blob: 5488b1b180fa3267a222f78d3bdaf95ffc6fe59b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "installer/cgpt_manager.h"
#include <err.h>
#include <linux/major.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include "installer/inst_util.h"
extern "C" {
#include <vboot/vboot_host.h>
using std::string;
namespace {
// Create a temp file, read GPT structs from NOR flash to that file, and return
// true on success. On success, |file_name| contains the path to the temp file.
bool ReadGptFromNor(string* file_name) {
char tmp_name[] = "/tmp/cgptmanagerXXXXXX";
int fd = mkstemp(tmp_name);
if (fd < 0) {
warn("Cannot create temp file to store GPT structs read from NOR");
return false;
// Extra parens to work around the compiler parser.
ScopedPathRemover remover((string(tmp_name)));
// Close fd so that flashrom can write to the file right after.
string cmd = StringPrintf("flashrom -i \"RW_GPT:%s\" -r", tmp_name);
if (RunCommand(cmd) != 0) {
return false;
// Keep the temp file.
*file_name = tmp_name;
return true;
// Write |data| to NOR flash at FMAP |region|. Return true on success.
bool WriteToNor(const string& data, const string& region) {
char tmp_name[] = "/tmp/cgptmanagerXXXXXX";
base::ScopedFD fd(mkstemp(tmp_name));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
warn("Cannot create temp file to write to NOR flash");
return false;
// Extra parens to work around the compiler parser.
ScopedPathRemover remover((string(tmp_name)));
if (!WriteFullyToFileDescriptor(data, fd.get())) {
warnx("Cannot write data to temp file %s.\n", tmp_name);
return false;
// Close fd so that flashrom can open it right after.
string cmd = StringPrintf("flashrom -i \"%s:%s\" -w --fast-verify",
region.c_str(), tmp_name);
if (RunCommand(cmd) != 0) {
warnx("Cannot write %s to %s section.\n", tmp_name, region.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// Write GPT data in |file_name| file to NOR flash. This function writes the
// content in two halves, one to RW_GPT_PRIMARY, and another to RW_GPT_SECONDARY
// sections. Return negative on failure, 0 on success, a positive integer means
// that many parts failed. Due to the way GPT works, we usually could recover
// from one failure.
int WriteGptToNor(const string& file_name) {
string gpt_data;
if (!ReadFileToString(file_name, &gpt_data)) {
warnx("Cannot read from %s.\n", file_name.c_str());
return -1;
int ret = 0;
if (!WriteToNor(gpt_data.substr(0, gpt_data.length() / 2),
if (!WriteToNor(gpt_data.substr(gpt_data.length() / 2), "RW_GPT_SECONDARY")) {
switch (ret) {
case 0: {
case 1: {
warnx("Failed to write some part. It might still be okay.\n");
case 2: {
warnx("Cannot write either part to flashrom.\n");
default: {
errx(-1, "Unexpected number of write failures (%d)", ret);
return ret;
// Set or clear |is_mtd| depending on if |block_dev| points to an MTD device.
bool IsMtd(const string& block_dev, bool* is_mtd) {
struct stat stat_buf;
if (stat(block_dev.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) {
warn("Failed to stat %s", block_dev.c_str());
return false;
*is_mtd = (major(stat_buf.st_rdev) == MTD_CHAR_MAJOR);
return true;
// Return the size of MTD device |block_dev| in |ret|.
bool GetMtdSize(const string& block_dev, uint64_t* ret) {
string size_file =
StringPrintf("/sys/class/mtd/%s/size", basename(block_dev.c_str()));
string size_string;
if (!ReadFileToString(size_file, &size_string)) {
warnx("Cannot read MTD size from %s.\n", size_file.c_str());
return false;
uint64_t size;
char* end;
size = strtoull(size_string.c_str(), &end, 10);
if (*end != '\x0A') {
warn("Cannot convert %s into decimal", size_string.c_str());
return false;
*ret = size;
return true;
} // namespace
// This file implements the C++ wrapper methods over the C cgpt methods.
