blob: 7fc9f33bae19a27d6009377584cb44878811c71e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/timer/timer.h>
#include <dbus/authpolicy/dbus-constants.h>
#include "authpolicy/authpolicy_flags.h"
#include "authpolicy/authpolicy_metrics.h"
#include "authpolicy/constants.h"
#include "authpolicy/jail_helper.h"
#include "authpolicy/path_service.h"
#include "authpolicy/proto_bindings/active_directory_info.pb.h"
#include "authpolicy/samba_helper.h"
#include "authpolicy/tgt_manager.h"
#include "bindings/authpolicy_containers.pb.h"
#include "bindings/chrome_device_policy.pb.h"
// Helper methods for Samba Active Directory authentication, machine (device)
// joining and policy fetching. Note: "Device" and "machine" can be used
// interchangably here.
namespace enterprise_management {
class ChromeDeviceSettingsProto;
namespace policy {
class DevicePolicyImpl;
namespace authpolicy {
class Anonymizer;
class AuthPolicyMetrics;
class PathService;
class ProcessExecutor;
class SambaInterface {
SambaInterface(AuthPolicyMetrics* metrics,
const PathService* path_service,
const base::Closure& user_kerberos_files_changed);
// Creates directories required by Samba code. If |expect_config| is true,
// loads configuration and device policy and initializes dependent stuff like
// |encryption_types_|.
// Returns an error
// - if a directory failed to create or
// - if |expect_config| is true and the config file fails to load.
ErrorType Initialize(bool expect_config) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Cleans all persistent state files. Returns true if all files were cleared.
static bool CleanState(const PathService* path_service);
// Calls kinit to get a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket (TGT) for the given
// |user_principal_name| (format: user_name@workgroup.domain). If a TGT
// already exists, it is renewed. The password must be readable from the pipe
// referenced by the file descriptor |password_fd|. On success, the user's
// account information is returned in |account_info|. If |account_id| is
// non-empty, the |account_info| is queried by |account_id| instead of by
// user name. This is safer since the account id is invariant, whereas the
// user name can change. The updated user name (or rather the sAMAccountName)
// is returned in the |account_info|. Thus, |account_id| should be set if
// known and left empty if unknown.
ErrorType AuthenticateUser(const std::string& user_principal_name,
const std::string& account_id,
int password_fd,
ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo* account_info)
// Retrieves the status of the user account given by |account_id| (aka
// objectGUID). |user_principal_name| is used to derive the user's realm.
// The returned |user_status| contains general ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo as
// well as the status of the user's ticket-granting-ticket (TGT). Does not
// fill |user_status| on error.
ErrorType GetUserStatus(const std::string& user_principal_name,
const std::string& account_id,
ActiveDirectoryUserStatus* user_status)
// Gets the user Kerberos credential cache (krb5cc) and configuration
// (krb5.conf) files if they exist. Does not set |files| on error.
ErrorType GetUserKerberosFiles(const std::string& account_id,
KerberosFiles* files) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Joins the local device with name |machine_name| to an Active Directory
// domain. The credentials for joining (usually admin level) are given by
// |user_principal_name| and |password_fd|, see AuthenticateUser() for
// details. |machine_domain| is the domain where the machine is joined to. If
// empty, it is derived from |user_principal_name|. |machine_ou| is a vector
// of organizational units where the machine is placed into, ordered
// leaf-to-root. If empty, the machine is placed in the default location (e.g.
// Computers OU). |encryption_types| specifies the allowed encryption types
// for Kerberos authentication. On success, |joined_domain| is set to the
// domain that was joined.
ErrorType JoinMachine(const std::string& machine_name,
const std::string& machine_domain,
const std::vector<std::string>& machine_ou,
const std::string& user_principal_name,
KerberosEncryptionTypes encryption_types,
int password_fd,
std::string* joined_domain) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Downloads user and extension policy from the Active Directory server and
// stores it in |gpo_policy_data|. |account_id| is the unique user objectGUID
// returned from |AuthenticateUser| in |account_info|. The user's Kerberos
// authentication ticket must still be valid. If this operation fails, call
// |AuthenticateUser| and try again.
ErrorType FetchUserGpos(const std::string& account_id,
protos::GpoPolicyData* gpo_policy_data)
// Downloads device and extension policy from the Active Directory server and
// stores it in |gpo_policy_data|. The device must be joined to the Active
// Directory domain already (see JoinMachine()) as policy fetch requires
// authentication with the machine account generated during domain join.
