blob: d3d3c7f86fbaa607d9cc801cdbd65215d99ac68d [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Crome OS Configuration access library.
Provides build-time access to the master configuration on the host. It is used
for reading from the master configuration. Consider using
for CLI access to this library.
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import json
from cros_config_schema import TransformConfig
from libcros_config_host_base import BaseFile, CrosConfigBaseImpl, DeviceConfig
from libcros_config_host_base import FirmwareInfo, TouchFile
UNIBOARD_JSON_INSTALL_PATH = 'usr/share/chromeos-config/config.json'
class DeviceConfigJson(DeviceConfig):
"""JSON specific impl of DeviceConfig
_config: Root dictionary element for a given config.
def __init__(self, config):
self._config = config
self.firmware_info = OrderedDict()
def GetName(self):
return str(self._config['name'])
def GetProperties(self, path):
result = self._config
if path != '/':
for path_token in path[1:].split('/'): # Burn the first '/' char
if path_token in result:
result = result[path_token]
return {}
return result
def GetProperty(self, path, name):
props = self.GetProperties(path)
if props and name in props:
return str(props[name])
return ''
def GetValue(self, source, name):
if name in source:
val = source[name]
if isinstance(val, basestring):
return str(val)
return source[name]
return None
def _GetFiles(self, path):
result = []
file_region = self.GetProperties(path)
if file_region and 'files' in file_region:
for item in file_region['files']:
if 'build-path' in item:
result.append(BaseFile(item['build-path'], item['system-path']))
result.append(BaseFile(item['source'], item['destination']))
return result
def GetFirmwareConfig(self):
firmware = self.GetProperties('/firmware')
if not firmware or self.GetValue(firmware, 'no-firmware'):
return {}
return firmware
def GetFirmwareInfo(self):
return self.firmware_info
def GetTouchFirmwareFiles(self):
result = []
touch = self.GetProperties('/touch')
if touch and 'files' in touch:
for item in touch['files']:
TouchFile(item['source'], item['destination'], item['symlink']))
return result
def GetArcFiles(self):
return self._GetFiles('/arc')
def GetAudioFiles(self):
return self._GetFiles('/audio/main')
def GetBluetoothFiles(self):
result = []
config = self.GetProperties('/bluetooth/config')
if config:
result.append(BaseFile(config['build-path'], config['system-path']))
return result
def GetThermalFiles(self):
return self._GetFiles('/thermal')
def GetWallpaperFiles(self):
result = set()
wallpaper = self.GetValue(self._config, 'wallpaper')
if wallpaper:
return result
class CrosConfigJson(CrosConfigBaseImpl):
"""JSON specific impl of CrosConfig
_json: Root json for the entire config.
_configs: List of DeviceConfigJson instances
def __init__(self, infile, model_filter_regex=None):
"""Constructor for JSON specific implementation of CrosConfig
infile: File-like object with JSON configuration
model_filter_regex: Only returns configs that match the filter.
self._json = json.loads(
TransformConfig(, model_filter_regex=model_filter_regex))
self._configs = []
for config in self._json['chromeos']['configs']:
sorted(self._configs, key=lambda x: str(x.GetProperties('/identity')))
# TODO(shapiroc): This is mess and needs considerable rework on the fw
# side to cleanup, but for now, we're sticking with it in order to
# finish migration to YAML.
fw_by_model = {}
processed = set()
for config in self._configs:
fw = config.GetFirmwareConfig()
# For partial configs (public vs private), we need to support the name
# for cases where identity isn't specified.
identity = config.GetName() + str(config.GetProperties('/identity'))
brand_code = config.GetProperty('/', 'brand-code')
if fw and identity not in processed:
fw_str = str(fw)
shared_model = None
if fw_str not in fw_by_model:
# Use the explict name of the firmware, else use the device name
# This supports equivalence testing with DT since it allowed
# naming firmware images.
fw_by_model[fw_str] = fw.get('name', config.GetName())
shared_model = fw_by_model[fw_str]
build_config = config.GetProperties('/firmware/build-targets')
if build_config:
bios_build_target = config.GetValue(build_config, 'coreboot')
ec_build_target = config.GetValue(build_config, 'ec')
bios_build_target, ec_build_target = None, None
main_image_uri = config.GetValue(fw, 'main-ro-image') or ''
main_rw_image_uri = config.GetValue(fw, 'main-rw-image') or ''
ec_image_uri = config.GetValue(fw, 'ec-ro-image') or ''
pd_image_uri = config.GetValue(fw, 'pd-ro-image') or ''
fw_signer_config = config.GetProperties('/firmware-signing')
key_id = config.GetValue(fw_signer_config, 'key-id')
sig_in_customization_id = config.GetValue(fw_signer_config,
have_image = True
name = config.GetName()
if sig_in_customization_id:
sig_id = 'sig-id-in-customization-id'
brand_code = ''
sig_id = config.GetValue(fw_signer_config, 'signature-id')
info = FirmwareInfo(name, shared_model, key_id, have_image,
bios_build_target, ec_build_target, main_image_uri,
main_rw_image_uri, ec_image_uri, pd_image_uri,
sig_id, brand_code)
config.firmware_info[name] = info
if sig_in_customization_id:
for wl_config in self._configs:
if wl_config.GetName() == name:
wl_brand_code = wl_config.GetProperty('/', 'brand-code')
wl_identity_str = str(wl_config.GetProperties('/identity'))
wl_identity = wl_config.GetName() + wl_identity_str
fw_signer_config = wl_config.GetProperties('/firmware-signing')
wl_key_id = wl_config.GetValue(fw_signer_config, 'key-id')
wl_sig_id = wl_config.GetValue(fw_signer_config, 'signature-id')
wl_fw_info = copy.deepcopy(info)
wl_config.firmware_info[wl_sig_id] = wl_fw_info._replace(
def GetDeviceConfigs(self):
return self._configs