blob: 43bc55f056a8ee382496631dd800cdc90d2e0230 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include <linux/uinput.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "touch_keyboard/syscallhandler.h"
#include "touch_keyboard/uinput_definitions.h"
namespace touch_keyboard {
// This is the file handle on disk that you use to control the uinput module.
constexpr char kUinputControlFilename[] = "/dev/uinput";
class UinputDevice {
/* A class to allow you to easily create uinput devices and generate events.
* This class can be used to create uinput devices, setup which events they
* are capable of generating, and actually sending them. The general flow is
* to instantiate a UinputDevice object and call CreateUinputFD() to get the
* process started. You can then use the various EnableXXXX() functions to
* enable the correct event types that you plan to generate. Once all the
* events are enabled, FinalizeUinputCreation() will tell the kernel create
* the device and SendEvent() can now be used.
UinputDevice() : syscall_handler_(&default_syscall_handler),
uinput_fd_(-1) {}
explicit UinputDevice(SyscallHandler *syscall_handler) :
syscall_handler_(syscall_handler), uinput_fd_(-1) {
// This constructor allows you to pass in a SyscallHandler when unit
// testing this class. For real use, allow it to use the default value
// by using the constructor with no arguments.
if (syscall_handler_ == NULL) {
syscall_handler_ = &default_syscall_handler;
// Generate a new uinput file descriptor to communicate with the uinput
// module through.
bool CreateUinputFD();
// Enable this uinput device to generate a certain event type. This are
// overarching categories, not individual events. eg: EV_ABS, EV_KEY, etc
bool EnableEventType(int ev_type) const;
// Enable this uinput device to generate a specific event code under the
// event type specified in the function name. eg: KEY_ENTER or ABS_MT_SLOT
bool EnableKeyEvent(int ev_code) const;
bool EnableAbsEvent(int ev_code) const;
// Clone the EV_ABS event capability of a given evdev device. The width and
// height are used to setup the ranges of X and Y coordinates.
bool CopyABSOutputEvents(int source_evdev_fd, int width, int height) const;
// Wrap up creation once all your events are enabled, and give it a name.
// Once this is called the device is ready to start sending events out.
bool FinalizeUinputCreation(std::string const &device_name) const;
// Once the device is finalized, this function sends the actual events
// to the input subsystem just like a normal input device.
bool SendEvent(int ev_type, int ev_code, int value) const;
SyscallHandler *syscall_handler_;
int uinput_fd_;
// A helper function that determines if an event is supported by a device
// when trying to clone its capabilities.
bool IsEventSupported(int event, int64_t *supported_event_types) const;
friend class UinputDeviceTest;
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, UinputControlOpeningTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, UinputControlOpeningFailureTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, EnableEventTypeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, EnableKeyEventTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, EnableAbsEventTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, FinalizeUinputCreationSuccessTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, FinalizeUinputCreationDEV_SETUPFailTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, FinalizeUinputCreationDEV_CREATEFailTest);
FRIEND_TEST(UinputDeviceTest, SendEventTest);
} // namespace touch_keyboard