blob: ceea25586016047933ba29d12c59867597baaeed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Start Chrome OS camera service"
author ""
start on starting system-services
stop on stopping system-services
expect fork
respawn limit 5 30
env SECCOMP_POLICY_FILE=/usr/share/policy/cros-camera.policy
env UVC_HWTIMESTAMPS_FILE=/sys/module/uvcvideo/parameters/hwtimestamps
env UVC_CLOCK_FILE=/sys/module/uvcvideo/parameters/clock
# Don't respawn too aggressively so kernel has some room to breathe and
# initialize cameras.
# cros_camera_service provides camera service to both Chrome and ARC++:
# Chrome hosts the CameraHalDispatcher Mojo proxy; cros_camera_service forks a
# child process to host the camera HAL adapter and registers to
# CameraHalDispatcher Mojo proxy. Camera clients can then ask
# CameraHalDispatcher Mojo proxy to get the handle to connect to the camera HAL
# adapter.
pre-start script
# Run the board-specific setup hooks, if any.
sh /etc/camera/ || true
[ -e "${UVC_HWTIMESTAMPS_FILE}" ] && echo 1 > "${UVC_HWTIMESTAMPS_FILE}" || true
printf "boottime" > "${UVC_CLOCK_FILE}" || true
end script
post-stop script
sleep "${RESPAWN_DELAY}"
end script
# Need -G to be in video group to access /dev/video*.
# Need access to original network namespace for udev (no -e), which passes
# uevents via netlink socket.
# Need access to /proc, /sys, /dev to perform USB enumeration.
# Need access to /var to read camera parameters.
# Need access to /run/systemd/journal for logging (
# Need (writable) access to /dev/shm to share memory with Android.
# Need (writable) access to /sys/kernel/debug/tracing to log events.
# Set RLIMIT_NICE(=13) to 40,40
exec minijail0 -i -u arc-camera -g arc-camera -G \
-N -p -r -l -t \
-v -P /var/empty -b / -b /proc -b /sys -b /dev -b /var -b /dev/shm,,1 \
-b /sys/kernel/debug -b /sys/kernel/debug/tracing,,1 \
-k tmpfs,/run,tmpfs,0xe \
-b /run/camera,,1 -b /run/systemd/journal -b /run/udev/data \
-R 13,40,40 \
-- /usr/bin/cros_camera_service