blob: cf4909fd15dcb709eb4ad9ae2d62fb178dba53a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "wilco_dtc.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace diagnostics {
// Abstract class that corresponds to the WilcoDtc gRPC interface
// (defined at grpc/wilco_dtc.proto).
// class MyRpcHandler : public DpslRpcHandler {
// void HandleMessageFromUi(...) override {
// ... // custom logic
// }
// };
// MyRpcHandler my_rpc_handler;
// auto thread_context = DpslThreadContext.Create(...);
// auto rpc_server = DpslRpcServer::Create(..., &my_rpc_handler, ...);
// thread_context->RunEventLoop();
// This will start a gRPC server that listens for incoming requests on the
// WilcoDtc interface at the specified gRPC URI. These requests will be
// transformed by DPSL into |my_rpc_handler|'s method calls.
// NOTE ON THREADING MODEL: The DPSL implementation ensures that, whenever it
// calls methods of this class, it does that on the same thread - the one on
// which DpslRpcServer was created.
// It's allowed to call the callbacks, which are supplied by DPSL to methods
// of this class, from any thread.
// NOTE ON REQUESTS SEQUENCE: Parallel requests are possible: DPSL may make a
// new call of a method of this class before the previous one ran its callback.
// NOTE ON LONG-RUNNING TASKS: It's recommended to avoid doing long-running
// tasks in overridden methods of this class on the current thread, since this
// would block the thread from running other jobs, like serving subsequent
// incoming requests. Therefore it's advisable to offload time-consuming
// operations onto background threads.
class DpslRpcHandler {
// Request-specific callback types. These callbacks are passed by DPSL and
// should be used by the implementation to return method results.
// When |response| is passed as null, the whole request is considered canceled
// (i.e., the wilco_dtc_supportd daemon receives the cancellation error for
// this request).
using HandleMessageFromUiCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandleMessageFromUiResponse> response)>;
using HandleEcNotificationCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandleEcNotificationResponse> response)>;
using HandlePowerNotificationCallback = std::function<void(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandlePowerNotificationResponse> response)>;
virtual ~DpslRpcHandler() = default;
// Methods of the WilcoDtc gRPC interface.
// The |request| parameters are guaranteed to be non-null. The supplied
// |callback| must be run no more than once (and until this happens, the
// request is considered as running and consumes resources). It's allowed to
// run |callback| from any thread.
virtual void HandleMessageFromUi(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandleMessageFromUiRequest> request,
HandleMessageFromUiCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void HandleEcNotification(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandleEcNotificationRequest> request,
HandleEcNotificationCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void HandlePowerNotification(
std::unique_ptr<grpc_api::HandlePowerNotificationRequest> request,
HandlePowerNotificationCallback callback) = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics