blob: 788b0948391733c21487cfa98ac96ee4d2252fc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/sequence_checker.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <camera/camera_metadata.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
namespace cros {
struct DiffData {
std::string key;
std::string old_val;
std::string new_val;
std::string FormatKey(int width);
std::string FormatValue(int width);
class CameraMetadataInspector {
// Holds the string representation of the entries of a metadata.
using DataMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// The factory function that creates a CameraMetadataInspector from the
// command line switches of the current process:
// --metadata_inspector_output=<path/to/output/file>
// --metadata_inspector_whitelist=<regex_filter> (optional)
// --metadata_inspector_blacklist=<regex_filter> (optional)
// See the comments of |output_file_|, |whitelist_| and |blacklist_| below for
// more details. Returns nullptr on error.
static std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadataInspector> Create(
int partial_result_count);
// Disallow copy constructor and assign operator.
CameraMetadataInspector(const CameraMetadataInspector&) = delete;
CameraMetadataInspector& operator=(const CameraMetadataInspector&) = delete;
// Inspect a capture request and dump the difference from the previous one
// in |output_file_|.
void InspectRequest(const camera3_capture_request_t* request);
// Inspect a capture result and dump the difference from the previous one
// in |output_file_|. Partial results would be aggregated automatically, but
// the caller needs to guarantee it's called on the same sequence.
void InspectResult(const camera3_capture_result_t* result);
enum class Kind { kRequest, kResult, kNumberOfKinds };
// The private constructor used in the factory function.
CameraMetadataInspector(int partial_result_count,
base::File output_file,
std::unique_ptr<RE2> whitelist,
std::unique_ptr<RE2> blacklist,
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread);
// Writes and flushes |msg| to |output_file_|.
void Write(base::StringPiece msg);
// Returns true if |key| should be ignored according to |whitelist_| and
// |blacklist_|.
bool ShouldIgnoreKey(const std::string& key);
// Converts a metadata into the stringified DataMap.
DataMap MapFromMetadata(const camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// Compares two maps and returns a list of differences.
std::vector<DiffData> Compare(const DataMap& old_map, const DataMap& new_map);
// Compares the metadata with the previous one, and writes the formatted
// difference into |output_file_|.
void InspectOnThread(Kind kind,
const std::string& kind_tag,
int color,
base::Time time,
int frame_number,
camera_metadata_t* metadata);
// How many sub-components a result will be composed of at most.
int partial_result_count_;
// The output file for the inspector. Could be a special file such as
// /dev/stdout.
base::File output_file_;
// If specified, only metadata with keys matching the regular expression
// filter would be logged.
std::unique_ptr<RE2> whitelist_;
// If specified, only metadata with keys not matching the regular expression
// filter would be logged. Blacklist could be used with whitelist, and only
// keys (in whitelist && not in the blacklist) would be logged.
std::unique_ptr<RE2> blacklist_;
// The latest DataMap for each kind of metadata.
DataMap latest_map[static_cast<size_t>(Kind::kNumberOfKinds)];
// The aggregated capture result for all current partial results. It's only
// accessed in InspectResult() and guarded by |result_sequence_checker_|.
android::CameraMetadata pending_result_;
// Ensures InspectResult() are called on the same sequence.
base::SequenceChecker result_sequence_checker_;
// The real work such as InspectOnThread() is running on |thread_|, so the
// capture flow won't be blocked by InspectRequest() and InspectResult().
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> thread_;
} // namespace cros