blob: cda0d352b632792193907c0bef50fc12ff0c28b4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "login_manager/resilient_policy_store.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <base/containers/adapters.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/sha1.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <policy/policy_util.h>
#include <policy/resilient_policy_util.h>
#include "login_manager/login_metrics.h"
#include "login_manager/system_utils_impl.h"
namespace login_manager {
namespace {
// The path of temporary file to be saved when policy cleanup is done. The path
// is extended with policy path hash as suffix. The file is stored on tmpfs, so
// it is intentionally lost on each shutdown/restart of the device.
const char kCleanupDoneFilePrefix[] =
// Maximum number of valid policy files to be kept by policy cleanup.
const int kMaxPolicyFileCount = 3;
// Returns the path to cleanup_done temporary file associated with
// |policy_path|.
base::FilePath GetCleanupDoneFilePath(const base::FilePath& policy_path) {
const std::string policy_path_hash =
const std::string policy_path_hex =
base::HexEncode(policy_path_hash.c_str(), policy_path_hash.size());
const std::string cleanup_done_path(kCleanupDoneFilePrefix + policy_path_hex);
return base::FilePath(cleanup_done_path);
// Checks if the cleanup_done temporary file associated with |policy_path|
// exists. If not present, creates it and returns true. Otherwise returns false.
bool CreateCleanupDoneFile(const base::FilePath& policy_path) {
const base::FilePath cleanup_done_path = GetCleanupDoneFilePath(policy_path);
if (!base::PathExists(cleanup_done_path)) {
base::File file(cleanup_done_path,
base::File::FLAG_CREATE | base::File::FLAG_WRITE);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
ResilientPolicyStore::ResilientPolicyStore(const base::FilePath& policy_path,
LoginMetrics* metrics)
: PolicyStore(policy_path), metrics_(metrics) {}
bool ResilientPolicyStore::LoadOrCreate() {
std::map<int, base::FilePath> sorted_policy_file_paths =
if (sorted_policy_file_paths.empty())
return true;
// Try to load the existent policy files one by one in reverse order of their
// index until we succeed. The files that fail to be parsed are deleted.
int number_of_invalid_files = 0;
bool policy_loaded = false;
for (const auto& map_pair : base::Reversed(sorted_policy_file_paths)) {
const base::FilePath& policy_path = map_pair.second;
if (LoadOrCreateFromPath(policy_path)) {
policy_loaded = true;
base::DeleteFile(policy_path, false);
if (number_of_invalid_files > 0) {
// If at least one policy file has been deleted, we need to delete the
// |kCleanupDoneFileName| to make sure the next persist doesn't overwrite
// the data in a good file saved in a previous session.
base::DeleteFile(GetCleanupDoneFilePath(policy_path_), false);
return policy_loaded;
bool ResilientPolicyStore::Persist() {
std::map<int, base::FilePath> sorted_policy_file_paths =
int new_index = sorted_policy_file_paths.empty()
? 0
: sorted_policy_file_paths.rbegin()->first;
// The policy file where the data will be persisted has to be the latest
// that exists on disk (i.e. the highest index). But if it is the first
// persist after boot, the policy has to be saved in a new file. In that
// case the highest index present is incremented to have the new file with
// higher index. We determine if it's the first persist after boot by the
// absense of cleanup temporary file. The index is never reset as it is not
// realistic to expect int overflow in non-devmode here.
if (CreateCleanupDoneFile(policy_path_)) {
// To be on the safe side, persist only in file with index >= 1.
new_index = std::max(new_index, 1);
return PersistToPath(
policy::GetResilientPolicyFilePathForIndex(policy_path_, new_index));
bool ResilientPolicyStore::Delete() {
return false;
void ResilientPolicyStore::CleanupPolicyFiles(
const std::map<int, base::FilePath>& sorted_policy_file_paths) {
int number_of_good_files = 0;
int number_of_invalid_files = 0;
// Allow one less file, since we need room for the new file to be persisted
// after cleanup.
const int max_allowed_files = kMaxPolicyFileCount - 1;
for (const auto& map_pair : base::Reversed(sorted_policy_file_paths)) {
const base::FilePath& policy_path = map_pair.second;
if (number_of_good_files >= max_allowed_files) {
base::DeleteFile(policy_path, false);
std::string polstr;
enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse policy;
policy::LoadPolicyResult result =
policy::LoadPolicyFromPath(policy_path, &polstr, &policy);
switch (result) {
case policy::LoadPolicyResult::kSuccess:
case policy::LoadPolicyResult::kFileNotFound:
case policy::LoadPolicyResult::kFailedToReadFile:
case policy::LoadPolicyResult::kEmptyFile:
case policy::LoadPolicyResult::kInvalidPolicyData:
base::DeleteFile(policy_path, false);
} // namespace login_manager