blob: 04d375f5b4ad7d5c98aef50962b45425d07d3217 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
genxml2cpp("modemmanager-dbus-adaptors") {
xml2cpp_type = "adaptor"
xml2cpp_in_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/"
xml2cpp_out_dir = "include/dbus_adaptors"
sources = [
genxml2cpp("dbus-proxies") {
xml2cpp_type = "proxy"
xml2cpp_in_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/"
xml2cpp_out_dir = "include/dbus_proxies"
sources = [
action("cloud_policy_proto_generator") {
policy_resources_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/share/policy_resources"
proto_out_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/proto"
policy_tools_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/share/policy_tools"
script = "${policy_tools_dir}/"
sources = [
outputs = ["${proto_out_dir}/cloud_policy.proto"]
args = [
"1", # chromeos-flag
proto_library("policy-protos") {
proto_in_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/include/proto"
proto_out_dir = "include/bindings"
sources = [
# policy-protos.a is used by a shared_libary object:
# Build it with '-fPIC' instead of '-fPIE'.
configs = [ "//common-mk:pic" ]
proto_library("user_policy-protos") {
proto_in_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/proto"
proto_out_dir = "include/bindings"
sources = [
deps = [
proto_library("install_attributes-proto") {
proto_in_dir = "${sysroot}/usr/include/proto"
proto_out_dir = "include/bindings"
sources = [
# install_attributes-proto.a is used by a shared_libary.
# Build it with '-fPIC' instead of '-fPIE'.
configs = [ "//common-mk:pic" ]