blob: 5aac51815afb5d3fdb022c432a090e84375c2a7d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
'target_defaults': {
'variables': {
'deps': [
# system_api depends on protobuf (or protobuf-lite). It must appear
# before protobuf here or the linker flags won't be in the right
# order.
'defines': [
'targets': [
'target_name': 'chaps-protos',
'type': 'static_library',
# libchaps-protos.a is used by a shared_libary
# object, so we need to build it with '-fPIC' instead of '-fPIE'.
'cflags!': ['-fPIE'],
'cflags': ['-fPIC'],
'variables': {
'proto_in_dir': '.',
'proto_out_dir': 'include/chaps/proto_bindings',
'sources': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/protoc.gypi'],
# This is meant only for internal binaries like unittests. All
# client programs should be using the shared libchaps library.
'target_name': 'libchaps_static',
'type': 'static_library',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'libchaps',
'type': 'shared_library',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'chapsd',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'libraries': [
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['USE_tpm2 == 1', {
'libraries': [
'sources': [
['USE_tpm2 == 0', {
'libraries': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'chaps_client',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': ['libchaps_static'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'p11_replay',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': ['libchaps'],
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['USE_test == 1', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'libchaps_test',
'type': 'static_library',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'exported_deps': [
'deps': ['<@(exported_deps)'],
'all_dependent_settings': {
'variables': {
'deps': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'chaps_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': ['libchaps_static'],
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'chaps_service_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'dbus_test',
'type': 'executable',
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'slot_manager_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'session_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'object_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'object_policy_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'object_pool_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'object_store_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'libraries': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'opencryptoki_importer_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'isolate_login_client_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
# Live Tests
# Note: These tests require a live system with gtest and gmock
# installed. These cannot be run without a real TPM and cannot be
# run with autotest. These tests do not need to be run regularly
# but may be useful in the future and so have been kept around.
'target_name': 'chapsd_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'libraries': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [
'target_name': 'tpm_utility_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'includes' : ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': ['',],
'conditions': [
['USE_tpm2 == 1', {
'libraries': [
'sources': [
['USE_tpm2 == 0', {
'libraries': [
'sources': [
# Conditional Unit Tests
# Unit tests here are gated by conditionals. Since we cannot add
# conditionals in the middle of a target list, we added it at the end.
'conditions': [
['USE_tpm2 == 1', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'tpm2_utility_test',
'type': 'executable',
'dependencies': [
'libraries': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/common_test.gypi'],
'sources': [