blob: 9980db51a2e19ea88d81be5e84d20eac15f9cdd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// gRPC API exposed by the diagnosticsd daemon. Normally the consumer of the API
// is the diagnostics_processor daemon.
syntax = "proto3";
package diagnostics.grpc_api;
import "common.proto";
service Diagnosticsd {
// Sends a message to the diagnostics UI extension (hosted by the browser).
// Delivery of the message is not guaranteed (for example, if the diagnostics
// UI extension isn't running at the moment).
rpc SendMessageToUi(SendMessageToUiRequest)
returns (SendMessageToUiResponse) {}
// Returns the specified data from the proc filesystem.
rpc GetProcData(GetProcDataRequest) returns (GetProcDataResponse) {}
// Returns the specified data from the sysfs filesystem.
rpc GetSysfsData(GetSysfsDataRequest) returns (GetSysfsDataResponse) {}
// Performs a web request to the specified HTTPS URL. Returns only whether the
// request succeeded and the HTTP status code.
// It is implementation-defined which network, proxy and VPN settings are used
// for making the request.
rpc PerformWebRequest(PerformWebRequestParameter)
returns (PerformWebRequestResponse) {}
// Runs EC command using the EC driver and returns the command response.
rpc RunEcCommand(RunEcCommandRequest) returns (RunEcCommandResponse) {}
// Retrieves EC property.
rpc GetEcProperty(GetEcPropertyRequest) returns (GetEcPropertyResponse) {}
// Parameters for the SendMessageToUi RPC.
message SendMessageToUiRequest {
// Message contents. Must be a valid JSON string.
string json_message = 1;
// Return value of the SendMessageToUi RPC.
message SendMessageToUiResponse {
// Response message contents, as returned by the diagnostics UI extension.
// Will be unset when the request was not delivered to any extension or the
// extension(s) that received the message completed the request without any
// reply.
string response_json_message = 1;
// Holds a dump of a file contents.
message FileDump {
// Absolute path to the file.
string path = 1;
// Canonicalized path to the file. Unlike |path|, this path never contains
// symbolic links.
string canonical_path = 2;
// Contents of the file.
bytes contents = 3;
// Parameters for the GetProcData RPC.
message GetProcDataRequest {
// Type of information to be retrieved from the proc filesystem.
// NOTE: The following enums correspond to hardcoded file paths on the proc
// filesystem provided by the OS kernel. There's NO guarantee that these files
// will continue to be present after the OS kernel version changes.
enum Type {
FILE_UPTIME = 1; // request contents of "/proc/uptime"
FILE_MEMINFO = 2; // request contents of “/proc/meminfo"
FILE_LOADAVG = 3; // request contents of “/proc/loadavg"
FILE_STAT = 4; // request contents of “/proc/stat"
5; // request contents of files under “/proc/acpi/button/"
FILE_NET_NETSTAT = 6; // request contents of “/proc/net/netstat"
FILE_NET_DEV = 7; // request contents of “/proc/net/dev"
// Must not be |TYPE_UNSET|.
Type type = 1;
// Return value of the GetProcData RPC.
message GetProcDataResponse {
// Contents of the requested file(s) from the proc filesystem, as specified by
// the |type| field of the request. The file paths are guaranteed to belong to
// the /proc/ directory. Symlinks will NOT be followed.
// Example value: an entry with |path| and |canonical_path| equal to
// "/proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state" and |contents| equal to "state: open".
// In case of failure to read some file(s), their entries will be omitted from
// the |file_dump| field.
// NOTE: There's NO guarantee that the file names or formats of the file
// contents will stay the same after the OS kernel version changes.
repeated FileDump file_dump = 1;
// Parameters for the GetSysfsData RPC.
message GetSysfsDataRequest {
// Type of information to be retrieved from the sysfs filesystem.
enum Type {
CLASS_HWMON = 1; // request information about hwmon devices (contents of
// files under /sys/class/hwmon/)
CLASS_THERMAL = 2; // request information about thermal zone devices and
// cooling devices (contents of files under
// /sys/class/thermal/)
FIRMWARE_DMI_TABLES = 3; // request SMBIOS information as raw DMI tables
// (contents of files under
// /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/)
// Must not be |TYPE_UNSET|.
