blob: e954c88829e3a98905309fe0cba67b74d1ea5b83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package smbprovider;
// ErrorType matches 1:1 to FileSystemProvider#ProviderError in Chromium up
// until ERROR_PROVIDER_ERROR_COUNT. The ErrorTypes past that are specific to
// SmbProvider.
enum ErrorType {
ERROR_IO = 17;
// Count of ProviderError.
// The following errors are not ProviderErrors, instead they are specific to
// SmbProvider. The jump in int value is to account for possible future
// additions to ProviderError.
message DirectoryEntryProto {
optional bool is_directory = 1;
optional string name = 2;
// Size in bytes.
optional int64 size = 3;
// Seconds since unix epoch.
optional int64 last_modified_time = 4;
// DirectoryEntryListProto is included in responses to ReadDirectory D-Bus
// method calls.
message DirectoryEntryListProto { repeated DirectoryEntryProto entries = 1; }
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.Mount().
message MountOptionsProto {
// Path of the share to be mounted. (e.g. "smb://qnap/testshare")
optional string path = 1;
// Authentication parameters.
optional string workgroup = 2;
optional string username = 3;
// Mount options set by the client.
optional MountConfigProto mount_config = 4;
message MountConfigProto {
// Boolean indication whether or not to enable NTLM protocol. False
// disables the NTLM protocol.
optional bool enable_ntlm = 1;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.Unmount().
message UnmountOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.ReadDirectory().
message ReadDirectoryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the directory to be read. The paths are relative to the mount root.
// (e.g. "/testfolder")
optional string directory_path = 2;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.GetMetadataEntry().
message GetMetadataEntryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the entry to be read. This can be a file or directory path.
// The paths are relative to the mount root. (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string entry_path = 2;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.OpenFile().
message OpenFileOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the file to be opened. This must be a file path.
// Paths are relative to the mount root, e.g. "/animals/dog.jpg".
optional string file_path = 2;
// Boolean indicating write status. False indicates read only.
optional bool writeable = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.CloseFile().
message CloseFileOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// ID of the file returned from OpenFile().
optional int32 file_id = 2;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.ReadFile().
message ReadFileOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// ID of the file returned from OpenFile().
optional int32 file_id = 2;
// Offset of the file to be read.
optional int64 offset = 3;
// Length in bytes to be read.
optional int32 length = 4;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.DeleteEntry().
message DeleteEntryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the entry to be deleted. This can be a file or directory path.
// The paths are relative to the mount root. (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string entry_path = 2;
// Boolean indicating whether the delete should be recursive for directories.
optional bool recursive = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.CreateFile().
message CreateFileOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the file to be created. Paths are relative to the mount root,
// e.g. "/animals/dog.jpg".
optional string file_path = 2;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.Truncate().
message TruncateOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the file to be truncated. Paths are relative to the mount root,
// e.g. "/animals/dog.jpg".
optional string file_path = 2;
// New desired length of the file.
optional int64 length = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.WriteFile().
message WriteFileOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// ID of the file returned from OpenFile().
optional int32 file_id = 2;
// Offset of the file for the write.
optional int64 offset = 3;
// Length of data being written.
optional int32 length = 4;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.CreateDirectory().
message CreateDirectoryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Path of the directory to be created. Paths are relative to the mount root.
// (e.g. "/testfolder/dogs")
optional string directory_path = 2;
// Boolean indicating whether the create should be recursive, meaning the
// parent directories will also be created if they currently don't exist.
optional bool recursive = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.MoveEntry().
message MoveEntryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Source path of the entry to be moved. This can be a file or directory path.
// Paths are relative to the mount root. (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string source_path = 2;
// Destination path for the entry to be moved to. This must be a non-existent
// file or directory path. Paths are relative to the mount
// root. (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string target_path = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.CopyEntry().
message CopyEntryOptionsProto {
// ID of the mount returned from Mount().
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Source path of the entry to be copied. This can be a file or directory
// path. Paths are relative to the mount root. (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string source_path = 2;
// Destination path for the entry to be copied to. This must be a non-existent
// file or directory path. Paths are relative to the mount root.
// (e.g. "/testfolder/dog.jpg")
optional string target_path = 3;
message GetDeleteListOptionsProto {
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
optional string entry_path = 2;
message DeleteListProto {
repeated string entries = 1;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.GetShares().
message GetSharesOptionsProto {
// Url of the server containing the shares. (e.g. "smb://")
optional string server_url = 1;
// Used for passing inputs into SmbProvider.Remount().
message RemountOptionsProto {
// Path of the share to be remounted. (e.g. "smb://")
optional string path = 1;
// ID to assign to the mount.
optional int32 mount_id = 2;
// Authentication parameters.
optional string workgroup = 3;
optional string username = 4;
// Mount options set by the client.
optional MountConfigProto mount_config = 5;
// Used for returning a list of hostnames from a parsed NetBios response packet.
message HostnamesProto {
repeated string hostnames = 1;
// Used for passing inputs into Smbprovider.UpdateMountCredentials().
message UpdateMountCredentialsOptionsProto {
// Mount ID of the mount to be updated.
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Updated workgroup.
optional string workgroup = 2;
// Updated username.
optional string username = 3;
// Used for passing inputs into Smbprovider.Premount().
message PremountOptionsProto {
// Share path URL of the mount.
optional string path = 1;
// Mount options set by the client.
optional MountConfigProto mount_config = 2;
// Used for passing inputs into Smbprovider.UpdateSharePath().
message UpdateSharePathOptionsProto {
// Mount ID of the mount to be updated.
optional int32 mount_id = 1;
// Share path of the mount to be updated.
optional string path = 2;