blob: fb09a1818a09ad418377a7011b5ceea5dc7eac9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "diagnostics/telem/async_grpc_client_adapter.h"
#include "diagnostics/telem/async_grpc_client_adapter_impl.h"
#include "diagnostics/telem/telem_cache.h"
#include "diagnostics/telem/telemetry_group_enum.h"
#include "diagnostics/telem/telemetry_item_enum.h"
#include "diagnosticsd.grpc.pb.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
namespace diagnostics {
// Libtelem's main interface for requesting telemetry information.
// Example usage:
// TelemConnection telem_connection(grpc_uri);
// telem_connection.Connect();
// const base::Value* memtotal_mb =
// telem_connection.GetItem(TelemetryItemEnum::kMemTotalMB);
class TelemConnection final {
// Creates a TelemConnection object which can listen over the
// gRPC URI |target_uri|. All production code should use this
// constructor.
// Injects a custom implementation of the AsyncGrpcClientAdapter interface.
// This constructor should only be used for testing.
explicit TelemConnection(AsyncGrpcClientAdapter* client);
// Opens a gRPC connection on the interface specified by |target_uri_|.
// This method should only be called a single time for each TelemConnection
// object.
void Connect(const std::string& target_uri);
// Returns telemetry data corresponding to |item|, which was updated at least
// |acceptable_age| ago. Connect() must be called before any calls to this
// method. The returned value should be checked before it is used - the
// function will return base::nullopt if the requested item could not be
// retrieved.
const base::Optional<base::Value> GetItem(TelemetryItemEnum item,
base::TimeDelta acceptable_age);
// Returns telemetry data for each item in |group|, which was updated at least
// |acceptable_age| ago. Connect() must be called before any calls to this
// method.
const std::vector<
std::pair<TelemetryItemEnum, const base::Optional<base::Value>>>
GetGroup(TelemetryGroupEnum group, base::TimeDelta acceptable_age);
// Updates the internal cache with new telemetry data from /proc/.
void UpdateProcData(grpc_api::GetProcDataRequest::Type type);
// Updates the internal cache with new telemetry data from /sys/.
void UpdateSysfsData(grpc_api::GetSysfsDataRequest::Type type);
// Gracefully shut down the AsyncGrpcClientAdapter.
void ShutdownClient();
// The following methods parse raw file dumps of various files under /proc/
// for relevant telemetry information.
void ExtractDataFromProcMeminfo(
const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcUptime(const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcLoadavg(
const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcStat(const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcAcpiButton(
const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcNetStat(
const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromProcNetDev(const grpc_api::GetProcDataResponse& response);
// The following methods parse raw files dumps of various files under /sys/
// for relevant telemetry information.
void ExtractDataFromSysfsHwmon(
const grpc_api::GetSysfsDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromSysfsThermal(
const grpc_api::GetSysfsDataResponse& response);
void ExtractDataFromSysfsDmiTables(
const grpc_api::GetSysfsDataResponse& response);
TelemCache cache_;
// Owned default implementation, used when no AsyncGrpcClientAdapter
// implementation is provided in the constructor.
std::unique_ptr<AsyncGrpcClientAdapterImpl> owned_client_impl_;
// Unowned pointer to the chosen AsyncGrpcClientAdapter implementation.
AsyncGrpcClientAdapter* client_impl_;
} // namespace diagnostics