Type type = 1;
// Return value of the GetSysfsData RPC.
message GetSysfsDataResponse {
// Contents of the requested file(s) from the sysfs filesystem, as specified
// by the |type| field of the request. The file paths are guaranteed to belong
// to the /sys/ directory. Whether symlinks in the reported directories are
// followed depends on |type|-specific handling.
// Example value - two entries:
// 1. The first entry having |path| equal to "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/name",
// |canonical_path| to "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon0/name"
// and |contents| to "coretemp".
// 2. The second one having |path| equal to
// "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/power/control", |canonical_path| to
// "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon0/power/control" and
// |contents| to "auto".
// In case of failure to read some file(s), their entries will be omitted from
// the |file_dump| field.
// NOTE: The set of files present here is determined by the information
// returned by the host kernel through the sysfs interface.
// NOTE: There's NO guarantee that the file names or formats of the file
// contents will stay the same after the OS kernel version changes.
repeated FileDump file_dump = 1;
// Parameters for the PerformWebRequest RPC.
// NOTE: The total size of all "string" and "bytes" fields in the request must
// not exceed 1 MB (1'000'000 bytes).
message PerformWebRequestParameter {
// HTTP request method.
enum HttpMethod {
// Must be distinct from |HTTP_METHOD_UNSET|.
HttpMethod http_method = 1;
// Must have the "https" scheme.
string url = 2;
// List of HTTP headers.
repeated string headers = 3;
// Body of the HTTP request.
bytes request_body = 4;
// Return value of the PerformWebRequest RPC.
message PerformWebRequestResponse {
// Status of the finished request.
enum Status {
// The request was successfully completed with a 2xx HTTP status.
// The request was rejected due to some required field being missing.
// The request was rejected due to the |url| having a non-HTTPS scheme.
// The request was rejected due to the request being too large.
// Failed to make the web request. This covers such cases when the network
// is unavailable, or connection attempt failed, or TLS handshake failed,
// etc.
// HTTP request finished with a non-2xx status.
// Is guaranteed to be distinct from |STATUS_UNSET|.
Status status = 1;
// HTTP status code. This field is set when |status| is |STATUS_OK| or
int32 http_status = 2;
// Parameters for the RunEcCommand RPC.
message RunEcCommandRequest {
// Data blob with encoded EC command. The maximum allowed size is 32 bytes.
// Should to be non-empty.
// TODO(lamzin): add payload filtering.
bytes payload = 1;
// Return value of the RunEcCommand RPC.
message RunEcCommandResponse {
// Status of the EC command run request.
enum Status {
// The EC command run was successfully completed.
// The EC command run was rejected due to the empty request payload.
// The EC command run was rejected due to the request payload being too
// large.
// The EC command run was failed due to EC driver error.
// Is guaranteed to be distinct from |STATUS_UNSET|.
Status status = 1;
// Data blob with encoded EC command response. This field is set when
// |status| is |STATUS_OK|.
bytes payload = 2;
// Parameters for the GetEcProperty RPC.
message GetEcPropertyRequest {
// EC properties. Each value corresponds to a specific sysfs file exposed by
// the EC driver.
// TODO(lamzin): add full list of properties.
enum Property {
// Relative file path is "properties/global_mic_mute_led".
// Must be distinct from |PROPERTY_UNSET|.
Property property = 1;
// Return value of the GetEcProperty RPC.
message GetEcPropertyResponse {
enum Status {
// The EC property was successfully retrieved.
// The request was rejected due to some required field being missing.
// The EC property retrieving failed due to EC driver error.
// Is guaranteed to be distinct from |STATUS_UNSET|.
Status status = 1;
// Data blob with the value of the EC property specified by the |property|
// request field.
// This field is set when |status| is |STATUS_OK|.
bytes payload = 2;