ErrorType FetchDeviceGpos(protos::GpoPolicyData* gpo_policy_data)
// Sets the default log level, see AuthPolicyFlags::DefaultLevel for details.
// The level persists between restarts of authpolicyd, but gets reset on
// reboot.
void SetDefaultLogLevel(AuthPolicyFlags::DefaultLevel level);
// Returns the user's principal name (sAMAccountName @ realm).
std::string GetUserPrincipal() const { return user_account_.GetPrincipal(); }
const std::string& user_account_id() const { return user_account_id_; }
const std::string& machine_name() const {
return device_account_.netbios_name;
// Disable retry sleep for unit tests.
void DisableRetrySleepForTesting() {
retry_sleep_disabled_for_testing_ = true;
void SetFixedAuthTriesForTesting(int auth_tries) {
auth_tries_for_testing_ = auth_tries;
// Returns the anonymizer.
const Anonymizer* GetAnonymizerForTesting() const {
return anonymizer_.get();
// Renew the user ticket-granting-ticket.
ErrorType RenewUserTgtForTesting() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return user_tgt_manager_.RenewTgt();
// Returns the ticket-granting-ticket manager for the user account.
TgtManager& GetUserTgtManagerForTesting() { return user_tgt_manager_; }
// Sets the container used to load device policy during Initialize(). Can be
// used to load device policy from a different location and without key check.
void SetDevicePolicyImplForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<policy::DevicePolicyImpl> policy_impl);
// Sets the actual device policy. Only a few policies are taken into account,
// see UpdateDevicePolicyDependencies().
void SetUserPolicyModeForTesting(
mode) {
user_policy_mode_ = mode;
// Returns true if AutoCheckMachinePasswordChange() was called at least once.
bool DidPasswordChangeCheckRunForTesting() const {
return did_password_change_check_run_for_testing_;
// Resets internal state (useful for doing multiple domain joins).
void ResetForTesting() { Reset(); }
// User or device specific information. The user might be logging on to a
// different realm than the machine was joined to.
struct AccountData {
std::string realm; // Active Directory realm.
std::string workgroup; // Active Directory workgroup name.
std::string netbios_name; // Netbios name is empty for user.
std::string kdc_ip; // IPv4/IPv6 address of key distribution center.
std::string dc_name; // DNS name of the domain controller
std::string user_name; // User sAMAccountName or device netbios_name+$.
base::Time server_time; // The server time at last query.
Path smb_conf_path; // Path of the Samba configuration file.
explicit AccountData(Path _smb_conf_path) : smb_conf_path(_smb_conf_path) {}
// Returns user_name @ realm.
std::string GetPrincipal() const { return user_name + "@" + realm; }
// Actual implementation of AuthenticateUser() (see above). The method is
// wrapped in order to catch and memorize the returned error.
ErrorType AuthenticateUserInternal(const std::string& user_principal_name,
const std::string& account_id,
int password_fd,
ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo* account_info)
// Gets the status of the user's ticket-granting-ticket (TGT). Uses klist
// internally to check whether the ticket is valid, expired or not present.
// Does not perform any server-side checks.
ErrorType GetUserTgtStatus(ActiveDirectoryUserStatus::TgtStatus* tgt_status)
// Determines the password status by comparing the old |user_pwd_last_set_|
// timestamp to the new timestamp in |account_info|.
ActiveDirectoryUserStatus::PasswordStatus GetUserPasswordStatus(
const ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo& account_info);
// Writes the Samba configuration file using the given |account|.
ErrorType WriteSmbConf(const AccountData& account) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Queries the name of the workgroup for the given |account| and stores it in
// |account|->workgroup.
ErrorType UpdateWorkgroup(AccountData* account) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Queries the IP of the key distribution center (KDC) and server time for the
// given |account| and stores them in |account|->kdc_ip and
// |account|->server_time, respectively. The KDC address is required to speed
// up network communication and to get rid of waiting for the machine account
// propagation after Active Directory domain join. The server time is required
// to keep track of the machine password age.
ErrorType UpdateKdcIpAndServerTime(AccountData* account) const
// Queries the DNS domain name of the domain controller (DC) for the given
// |account| and stores it in |account|->dc_name. The DC name is required as
// host name in smbclient. With an IP address only, Samba wouldn't be able to
// use the Kerberos ticket.
