blob: 7fdd57d37c9c4f9841f4aee3ac5ff0799a416eea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "run_oci/run_oci_utils.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mntent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/capability.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include <libminijail.h>
#include <libmount/libmount.h>
namespace run_oci {
bool Mountpoint::operator==(const Mountpoint& other) const {
return path == other.path && mountflags == other.mountflags &&
data_string == other.data_string;
std::string ParseMountOptions(const std::vector<std::string>& options,
int* mount_flags_out,
int* negated_mount_flags_out,
int* bind_flags_out,
int* mount_propagation_flags_out,
bool* loopback_out,
std::string* verity_options) {
std::string option_string_out;
*mount_flags_out = 0;
*negated_mount_flags_out = 0;
*bind_flags_out = 0;
*mount_propagation_flags_out = 0;
*loopback_out = false;
const struct libmnt_optmap* linux_option_map =
constexpr int kMountPropagationFlagsMask =
for (const auto& option : options) {
const struct libmnt_optmap* map_entry = nullptr;
for (const struct libmnt_optmap* it = linux_option_map; it->name; ++it) {
if (option == it->name && it->id) {
map_entry = it;
if (map_entry) {
// This is a known flag name.
if (map_entry->id & MS_BIND) {
*bind_flags_out |= map_entry->id;
} else if (map_entry->id & kMountPropagationFlagsMask) {
*mount_propagation_flags_out |= map_entry->id;
} else if (map_entry->mask & MNT_INVERT) {
*negated_mount_flags_out |= map_entry->id;
} else {
*mount_flags_out |= map_entry->id;
} else if (option == "loop") {
*loopback_out = true;
} else if (base::StartsWith(option, "dm=", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
*verity_options = option.substr(3, std::string::npos);
} else {
// Unknown options get appended to the string passed to mount data.
if (!option_string_out.empty())
option_string_out += ",";
option_string_out += option;
return option_string_out;
std::vector<Mountpoint> GetMountpointsUnder(
const base::FilePath& root, const base::FilePath& procSelfMountsPath) {
base::ScopedFILE mountinfo(fopen(procSelfMountsPath.value().c_str(), "r"));
if (!mountinfo) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << procSelfMountsPath.value();
return std::vector<Mountpoint>();
struct mntent mount_entry;
std::string line;
char buffer[1024];
std::vector<Mountpoint> mountpoints;
while (getmntent_r(mountinfo.get(), &mount_entry, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
// Only return paths that are under |root|.
const std::string path = mount_entry.mnt_dir;
if (, root.value().size(), root.value()) != 0)
int mount_flags, negated_mount_flags, bind_mount_flags,
bool loopback;
std::string verity_options;
std::string options = ParseMountOptions(
base::SplitString(mount_entry.mnt_opts, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
&mount_flags, &negated_mount_flags, &bind_mount_flags,
&mount_propagation_flags, &loopback, &verity_options);
Mountpoint{base::FilePath(path), mount_flags, options});
return mountpoints;
bool HasCapSysAdmin() {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<std::remove_pointer_t<cap_t>, decltype(&cap_free)> caps(
cap_get_proc(), &cap_free);
if (!caps) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get process' capabilities";
return false;
cap_flag_value_t cap_value;
if (cap_get_flag(caps.get(), CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_EFFECTIVE, &cap_value) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get the value of CAP_SYS_ADMIN";
return false;
return cap_value == CAP_SET;
bool RedirectLoggingAndStdio(const base::FilePath& log_file) {
base::ScopedFD log_fd(HANDLE_EINTR(
open(log_file.value().c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644)));
if (!log_fd.is_valid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open log file '" << log_file.value() << "'";
return false;
// Redirecting stdout/stderr for the hooks' benefit.
if (dup2(log_fd.get(), STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to redirect stdout";
return false;
if (dup2(log_fd.get(), STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to redirect stderr";
return false;
// Redirect all minijail logs to make them easier to find.
// We avoid including <sys/syslog.h> to get LOG_INFO (whose value is 6)
// because it interacts badly with base::logging, which defines a different
// LOG_INFO and causes build errors.
constexpr int kSyslogLogInfoPriority = 6;
minijail_log_to_fd(STDERR_FILENO, kSyslogLogInfoPriority);
brillo::SetLogFlags(brillo::kLogHeader | brillo::kLogToStderr);
logging::SetLogItems(true /* pid */, false /* tid */, true /* timestamp */,
false /* tick_count */);
return true;
} // namespace run_oci