CgptManager::CgptManager() : device_size_(0), is_initialized_(false) {}
CgptManager::~CgptManager() {
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::Initialize(const string& device_name) {
device_name_ = device_name;
bool is_mtd;
if (!IsMtd(device_name, &is_mtd)) {
warnx("Cannot determine if %s is an MTD device.\n", device_name.c_str());
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (is_mtd) {
warnx("%s is an MTD device.\n", device_name.c_str());
if (!GetMtdSize(device_name, &device_size_)) {
warnx("But we do not know its size.\n");
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!ReadGptFromNor(&device_name_)) {
warnx("Failed to read GPT structs from NOR flash.\n");
return kCgptNotInitialized;
is_initialized_ = true;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::Finalize() {
if (!is_initialized_) {
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (device_size_) {
if (WriteGptToNor(device_name_) != 0) {
return kCgptUnknownError;
if (unlink(device_name_.c_str()) != 0) {
warn("Cannot remove temp file %s", device_name_.c_str());
device_size_ = 0;
is_initialized_ = false;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::ClearAll() {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptCreateParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.zap = 0;
int retval = CgptCreate(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::AddPartition(const string& label,
const Guid& partition_type_guid,
const Guid& unique_id,
uint64_t beginning_offset,
uint64_t num_sectors) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.label = const_cast<char*>(label.c_str());
params.type_guid = partition_type_guid;
params.set_type = 1;
params.begin = beginning_offset;
params.set_begin = 1;
params.size = num_sectors;
params.set_size = 1;
if (!GuidIsZero(&unique_id)) {
params.unique_guid = unique_id;
params.set_unique = 1;
int retval = CgptAdd(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetNumNonEmptyPartitions(
uint8_t* num_partitions) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!num_partitions)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptShowParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
int retval = CgptGetNumNonEmptyPartitions(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*num_partitions = params.num_partitions;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetPmbr(uint32_t boot_partition_number,
const string& boot_file_name,
bool should_create_legacy_partition) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptBootParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
if (!boot_file_name.empty())
params.bootfile = const_cast<char*>(boot_file_name.c_str());
params.partition = boot_partition_number;
params.create_pmbr = should_create_legacy_partition;
int retval = CgptBoot(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetPmbrBootPartitionNumber(
uint32_t* boot_partition) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!boot_partition)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptBootParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
int retval = CgptGetBootPartitionNumber(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*boot_partition = params.partition;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetSuccessful(uint32_t partition_number,
bool is_successful) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
params.successful = is_successful;
params.set_successful = true;
int retval = CgptSetAttributes(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetSuccessful(uint32_t partition_number,
bool* is_successful) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!is_successful)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*is_successful = params.successful;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetNumTriesLeft(uint32_t partition_number,
int numTries) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
params.tries = numTries;
params.set_tries = true;
int retval = CgptSetAttributes(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetNumTriesLeft(uint32_t partition_number,
int* numTries) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!numTries)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*numTries = params.tries;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetPriority(uint32_t partition_number,
uint8_t priority) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
params.priority = priority;
params.set_priority = true;
int retval = CgptSetAttributes(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetPriority(uint32_t partition_number,
uint8_t* priority) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!priority)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*priority = params.priority;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetBeginningOffset(uint32_t partition_number,
uint64_t* offset) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!offset)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*offset = params.begin;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetNumSectors(uint32_t partition_number,
uint64_t* num_sectors) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!num_sectors)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*num_sectors = params.size;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetPartitionTypeId(uint32_t partition_number,
Guid* type_id) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!type_id)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*type_id = params.type_guid;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetPartitionUniqueId(uint32_t partition_number,
Guid* unique_id) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!unique_id)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.partition = partition_number;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*unique_id = params.unique_guid;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::GetPartitionNumberByUniqueId(
const Guid& unique_id, uint32_t* partition_number) const {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
if (!partition_number)
return kCgptInvalidArgument;
CgptAddParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.unique_guid = unique_id;
params.set_unique = 1;
int retval = CgptGetPartitionDetails(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
*partition_number = params.partition;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetHighestPriority(uint32_t partition_number,
uint8_t highest_priority) {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
CgptPrioritizeParams params;
memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
params.drive_name = const_cast<char*>(device_name_.c_str());
params.drive_size = device_size_;
params.set_partition = partition_number;
params.max_priority = highest_priority;
int retval = CgptPrioritize(&params);
if (retval != CGPT_OK)
return kCgptUnknownError;
return kCgptSuccess;
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::SetHighestPriority(uint32_t partition_number) {
// The internal implementation in CgptPrioritize automatically computes the
// right priority number if we supply 0 for the highest_priority argument.
return SetHighestPriority(partition_number, 0);
CgptErrorCode CgptManager::Validate() {
if (!is_initialized_)
return kCgptNotInitialized;
uint8_t num_partitions;
// GetNumNonEmptyPartitions does the check for GptSanityCheck.
// so call it (ignore the num_partitions result) and just return
// its success/failure result.
return GetNumNonEmptyPartitions(&num_partitions);