blob: 064fd365fdce9127ef5e9cff87803635fa87f9c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "attestation/common/tpm_utility.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_nvram_dbus_proxy.h"
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_ownership_dbus_proxy.h"
#include "trunks/trunks_factory_impl.h"
namespace attestation {
// A TpmUtility implementation for TPM v2.0 modules.
class TpmUtilityV2 : public TpmUtility {
TpmUtilityV2() = default;
TpmUtilityV2(tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface* tpm_owner,
tpm_manager::TpmNvramInterface* tpm_nvram,
trunks::TrunksFactory* trunks_factory);
~TpmUtilityV2() override;
// TpmUtility methods.
bool Initialize() override;
TpmVersion GetVersion() override { return TPM_2_0; }
bool IsTpmReady() override;
bool ActivateIdentity(const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& asym_ca_contents,
const std::string& sym_ca_attestation,
std::string* credential) override;
bool ActivateIdentityForTpm2(KeyType key_type,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& encrypted_seed,
const std::string& credential_mac,
const std::string& wrapped_credential,
std::string* credential) override;
bool CreateCertifiedKey(KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
const std::string& identity_key_blob,
const std::string& external_data,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* public_key_der,
std::string* public_key_tpm_format,
std::string* key_info,
std::string* proof) override;
bool SealToPCR0(const std::string& data, std::string* sealed_data) override;
bool Unseal(const std::string& sealed_data, std::string* data) override;
bool GetEndorsementPublicKey(KeyType key_type,
std::string* public_key_der) override;
bool GetEndorsementCertificate(KeyType key_type,
std::string* certificate) override;
bool Unbind(const std::string& key_blob,
const std::string& bound_data,
std::string* data) override;
bool Sign(const std::string& key_blob,
const std::string& data_to_sign,
std::string* signature) override;
bool QuotePCR(uint32_t pcr_index,
const std::string& key_blob,
std::string* quoted_pcr_value,
std::string* quoted_data,
std::string* quote) override;
bool IsQuoteForPCR(const std::string& quote,
uint32_t pcr_index) const override;
bool ReadPCR(uint32_t pcr_index, std::string* pcr_value) const override;
bool GetNVDataSize(uint32_t nv_index, uint16_t* nv_size) const override;
bool CertifyNV(uint32_t nv_index,
int nv_size,
const std::string& key_blob,
std::string* quoted_data,
std::string* quote) override;
bool RemoveOwnerDependency() override;
bool GetEndorsementPublicKeyModulus(KeyType key_type,
std::string* ekm) override;
bool CreateIdentity(KeyType key_type,
AttestationDatabase::Identity* identity) override;
// Creates a restricted key of |key_type| for |key_usage|.
// |public_key_der| is DER encoded which is converted from TPM public key
// object. |public_key_tpm_format| is a serialized TPMT_PUBLIC.
// |private_key_blob| is an opaque blob which only the TPM is able to unwrap.
// Note: Currently the function is still in the public field because of the
// legacy unittest code.
// TODO(cylai): redesign the interface of this class or move out to a common
// TPM2.0 utility.
bool CreateRestrictedKey(KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
std::string* public_key_der,
std::string* public_key_tpm_format,
std::string* private_key_blob);
// Tpm_manager communication thread class that cleans up after stopping.
class TpmManagerThread : public base::Thread {
explicit TpmManagerThread(TpmUtilityV2* tpm_utility)
: base::Thread("tpm_manager_thread"), tpm_utility_(tpm_utility) {
~TpmManagerThread() override {
void CleanUp() override {
TpmUtilityV2* const tpm_utility_;
// Initialization operation that must be performed on the tpm_manager
// thread.
void InitializationTask(base::WaitableEvent* completion);
// Shutdown operation that must be performed on the tpm_manager thread.
void ShutdownTask();
// Sends a request to tpm_managerd and waits for a response. The given
// interface |method| will be called and a |reply_proto| will be populated.
// Example usage:
// tpm_manager::GetTpmStatusReply tpm_status;
// SendTpmManagerRequestAndWait(
// base::Bind(&tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface::GetTpmStatus,
// base::Unretained(tpm_owner_),
// tpm_manager::GetTpmStatusRequest()),
// &tpm_status);
template <typename ReplyProtoType, typename MethodType>
void SendTpmManagerRequestAndWait(const MethodType& method,
ReplyProtoType* reply_proto);
// Gets the endorsement password from tpm_managerd. Returns false if the
// password is not available.
bool GetEndorsementPassword(std::string* password);
// Gets the owner password from tpm_managerd. Returns false if the password is
// not available.
bool GetOwnerPassword(std::string* password);
// Caches various TPM state including owner / endorsement passwords. On
// success, fields like is_ready_ and owner_password_ will be populated.
// Returns true on success.
bool CacheTpmState();
// Gets the specified endorsement key. Returns true on success and provides
// the |key_handle|.
bool GetEndorsementKey(KeyType key_type, trunks::TPM_HANDLE* key_handle);
bool is_ready_{false};
std::string endorsement_password_;
std::string owner_password_;
std::map<KeyType, trunks::TPM_HANDLE> endorsement_keys_;
// |tpm_owner_| and |tpm_nvram_| typically point to |default_tpm_owner_| and
// |default_tpm_nvram_| respectively, created/destroyed on the
// |tpm_manager_thread_|. As such, should not be accessed after that thread
// is stopped/destroyed.
tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface* tpm_owner_{nullptr};
tpm_manager::TpmNvramInterface* tpm_nvram_{nullptr};
trunks::TrunksFactory* trunks_factory_{nullptr};
// |default_tpm_owner_| and |default_tpm_nvram_| are created and destroyed
// on the |tpm_manager_thread_|, and are not available after the thread is
// stopped/destroyed.
std::unique_ptr<tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipDBusProxy> default_tpm_owner_;
std::unique_ptr<tpm_manager::TpmNvramDBusProxy> default_tpm_nvram_;
std::unique_ptr<trunks::TrunksFactoryImpl> default_trunks_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<trunks::TpmUtility> trunks_utility_;
// A message loop thread dedicated for asynchronous communication with
// tpm_managerd. Declared last, so that it is destroyed before the
// objects it uses.
TpmManagerThread tpm_manager_thread_{this};
} // namespace attestation