blob: a4c4c5fb91c7143d9173467bfec075225f9787b6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <shill/net/byte_string.h>
#include <shill/net/ip_address.h>
#include "portier/ether_socket.h"
#include "portier/group.h"
#include "portier/group_manager.h"
#include "portier/icmpv6_socket.h"
#include "portier/ll_address.h"
#include "portier/nd_msg.h"
#include "portier/status.h"
namespace portier {
// Proxy interface wraps several sockets which configure and control
// a network interfaces. The interface is used for sending and
// receiving IPv6 packets to be proxied between other proxy interfaces,
// The underlying interface must be communicating on a multicast capable
// link-layer network. The link-layer must meet all functional
// requirements specied in RFC8200 for IPv6 networks. Most Ethernet and
// virtual Ethernet networks most likely meet the requirements.
// The loopback interfaces cannot be used as it could result in packet
// flooding on ND Proxy nodes.
// The ICMPv6 socket is expected to only be used for sending messages
// and not for receiving.
// The initialization of this interface requires the process have
class ProxyInterface : public GroupMemberInterface<ProxyInterface> {
enum class State {
static std::string GetStateName(State state);
// Creates a new proxy interface for the specified interface name
// |if_name|. The provided interface cannot be the loopback
// interface.
static std::unique_ptr<ProxyInterface> Create(const std::string& if_name);
State state() const { return state_; }
bool IsValid() const;
// Interface getters.
// Returns the network interface index, as used by the kernel.
// Returns -1 if the interface is not initialized.
int GetInterfaceIndex() const;
// Returns the network interface name.
const std::string& name() const;
// Getters for socket file descriptors. Returns -1 if the sockets
// are not initialized.
int GetNDFd() const;
int GetIPv6Fd() const;
int GetICMPFd() const;
// L2 Info
// Gets the unicast link-layer address of the interface.
const LLAddress& ll_address() const { return ll_address_; }
// Gets the link-layer MTU.
uint32_t mtu() const { return mtu_; }
// L3 information
// Returns a list of all IPv6 addresses associated to this interface.
std::vector<shill::IPAddress> GetIPv6AddressList() const {
return ip_addresses_;
// Makes a system call to obtain all the IPv6 addresses assigned to
// the interface and stores them internally. Returns true if system
// call succeeded and the IP list was updated, false otherwise.
bool RefreshIPv6AddressList();
// Checks if the provided IPv6 address is a one of the assigned
// IPv6 address to this interface.
bool HasIPv6Address(const shill::IPAddress& address) const;
// Proxy State.
// Returns true if the interface is in an initialized state.
bool IsInitialized() const;
// Returns true if the interface is currently enabled and should
// be able to send and receive messages.
bool IsEnabled() const;
// Sets the interface into an enabled or disabled proxy state. Only
// possible if the interface is already in an initialized state,
// otherwise the call will fail.
bool EnableProxy();
bool DisableProxy();
// Cleans up the interface and all of its internal sockets. After the
// call the interface cannot be used.
bool Deinitialize();
// ND Proxy Methods.
// Used to send an ND message via a proxy interface. The provided ND
// message will be copied and modified as required by the ND Proxy
// protocol.
// Note: This method is intended to send Neighbor Discovery messages
// which were received on another interface and not locally generated.
// Args:
// - |header_fields| Contains all of the header fields of the packet
// that were received on another interface. Modifications to the
// header will be made as required. It is expected that the IP
// addresses are IPv6.
// - |destination_ll_address| The destination link-layer address as
// it appears in the neighbor cache.
// - |nd_message| The original ND message that was received. The message
// will be modified to contain the appropriate link-layer information
// of the outgoing interface.
// Note: Both arguments are passed by value to allow modification to
// the message and provide the option to move the contents.
Status ProxyNeighborDiscoveryMessage(IPv6EtherHeader header_fields,
const LLAddress& destination_ll_address,
NeighborDiscoveryMessage nd_message);
// Receives all IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Messages which contain
// link-layer information in its payload.
Status ReceiveNeighborDiscoveryMessage(IPv6EtherHeader* header_fields,
NeighborDiscoveryMessage* nd_message);
// Used for flush input buffer of waiting packets. Used for when a
// proxy is disabled but the file descriptor is still opened.
Status DiscardNeighborDiscoveryInput();
// Non-ND IPv6 Methods.
// Similar to sending ND Messsages, this method should be used to
// proxy all other types of IPv6 packets that are received on a
// proxy interface.
// Args:
// - |header_fields| Contains all of the header fields of the packet
// that were received on another interface. Modifications to the
// header will be made as required. It is expected that the IP
// addresses are IPv6.
// - |destination_ll_address| The destination link-layer address as it
// appears in the neighbor cache.
// - |payload| The bytes of the upper-level contents in an IPv6
// packet.
Status SendIPv6Packet(IPv6EtherHeader header_fields,
const LLAddress& destination_ll_address,
const shill::ByteString& payload);
// Receive all IPv6 packets except Neighbor Discovery messages which
// contain link-layer information.
Status ReceiveIPv6Packet(IPv6EtherHeader* header_fields,
shill::ByteString* payload);
Status DiscardIPv6Input();
// ICMP Methods.
// A delegation method for ICMPv6Socket::SendPacketTooBigMessage().
Status SendPacketTooBigMessage(const shill::IPAddress& destination_address,
uint32_t mtu,
const IPv6EtherHeader& original_header,
const shill::ByteString& original_body);
// Callbacks hook from GroupMemberInterface.
// Currently does nothing.
void PostJoinGroup() override;
void PostLeaveGroup() override;
// Constructor.
explicit ProxyInterface(const std::string& if_name);
// Initializes the network interface and opens all the required
// sockets for handling raw ether packets and ICMPv6 packets. The
// call can fail if the specified |if_name| does not identify a
// non-loopback, IPv6 enabled, ethernet network interface. Can also
// fail if the process does not have CAP_NET_RAW capabilities.
Status Init();
// Used to clean up the object in the event of an error during
// initialization. Should only be called from Init().
void MarkInvalid();
// Closes any owned file descriptor that is currently opened.
void CloseOpenedFds();
// Refreshes the internal IPv6 address list, but does not check if the
// interface is fully initialized like the public method.
bool InternalRefreshIPv6AddressList();
// Proxy state. Valid active states are Enabled and Disabled, inactive
// states include Unitialized (not yet called Init()) and
// Deinitialized (similar to unitialized but implies it was previously
// in some active state). Invalid state implies there was an error while
// initializing, or the provided interface name does not exist.
State state_;
// Interface name (Ex eth0).
std::string name_;
// L2 address of the interface, used for conversion of source link-layer
// of certain proxied ND messages.
LLAddress ll_address_;
// Link MTU.
uint32_t mtu_;
// List of all IPv6 addresses assigned to this interface.
std::vector<shill::IPAddress> ip_addresses_;
// Neighbor Discovery socket, used for sending and receiving.
std::unique_ptr<EtherSocket> nd_sock_;
// Proxy FD, used for sending and receiving.
std::unique_ptr<EtherSocket> ipv6_sock_;
// ICMP socket, used for sending only.
std::unique_ptr<ICMPv6Socket> icmp_sock_;
// A type alias for Groups of Proxy Interfaces.
using ProxyGroup = Group<ProxyInterface>;
// A type alias for the manager of Proxy Groups.
using ProxyGroupManager = GroupManager<ProxyInterface>;
} // namespace portier