ErrorType UpdateDcName(AccountData* account) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Writes the Samba configuration file for the given |account| and updates
// the account's |kdc_ip|, |server_time|, |dc_name| and |workgroup|. Does not
// refresh the values if they are already set.
ErrorType UpdateAccountData(AccountData* account) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Checks whether the ADS server for |account| is available. Currently
// implementing by calling net ads workgroup.
ErrorType PingServer(AccountData* account) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Acquire a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket for the user account.
// |password_fd| is a file descriptor containing the user's password.
ErrorType AcquireUserTgt(int password_fd) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Acquire a Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket for the device account. Uses the
// machine password file for authentication (or the keytab for backwards
// compatibility). If the current machine password doesn't work, uses the
// previous password (e.g. password change didn't propagate through AD yet).
ErrorType AcquireDeviceTgt() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Writes the machine password to the path specified by |path|.
ErrorType WriteMachinePassword(
Path path, const std::string& machine_pass) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// machine password change.
ErrorType RollMachinePassword() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Writes the file with configuration information.
ErrorType WriteConfiguration() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Reads the file with configuration information.
ErrorType ReadConfiguration() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Gets user account info. If |account_id| is not empty, searches by
// objectGUID = |account_id| only. Otherwise, searches by sAMAccountName =
// |user_name| and - if that fails - by userPrincipalName = |normalized_upn|.
// Note that sAMAccountName can be different from the name-part of the
// userPrincipalName and that kinit/Windows prefer sAMAccountName over
// userPrincipalName. Assumes that the account is up-to-date and the user's
// TGT is valid.
ErrorType GetAccountInfo(const std::string& user_name,
const std::string& normalized_upn,
const std::string& account_id,
ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo* account_info)
// Calls net ads search with given |search_string| to retrieve |account_info|.
// Authenticates with the device TGT.
ErrorType SearchAccountInfo(const std::string& search_string,
ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo* account_info)
// Downloads GPOs and returns the |gpo_file_paths|. |source| determines
// whether to get GPOs that apply to the user or the device. |scope|
// determines whether user or device policy is to be loaded from the GPOs.
// Note that some use cases like user policy loopback processing require
// reading user policy from device GPOs. Calls GetGpoList() and DownloadGpos()
// internally.
ErrorType GetGpos(GpoSource source,
PolicyScope scope,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* gpo_file_paths)
// Calls net ads gpo list to retrieve a list of GPOs in |gpo_list|. See
// GetGpos() for an explanation of |source| and |scope|.
ErrorType GetGpoList(GpoSource source,
PolicyScope scope,
protos::GpoList* gpo_list) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Downloads user or device GPOs in the given |gpo_list|. See GetGpos() for an
// explanation of |source| and |scope|. Returns the downloaded GPO file paths
// in |gpo_file_paths|.
ErrorType DownloadGpos(const protos::GpoList& gpo_list,
GpoSource source,
PolicyScope scope,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* gpo_file_paths) const
// Parses GPOs and stores them in user/device policy protobufs.
ErrorType ParseGposIntoProtobuf(
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& gpo_file_paths,
const char* parser_cmd_string,
std::string* policy_blob) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Update stuff that depends on device policy like |encryption_types_|. Should
// be called whenever new device policy is available.
void UpdateDevicePolicyDependencies(
const enterprise_management::ChromeDeviceSettingsProto& device_policy);
// Sets the |rate| at which the machine password is changed. Turns off
// automatic password change if |rate| is non-positive. Turned off by default.
// Prints out a warning on devices that are still using the machine keytab.
// Repeatedly schedules AutoCheckMachinePasswordChange() every few hours.
void UpdateMachinePasswordAutoChange(const base::TimeDelta& rate);
// Calls CheckMachinePasswordChange() and logs errors.
void AutoCheckMachinePasswordChange();
// Checks whether the age of the password exceeds |password_change_rate_| and
// renews the password if it does.
