blob: 855641fb5015fda52904594187896a0a43f1f940 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arc/apk-cache/cache_cleaner.h"
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
namespace {
constexpr char kApkCacheDir[] = "/mnt/stateful_partition/unencrypted/apkcache";
constexpr char kHelpText[] =
"Performs cleaning of the APK cache directory: "
"It removes:\n"
" - all the files in the cache root;\n"
" - all the package directories that:\n"
" 1. have not been used within last 30 days;\n"
" 2. contain unexpected files. Any file except APK, main and patch OBB\n"
" and JSON with package attributes is considered unexpected;\n"
" 3. contain directories;\n"
" 4. contain no or more than one APK file, no attributes JSON file,\n"
" more then one main OBB file, more then one patch OBB file.\n"
"Returns 0 all the intended files and directories were successfully\n"
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Use "arc-" prefix so that the log is recorded in /var/log/arc.log.
brillo::OpenLog("arc-apk-cache-cleaner", true /* log_pid */);
brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, kHelpText);
brillo::InitLog(brillo::kLogToSyslog | brillo::kLogToStderrIfTty);
if (!apk_cache::Clean(base::FilePath(kApkCacheDir))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "APK Cache cleaner experienced problem while cleaning.";
return 1;
LOG(INFO) << "APK Cache cleaner succeeded.";
return 0;