blob: 3fa03e0fa6e6a26c36c67fc36cabc2890b67c10c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Intel Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "CommonUtils"
#include "LogHelper.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "LogHelper.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace cros {
namespace intel {
void getTokens(const char *s, const char delim, std::vector<std::string> &tokens)
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
for (size_t i = 0; std::getline(ss, item, delim); i++) {
// Parse string like "640x480" or "10000,20000"
// copy from android CameraParameters.cpp
int parsePair(const char *str, int *first, int *second, char delim, char **endptr)
// Find the first integer.
char *end;
int w = (int)strtol(str, &end, 10);
// If a delimiter does not immediately follow, give up.
if (*end != delim) {
LOGE("Cannot find delimiter (%c) in str=%s", delim, str);
return -1;
// Find the second integer, immediately after the delimiter.
int h = (int)strtol(end+1, &end, 10);
*first = w;
*second = h;
if (endptr) {
*endptr = end;
return 0;
#define FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC 8 /* Value of 8 is maximum in order to avoid overflow with 16-bit inputs */
#define FRAC_BASE (short)(1) << FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC
* \brief Resize a 2D array with linear interpolation.
* @param[in,out]
* in a_src pointer to input array (width-major)
* in a_src_w width of the input array
* in a_src_h height of the input array
* in a_dst pointer to output array (width-major)
* in a_dst_w width of the output array
* in a_dst_h height of the output array
template <typename T> int resize2dArray(
const T* a_src, int a_src_w, int a_src_h,
T* a_dst, int a_dst_w, int a_dst_h)
int i, j, step_size_w, step_size_h, rounding_term;
if (a_src_w < 2 || a_dst_w < 2 || a_src_h < 2 || a_dst_h < 2) {
return -1;
nsecs_t startTime = systemTime();
step_size_w = ((a_src_w-1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC) / (a_dst_w-1);
step_size_h = ((a_src_h-1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC) / (a_dst_h-1);
rounding_term = (1<<(2*FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC-1));
for (j = 0; j < a_dst_h; ++j) {
unsigned int curr_loc_h, curr_loc_lower_h;
curr_loc_h = j * step_size_h;
curr_loc_lower_h = (curr_loc_h > 0) ? (curr_loc_h-1)>>FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC : 0;
for (i = 0; i < a_dst_w; ++i) {
unsigned int curr_loc_w, curr_loc_lower_w;
curr_loc_w = i * step_size_w;
curr_loc_lower_w = (curr_loc_w > 0) ? (curr_loc_w-1)>>FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC : 0;
a_dst[a_dst_w*j+i] =
(a_src[curr_loc_lower_w + curr_loc_lower_h*a_src_w] *
(((curr_loc_lower_w+1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)-curr_loc_w) *
(((curr_loc_lower_h+1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)-curr_loc_h) +
a_src[curr_loc_lower_w+1 + curr_loc_lower_h*a_src_w] *
(curr_loc_w-((curr_loc_lower_w)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)) *
(((curr_loc_lower_h+1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)-curr_loc_h) +
a_src[curr_loc_lower_w + (curr_loc_lower_h+1)*a_src_w] *
(((curr_loc_lower_w+1)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)-curr_loc_w) *
(curr_loc_h-((curr_loc_lower_h)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)) +
a_src[curr_loc_lower_w+1 + (curr_loc_lower_h+1)*a_src_w] *
(curr_loc_w-((curr_loc_lower_w)<<FRAC_BITS_CURR_LOC)) *
+ rounding_term) / (FRAC_BASE * FRAC_BASE);
LOG2("resize the 2D array cost %dus", (unsigned)((systemTime() - startTime) / 1000));
return 0;
template int resize2dArray<float>(
const float* a_src, int a_src_w, int a_src_h,
float* a_dst, int a_dst_w, int a_dst_h);
template int resize2dArray<int>(
const int* a_src, int a_src_w, int a_src_h,
int* a_dst, int a_dst_w, int a_dst_h);
nsecs_t systemTime()
struct timespec t;
t.tv_sec = t.tv_nsec = 0;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
return nsecs_t(t.tv_sec)*1000000000LL + t.tv_nsec;
void dumpToFile(const void* data, int size, int width, int height, int reqId, const std::string& name)
static unsigned int count = 0;
if (gDumpInterval > 1) {
if (count % gDumpInterval != 0) {
// one example for the file name: /tmp/dump_00000003_34_4096x3072_before_nv12_to_jpeg.nv12
std::string fileName;
std::string dumpPrefix("dump_");
char dumpSuffix[100] = {};
snprintf(dumpSuffix, sizeof(dumpSuffix),
"%08u_%d_%dx%d_%s", count, reqId, width, height, name.c_str());
fileName = std::string(gDumpPath) + dumpPrefix + std::string(dumpSuffix);
LOG2("%s filename is %s", __FUNCTION__,;
FILE* fp = fopen (, "w+");
CheckError(fp == nullptr, VOID_VALUE, "@%s, open file failed", __FUNCTION__);
LOG1("Begin write image %s",;
if ((fwrite(data, size, 1, fp)) != 1)
LOGW("Error or short count writing %d bytes to %s", size,;
fclose (fp);
// always leave the latest gDumpCount "dump_xxx" files
if (gDumpCount <= 0) {
// read the "dump_xxx" files name into vector
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
DIR* dir = opendir(gDumpPath);
CheckError(dir == nullptr, VOID_VALUE, "@%s, call opendir() fail", __FUNCTION__);
struct dirent* dp = nullptr;
while ((dp = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
char* ret = strstr(dp->d_name, dumpPrefix.c_str());
if (ret) {
// remove the old files when the file number is > gDumpCount
if (fileNames.size() > gDumpCount) {
std::sort(fileNames.begin(), fileNames.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < (fileNames.size() - gDumpCount); ++i) {
std::string fullName = gDumpPath + fileNames[i];
} /* namespace intel */
} /* namespace cros */