blob: adea4c4bd3d79d1889606c47c4c2ddb5ff0ee8f3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/memory_mapped_file.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "cryptohome/persistent_lookup_table.h"
namespace cryptohome {
const char kLeafCacheFileName[] = "leafcache";
// This class represents the hash tree which is used to store and manage the
// various credentials used to access the system. It is used to represent
// not just the leaf nodes of the hash tree, but also hashes of the inner nodes.
// A hash tree is used because it offers an efficient way to store a large set
// of credentials and check the integrity of the stored data. This is
// accomplished by having each of the credentials occupy a leaf node. Each
// credential will have an HMAC associated with it, which is calculated on the
// credential metadata. Based on the fan-out, i.e number of children per node of
// the tree, the leaf nodes will be used to calculate the hash of their
// corresponding parent. This process will repeat until we find the hash of the
// root node.
// This hash will then be compared to the root hash value stored in a secure
// non-volatile storage ( e.g Cr50 ), and can be used to verify integrity of the
// data we have on disk.
// There are two variables which will define the structure of the hash-table:
// - The length of a leaf bit string, leaf_length.
// - The fan-out, i.e number of children for a parent, fan_out.
// leaf_length and fan_out are expected to obey the following relation:
// leaf_length = n * log2(fan_out), where n is any non-negative integer.
// The recalculation of the entire hash tree given the leaf nodes can be
// time consuming. To avoid that, this class also maintains a "HashCache".
// Conceptually, the HashCache stores the hashes of each node of the hash
// tree for easy access without the need to recompute them on every operation.
// Practically, it is implemented in two parts:
// - LeafCache: This file will store the MACs of all the leaf nodes of the
// hash tree. It is expected to persist across reboots, and will be accessible
// via a memory mapped file descriptor. The LeafCache avoids having to read
// all the leaves from disk to obtain their hashes, which would be slow.
// - InnerHashArray: This in-memory array will store the hashes of all the inner
// nodes of the hash tree. It is expected to be regenerated on the first
// operation after a reboot. When a SignInHashTree object is created, the
// InnerHashArray will consist of an all-zero array. This can be used to
// determine whether the InnerHashArray has been initialized or not.
// Once the HashCache is generated, we can index into the file or array to find
// the relevant node's hash. NOTE: The HashCache is considered to be completely
// redundant. If there is any detected discrepancy between the root hash on the
// InnerHashArray, and the root hash on the Cr50, we will reconstruct the
// HashCache from scratch.
// While calculating the inner nodes' hashes, the LeafCache will be used to
// get the corresponding leaf MAC values.
// The SignInHashTree needs a persistent consistent storage on disk, and this
// will be provided by the PersistentLookupTable (referred to as PLT in the
// comments for this class, due to brevity).
// For each label, the value stored in the PersistentLookupTable will be in
// the following format
// | HMAC(credential meatadata) | credential metadata |
// | | |
// Empty or non-existent leaf labels are assumed to have an HMAC of 32 bytes of
// zeroes.
class SignInHashTree {
static constexpr size_t kHashSize = 32;
// Convenience class to help represent the labels of nodes in the
// SignInHashTree.
// The high level abstraction is one of a bitstring. This can be
// realized by using:
// - a uin64_t |value_| variable, which can represent a bitstring of max
// length 64.
// - a |length| variable, which denotes the length of the bitstring
// stored in the |value_| variable.
// In addition, we also store the number of bits per level of the
// hash tree, represented by |bits_per_level_|. This variable
// helps to both obtain the parent of a label, and to create children
// for a particular label.
class Label {
Label() = default;
Label(uint64_t value, uint8_t length, uint8_t bits_per_level)
: value_(value), length_(length), bits_per_level_(bits_per_level) {
CHECK_LE(length, 64);
CHECK_EQ(0, length % bits_per_level);
uint64_t value() const { return value_; }
uint8_t length() const { return length_; }
bool is_root() const { return length_ == 0; }
// Helper function to map the label to a unique non-negative index. The
// index is the position of the tree node in pre-order traversal.
