3568125444ab128e1512 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef U2FD_U2FHID_H_
#define U2FD_U2FHID_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include <trunks/cr50_headers/u2f.h>
#include "u2fd/hid_interface.h"
#include "u2fd/u2f_adpu.h"
#include "u2fd/user_state.h"
namespace u2f {
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultVendorId = 0x18d1;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultProductId = 0x502c;
// Mandatory length of the U2F HID report.
constexpr size_t kU2fReportSize = 64;
// HID frame CMD/SEQ byte definitions.
constexpr uint8_t kFrameTypeMask = 0x80;
constexpr uint8_t kFrameTypeInit = 0x80;
// when bit 7 is not set, the frame type is CONTinuation.
// INIT command parameters
constexpr uint32_t kCidBroadcast = -1U;
constexpr size_t kInitNonceSize = 8;
constexpr uint8_t kCapFlagWink = 0x01;
constexpr uint8_t kCapFlagLock = 0x02;
constexpr size_t kMaxPayloadSize = (64 - 7 + 128 * (64 - 5)); // 7609 bytes
// U2fHid emulates U2FHID protocol on top of the TPM U2F implementation.
// The object reads the HID report sent by the HIDInterface passed to the
// constructor, parses it and extracts the U2FHID command. If this is a U2F
// message, finally sends the raw U2F APDU to the |transmit_func| callback
// passed to the constructor. It returns the final result (response APDU or
// error code) inside an HID report through the HIDInterface.
class U2fHid {
// U2FHID Command codes
enum class U2fHidCommand : uint8_t {
kPing = 1,
kMsg = 3,
kLock = 4,
kVendorSysInfo = 5,
kInit = 6,
kWink = 8,
kError = 0x3f,
// U2FHID error codes
enum class U2fHidError : uint8_t {
kNone = 0,
kInvalidCmd = 1,
kInvalidPar = 2,
kInvalidLen = 3,
kInvalidSeq = 4,
kMsgTimeout = 5,
kChannelBusy = 6,
kLockRequired = 10,
kInvalidCid = 11,
kOther = 127,
// Callback to send the raw U2F APDU in |req| and get the corresponding
// response APDU in |resp|.
using TpmAdpuCallback =
base::Callback<uint32_t(const std::string& req, std::string* resp)>;
// Callback to run the VENDOR_CC_U2F_GENERATE command.
using TpmGenerateCallback = base::Callback<uint32_t(
const U2F_GENERATE_REQ& req, U2F_GENERATE_RESP* resp)>;
// Callback to run the VENDOR_CC_U2F_SIGN command.
using TpmSignCallback =
base::Callback<uint32_t(const U2F_SIGN_REQ& req, U2F_SIGN_RESP* resp)>;
// Callback to run the VENDOR_CC_U2F_ATTEST command.
using TpmAttestCallback = base::Callback<uint32_t(const U2F_ATTEST_REQ& req,
U2F_ATTEST_RESP* resp)>;
// Callback to retrieve the G2F certificate.
using TpmG2fCertCallback = base::Callback<uint32_t(std::string* cert_out)>;
// Callback to disable the power button for |in_timeout_internal| when using
// it as physical presence for U2F.
using IgnoreButtonCallback = base::Callback<bool(
int64_t in_timeout_internal, brillo::ErrorPtr* error, int timeout)>;
// Callback to notify the UI that the wink command has been sent.
using WinkCallback = base::Callback<void()>;
// TODO(louiscollard): Pass TpmVendorCommandProxy rather than individual
// callbacks.
U2fHid(std::unique_ptr<HidInterface> hid,
const std::string& vendor_sysinfo,
const bool g2f_mode,
const bool user_secrets,
const bool legacy_kh_fallback,
const TpmAdpuCallback& adpu_fn,
const TpmGenerateCallback& generate_fn,
const TpmSignCallback& sign_fn,
const TpmAttestCallback& attest_fn,
const TpmG2fCertCallback& g2f_cert_fn,
const IgnoreButtonCallback& ignore_button_func,
const WinkCallback& wink_fn,
std::unique_ptr<UserState> user_state);
bool Init();
// Retrieves the U2f implementation version available through the
// |transmit_func| provided to the constructor.
