blob: d8558a014a21d0b40440a7d7df04618daba5143b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The messages in this file comprise the DBus/Protobuf interface for
// Runtime Probe.
syntax = "proto3";
package runtime_probe;
// Defined error code.
enum ErrorCode {
// 0 is the default value of ProbeResult::error. It should never be used.
// Not able to read the ProbeResult as DBus signature indicated.
// Not able to find default probe config in the rootfs image.
// Assigned probe config is not holding a corret JSON format.
// Assigned probe config contains functions not able to be constructed.
// Request from client that indicates what categories to probe. Category must
// be existed on the per-board probe statement in rootfs.
message ProbeRequest {
enum SupportCategory {
// The name style here is on purposely align with factory probe output.
audio_codec = 0;
battery = 1;
storage = 2;
// repeated string categories = 1;
repeated SupportCategory categories = 1;
// Things about audio_codec
message AudioCodec {
message Fields {
// The name of the codec presents in sysfs.
string name = 1;
string name = 1; // Component alias
Fields values = 2; // Component's details
// Things about battery
message Battery {
// TODO(itspeter): Add more fileds for battery.
message Fields {
// (1) Most fields are following the naming of exposed ACPI interface.
// (2) Most units is in µ because of this unexplained kernel patch:
// Index number of this battery, starts from 1.
int32 index = 1;
// Manufacturer for length not exceeding EC_COMM_TEXT_MAX.
string manufacturer = 2;
// Model name for length not exceeding EC_COMM_TEXT_MAX.
string model_name = 3;
// Serial number for length not exceeding EC_COMM_TEXT_MAX.
string serial_number = 4;
// Design Capacity (µAh).
int32 charge_full_design = 5;
// Full Capacity (µAh, might change occasionally).
int32 charge_full = 6;
// Remaining capacity (µAh)
int32 charge_now = 7;
// Current Battery voltage (µV)
int32 voltage_now = 8;
// Designed minimum output voltage (µV)
int32 voltage_min_design = 9;
// Smart Battery Cycle Count in
int32 cycle_count_smart = 10;
// Smart Battery Status defined in
int32 status_smart = 11;
// Temperature in 0.1°K as Smart Battery Temperature defined in
int32 temperature_smart = 12;
// The path of this battery in system. It is useful if caller needs to
// correlate with other information
string path = 13;
string name = 1; // Component alias
Fields values = 2; // Component's details
// Things about storage
message Storage {
// TODO(itspeter): Add more fileds for storage.
// Those fields are for eMMC now.
message Fields {
// The path of this storage in system. It is useful if caller needs to
// correlate with other information.
string path = 1;
// Number of sectors of this storage, traditionally 1 sector = 512 Bytes.
int64 sectors = 2;
// Exact size of this storage, reported in bytes
int64 size = 3;
// Storage type, could be MMC / NVMe / ATA
// TODO(b/122027599): NVMe/ATA is still underdevelopment.
string type = 4;
// Below are based on JEDEC Standard No. 84-B51, and kernel MMC driver
// exposed in sysfs:
// MID: Manufacturer ID, 8 bits.
uint32 manfid = 5;
// PNM: Product name, ASCII characters for 6 bytes.
string name = 6;
// PRV: Product revision, 8 bits
uint32 prv = 7;
// PSN: Product serial number, 32 bits
uint32 serial = 8;
// OID: OEM/Application ID, 8 bits
uint32 oemid = 9;
string name = 1; // Component alias
Fields values = 2; // Component's details
// A ProbeResult contains all potential probe results. For category not existed
// or not requested for probing, field is expected to be empty.
message ProbeResult {
// If a call was successful, error will not be defined.
// If a call failed, it must set an error code.
ErrorCode error = 1;
repeated AudioCodec audio_codec = 2;
repeated Battery battery = 3;
repeated Storage storage = 4;