// This can be used to index arrays with each array element
// corresponding to a specific tree node.
uint32_t cache_index() const {
uint8_t height = length_ / bits_per_level_;
uint8_t fan_out = 1 << bits_per_level_;
// The the starting index for a height H in the hash tree is computed
// as follows:
// starting_index(H) = starting_index(H-1) + fan_out^(H-1)
// This is geometric series which can be collapsed into the closed
// form expression:
// starting_index(H) = (starting_index^(H + 1) - 1) / (fan_out - 1)
// |value_| is added to the starting index to get the cache index.
uint32_t starting_index =
((1 << (bits_per_level_ * height)) - 1) / (fan_out - 1);
return starting_index + value_;
// This function returns a Label which denotes the parent of Label
// itself.
Label GetParent() const {
CHECK_GT(length_, 0);
uint64_t parent_value = value_ >> bits_per_level_;
uint8_t parent_length = length_ - bits_per_level_;
return Label(parent_value, parent_length, bits_per_level_);
// This function helps to generate a child label of the current label,
// appended with the child label suffix denoted by |child|.
Label Extend(uint64_t child) const {
uint8_t child_length = length_ + bits_per_level_;
CHECK_LE(child_length, 64);
CHECK_EQ(0, child & ~((1 << bits_per_level_) - 1));
uint64_t child_value = value_ << bits_per_level_ | child;
return Label(child_value, child_length, bits_per_level_);
bool operator!=(const Label& rhs) const {
return value_ != rhs.value_ || length_ != rhs.length_ ||
bits_per_level_ != rhs.bits_per_level_;
// If |bits_per_level_| is zero, the Label is considered invalid.
bool is_valid() const { return bits_per_level_ != 0; }
uint64_t value_ = 0;
uint8_t length_ = 0;
uint8_t bits_per_level_ = 0;
SignInHashTree(uint32_t leaf_length,
uint8_t bits_per_level,
base::FilePath basedir);
// Return a vector of labels required to recompute the root node hash,
// given the leaf node label |key|. This function will return a list
// of relevant labels on success, and an empty list otherwise.
// NOTE: The list of auxiliary labels returned will follow a specific
// order (left-to-right, bottom to top). That way, we can reason about
// which hashes to use for which specific inner node hash calculation when
// coupled with knowledge of the credential label in question.
std::vector<Label> GetAuxiliaryLabels(const Label& leaf_label);
// Compute all the hashes of the hash tree.
// This function first calls PopulateLeafCache(), and then calculates all
// inner hashes and updates the |inner_hash_array_|.
void GenerateAndStoreHashCache();
// Compute all the inner hashes of the hash tree (i.e all levels of the hash
// tree except for the leaf level). This function calls CalculateHash() on the
// root hash.
void GenerateInnerHashArray();
// Store the credential data for label |label| in the Hash Tree.
// The HMAC and the credential metadata are provided as two parameters,
// |hmac| and |cred_data| respectively.
// In case the label is an inner node , |hmac| will represent the hash of the
// node, and |cred_data| MUST be empty. |metadata_lost| signifies whether
// there is valid metadata stored for this label(false) or not(true).
// This function should lead to two things happening(in the prescribed order):
// - Concat the HMAC and credential metadata blobs together and store it
// in the underlying PersistentLookupTable pointed by |plt_|, with the
// key |label.value()|.
// - Store the MAC in the |leaf_cache_| file if it is a leaf label, or update
// the |inner_hash_array_| otherwise.
// - This function will also update the HashCache (i.e all the hashes along
// the path to the root hash) as well.
// NOTE: The SignInHashTree will write over any previous value for a
// particular label. Ensure that the label is available before invoking this
// routine. To obtain available labels, use SignInHashTree::GetFreeLabel().
// TODO(pmalani): Split into CreateLabel() and UpdateLabel() to better
// clarify the user intention.
bool StoreLabel(const Label& label,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& hmac,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& cred_metadata,
bool metadata_lost);
// Get the hash/hmac and, if applicable, the credential metadata associated
// with a label.
