blob: ecdc95e52014935171561cd68812ef554bb4f599 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/sequence_checker.h>
#include <base/threading/simple_thread.h>
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace grpc {
class CompletionQueue;
namespace diagnostics {
namespace internal {
class MonitoringThreadDelegate;
// A GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher monitors a grpc |CompletionQueue| for
// signalled events and posts tasks to a |SequencedTaskRunner| as a result.
// It uses a background thread to block on the |CompletionQueue|'s next event in
// a loop because this is a blocking operation.
// The |GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher| may be constructed from anywhere, but its
// public methods should only be called on the same task runner that was passed
// to its constructor.
// This class assumes that every tag that is received from the |CompletionQueue|
// is expected, i.e. that |RegisterTag| has been called for every tag.
class GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher {
// Callbacks of this type will be called on the task runner passed
// to the constructor when an expected event is available on the monitored
// |CompletionQueue|. |ok| has an operation-specific meaning, see grpc's
// |CompletionQueue::Next| documentation for details.
using TagAvailableCallback = base::Callback<void(bool ok)>;
// The constructed object will monitor |completion_queue| and post tasks to
// |task_runner|. Note that the |GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher| only
// starts monitoring the |completion_queue| when |Start| is called.
// |completion_queue| should outlive this object.
grpc::CompletionQueue* completion_queue,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
// Note that the destructor CHECKs that this instance has been shut down
// properly using |Shutdown|.
// Starts the background thread and consequently starts monitoring the
// |CompletionQueue| passed to the constructor.
void Start();
// Triggers shutting down the |CompletionQueue| and this
// |GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher|.
// |on_shutdown_callback| will be called when the |CompletionQueue| is fully
// drained and background thread has shut down. Only then may this instance be
// destroyed.
// If |Shutdown| has been called before this |GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher|
// has been |Start|ed, |on_shutdown_callback| is called immediately.
// |Shutdown| may only be called once.
void Shutdown(base::Closure on_shutdown_callback);
// Starts waiting for an event with |tag|. If |tag| has been or will be sent
// (through RPC operations or alarms) to the CompletionQueue, |callback| is
// guaranteed to be called exactly once on the task runner passed to the
// constructor. The reason is that the CompletionQueue itself guarantees that
// every tag sent to the completion queue will be delivered out of the
// completion queue. |GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher| additionally guarantees
// that if |callback| is never called (because |tag| was not sent to the
// |CompletionQueue|), |callback| will be destroyed on shutdown on the
// |TaskRunner| passed to the constructor.
void RegisterTag(const void* tag, TagAvailableCallback callback);
// Returns the monitored |CompletionQueue|.
grpc::CompletionQueue* completion_queue() { return completion_queue_; }
// This is called on the |task_runner_| when |tag| has been delivered out of
// the |completion_queue_|.
void OnTagAvailable(const void* tag, bool ok);
// This is called on the |task_runner_| when the background thread is shutting
// down because the |completion_queue_| has no more events.
void OnShutdown();
// The |CompletionQueue| that this object is monitoring.
// Not owned.
grpc::CompletionQueue* const completion_queue_;
// The |SequencedTaskRunner| this object is posting tasks to.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The delegate which will be executed on the |monitoring_thread|.
// The background thread monitoring the |completion_queue_| and posting tasks
// back on the task runner.
std::unique_ptr<base::DelegateSimpleThread> monitoring_thread_;
// This callback will be invoked when the moniting thread is exiting.
base::Closure on_shutdown_callback_;
bool shut_down_ = false;
// Maps tags to the callbacks that should be run on the |task_runner_| when
// the corresponding event fires.
std::map<const void*, TagAvailableCallback> tag_to_callback_map_;
base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
} // namespace diagnostics