ErrorType CheckMachinePasswordChange() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Get user or device AccountData. Depends on GpoSource, not on PolicyScope,
// since that determines what account to download GPOs for.
const AccountData& GetAccount(GpoSource source) const {
return source == GpoSource::USER ? user_account_ : device_account_;
// Get user or device TGT manager. Depends on GpoSource, not on PolicyScope,
// since that determines what account to download GPOs for and the TGT is tied
// to the account.
const TgtManager& GetTgtManager(GpoSource source) const {
return source == GpoSource::USER ? user_tgt_manager_ : device_tgt_manager_;
// Sets and fixes the current user by account id key. Only one account id is
// allowed per user. Calling this multiple times with different account ids
// crashes the daemon.
void SetUser(const std::string& account_id_key);
// Similar to SetUser, but sets user_account_.realm.
void SetUserRealm(const std::string& user_realm);
// Sets machine name and realm on the device account and the tgt manager.
void InitDeviceAccount(const std::string& netbios_name,
const std::string& realm);
// Sets encryption types used by Kerberos tickets.
void SetKerberosEncryptionTypes(KerberosEncryptionTypes encryption_types);
// Anonymizes |realm| in different capitalizations as well as all parts. For
// instance, if realm is SOME.EXAMPLE.COM, anonymizes SOME, EXAMPLE and COM.
void AnonymizeRealm(const std::string& realm, const char* placeholder);
// Returns true if the device is not in a 'joined' state.
bool IsDeviceJoined() const;
// Resets internal state to an 'unenrolled' state by wiping configuration and
// user data.
void Reset();
// Loads |flags_default_level_| from Path::FLAGS_DEFAULT_LEVEL. Logs an
// error if the file exists, but the level cannot be loaded. Fails silently if
// the file does not exist.
void LoadFlagsDefaultLevel();
// Saves |flags_default_level_| to Path::FLAGS_DEFAULT_LEVEL. Logs on error.
void SaveFlagsDefaultLevel();
// Reloads debug flags. Should be done on every public method called from
// D-Bus, so that authpolicyd doesn't have to be restarted if the flags
// change. Note that this is cheap in a production environment where the flags
// file does not exist, so this is no performance concern.
void ReloadDebugFlags();
// User account_id (aka objectGUID).
std::string user_account_id_;
// User logon name.
std::string user_sam_account_name_;
// Timestamp of last password change on server.
uint64_t user_pwd_last_set_ = 0;
// Is the user logged in?
bool user_logged_in_ = false;
// Last AuthenticateUser() error.
ErrorType last_auth_error_ = ERROR_NONE;
AccountData user_account_;
AccountData device_account_;
// The order of members is carefully chosen to match initialization order, so
// don't mess with it unless you have a reason.
// UMA statistics, not owned.
AuthPolicyMetrics* metrics_;
// Lookup for file paths, not owned.
const PathService* paths_;
// Removes sensitive data from logs.
std::unique_ptr<Anonymizer> anonymizer_;
// Debug flags, loaded from Path::DEBUG_FLAGS.
protos::DebugFlags flags_;
AuthPolicyFlags::DefaultLevel flags_default_level_ = AuthPolicyFlags::kQuiet;
// Helper to setup and run minijailed processes.
JailHelper jail_helper_;
// User and device ticket-granting-ticket managers.
TgtManager user_tgt_manager_;
TgtManager device_tgt_manager_;
// Encryption types to use for kinit and Samba commands. Don't set directly,
// always set through SetKerberosEncryptionTypes(). Updated by
// UpdateDevicePolicyDependencies.
KerberosEncryptionTypes encryption_types_ = ENC_TYPES_STRONG;
// Loopback processing mode (how/if user policy from machine GPOs is used).
// Updated by UpdateDevicePolicyDependencies.
user_policy_mode_ = enterprise_management::
// Timer for automatic machine password change. Updated by
// UpdateDevicePolicyDependencies.
base::TimeDelta password_change_rate_;
// Timer for repeated password age checks. Calls
// AutoCheckMachinePasswordChange().
base::RepeatingTimer password_change_timer_;
// Whether device policy has been fetched or loaded from disk on startup.
bool has_device_policy_ = false;
// For testing only. Used/consumed during Initialize().
std::unique_ptr<policy::DevicePolicyImpl> device_policy_impl_for_testing;
// Disables sleeping when retrying net or smbclient (to prevent slowdowns in
// tests).
bool retry_sleep_disabled_for_testing_ = false;
// If set to a value > 0, AuthenticateUser() will retry this number of times
// in case of network errors. Only used for testing.
int auth_tries_for_testing_ = -1;
// Keeps track of whether AutoCheckMachinePasswordChange() ran or not.
bool did_password_change_check_run_for_testing_ = false;
} // namespace authpolicy