// Returns true on success.
bool GetU2fVersion(std::string* version_out);
// U2FHID protocol commands implementation.
void CmdInit(uint32_t cid, const std::string& payload);
int CmdLock(std::string* resp);
int CmdMsg(std::string* resp);
int CmdPing(std::string* resp);
int CmdSysInfo(std::string* resp);
int CmdWink(std::string* resp);
// Fully resets the state of the possibly on-going U2FHID transaction.
void ClearTransaction();
// Sends back a U2FHID report with just the |errcode| error code inside
// on channel |cid|.
// If |clear| is set, clear the transaction state at the same time.
void ReturnError(U2fHidError errcode, uint32_t cid, bool clear);
// Called when we reach the deadline for the on-going transaction.
void TransactionTimeout();
// Called when we reach the deadline for an unreleased channel lock.
void LockTimeout();
// Sends back a U2FHID report indicating success and carrying the response
// payload |resp|.
void ReturnResponse(const std::string& resp);
// Sends back a U2FHID report indicating failure and carrying a response
// code.
void ReturnFailureResponse(uint16_t sw);
// Ignores power button presses for 10 seconds.
void IgnorePowerButton();
// Parses the ISO7816-4:2005 U2F APDU contained in |payload| to guess
// if it contains a user physical presence request and if so, temporarily
// disable the power button's normal behavior (eg. turning the screen off).
void MaybeIgnorePowerButton(const std::string& payload);
// Executes the action requested by the command contained in the current
// transaction.
void ExecuteCmd();
// Parses the HID report contained in |report| and append the content to the
// current U2FHID transaction or create a new one.
void ProcessReport(const std::string& report);
// U2F message handler implementations.
// Forwards the U2F ADPU to cr50 as-is. This makes use of deprecated cr50
// functionality.
int ForwardMsg(std::string* resp);
// Processes the ADPU and builds a response locally, making using of cr50
// vendor commands where necessary.
int ProcessMsg(std::string* resp);
// Process a U2F_REGISTER ADPU.
int ProcessU2fRegister(U2fRegisterRequestAdpu request, std::string* resp);
int ProcessU2fAuthenticate(U2fAuthenticateRequestAdpu request,
std::string* resp);
// Wrapper functions for cr50 U2F vendor commands.
// Run a U2F_GENERATE command to create a new key handle.
int DoU2fGenerate(const std::vector<uint8_t>& app_id,
std::vector<uint8_t>* pub_key,
std::vector<uint8_t>* key_handle);
// Run a U2F_SIGN command to sign a hash using an existing key handle.
int DoU2fSign(const std::vector<uint8_t>& app_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_handle,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash,
std::vector<uint8_t>* signature);
// Run a U2F_SIGN command to check if a key handle is valid.
int DoU2fSignCheckOnly(const std::vector<uint8_t>& app_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_handle);
// Run a U2F_ATTEST command to sign data using the cr50 individual attestation
// certificate.
int DoG2fAttest(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
uint8_t format,
std::vector<uint8_t>* sig_out);
// Returns the cr50 individual attestation certificate.
const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetG2fCert();
std::unique_ptr<HidInterface> hid_;
const bool g2f_mode_;
const bool user_secrets_;
const bool legacy_kh_fallback_;
TpmAdpuCallback transmit_apdu_;
TpmGenerateCallback tpm_generate_;
TpmSignCallback tpm_sign_;
TpmAttestCallback tpm_attest_;
TpmG2fCertCallback tpm_g2f_cert_;
IgnoreButtonCallback ignore_button_;
WinkCallback wink_;
uint32_t free_cid_;
uint32_t locked_cid_;
base::OneShotTimer lock_timeout_;
std::unique_ptr<UserState> user_state_;
std::string vendor_sysinfo_;
class HidPacket;
class HidMessage;
struct Transaction;
std::unique_ptr<Transaction> transaction_;
} // namespace u2f
#endif // U2FD_U2FHID_H_