// If |label| refers to a leaf node, then |cred_data| will be filled to
// contain the relevant credential metadata, and |hmac| will be filled with
// the associated HMAC, which will be taken directly from the table.
// If |label| refers to an inner node, then the |hmac| will be filled with the
// hash obtained from the |inner_hash_array_|.
// |hmac| and |cred_data| are expected to be pointers to empty vectors. The
// function will ensure that the corresponding vectors have sufficient space.
// |metadata_lost| will return whether the credential metadata in this leaf
// is lost or not. This flag is set to true when a leaf was re-inserted as
// part of a log replay operation.
// Note that the hash returned may be incorrect if the HashCache is stale
// or erroneous, and a failure will necessitate the regeneration of the
// HashCache.
// Note that this function does NOT update the |leaf_cache_|. Therefore, in
// the event that the |leaf_cache_| is inconsistent with the on-disk table
// contents, the values retrieved from GetLabelData() and |leaf_cache_| may
// be different.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool GetLabelData(const Label& label,
std::vector<uint8_t>* hmac,
std::vector<uint8_t>* cred_metadata,
bool* metadata_lost);
// Remove the credential metadata associated with label |label| from the hash
// tree. The |label| must refer to a leaf node; if a label for a inner node is
// provided, or if the underlying PLT has an issue, an error will be returned.
// The function will update the HashCache after removing the label.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool RemoveLabel(const Label& label);
// Returns the first available free leaf label for credential metadata.
// Returns the label on success. If a free label is not available, this
// function will return an empty Label (i.e value_ = length_ =
// bits_per_per_level_ = 0);
Label GetFreeLabel();
// Fills the current root hash from |inner_hash_array_| into
// |root_hash|. Before that, it regenerates the entire |inner_hash_array_|.
void GetRootHash(std::vector<uint8_t>* root_hash);
// Recursive function which is used to calculate the hashes for the hash tree,
// starting node |label|. The resultant hash is returned.
// This function assumes that the leaf MAC values have already been updated
// in the |leaf_cache_|.
// In addition to calculating the hash for |label|, this function will
// also update the |inner_hash_array_| with the new value.
std::vector<uint8_t> CalculateHash(const Label& label);
// Helper function to determine whether a Label corresponds to a leaf
// node of the hash tree.
bool IsLeafLabel(const Label& l) { return l.length() == leaf_length_; }
// Update the HashCache associated with the path for |label|, and in doing
// so modifies the |inner_hash_array_|.
// This function is typically called after an update is made to the
// underlying PLT.
// This function assumes that the |leaf_cache_| is up to date,
void UpdateHashCacheLabelPath(const Label& label);
// Update the |inner_hash_array_| with the provided value.
// This function does NOT update the entire HashCache label path to the root
// for this index.
void UpdateInnerHashArray(uint32_t index, const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
// Update the |leaf_cache_| with the provided value.
// This function does NOT update the entire HashCache label path to the root
// for this index.
void UpdateLeafCache(uint32_t index, const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
// Populate the |leaf_cache_| with the MAC values of all leaf labels.
void PopulateLeafCache();
// Length of the leaf node label.
uint32_t leaf_length_;
// Fan out of the hash tree, i.e number of children of each inner node.
uint32_t fan_out_;
// Number of bits per level of the hash tree.
uint8_t bits_per_level_;
// Memory mapped file pointing to the LeafCache file on disk.
base::MemoryMappedFile leaf_cache_;
// Pointer to the |leaf_cache_| file data.
// Each element is a 32-byte hash.
uint8_t (*leaf_cache_array_)[kHashSize];
// In-memory array used to store inner node hash values.
std::vector<uint8_t> inner_hash_vector_;
// Pointer to the |inner_hash_vector_| data.
uint8_t (*inner_hash_array_)[kHashSize];
// This is used to actually store and retrieve data from the backing disk
// storage.
std::unique_ptr<Platform> p_;
PersistentLookupTable plt_;
} // namespace cryptohome