blob: 035e50bd9c6ddd1a15de698313d02a08afd94fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <set>
#include "cryptohome/tpm.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class StubTpm : public Tpm {
using SecureBlob = brillo::SecureBlob;
StubTpm() { }
~StubTpm() override { }
// See tpm.h for comments
TpmVersion GetVersion() override
{ return TpmVersion::TPM_UNKNOWN; }
TpmRetryAction EncryptBlob(TpmKeyHandle key_handle,
const SecureBlob& plaintext,
const SecureBlob& key,
SecureBlob* ciphertext) override
{ return kTpmRetryFatal; }
TpmRetryAction DecryptBlob(TpmKeyHandle key_handle,
const SecureBlob& ciphertext,
const SecureBlob& key,
SecureBlob* plaintext) override
{ return kTpmRetryFatal; }
TpmRetryAction GetPublicKeyHash(TpmKeyHandle key_handle,
SecureBlob* hash) override
{ return kTpmRetryNone; }
bool IsEnabled() override { return false; }
void SetIsEnabled(bool enabled) override {}
bool IsOwned() override { return false; }
void SetIsOwned(bool owned) override {}
bool ReadNvram(uint32_t index, SecureBlob* blob) override { return false; }
bool IsNvramDefined(uint32_t index) override { return false; }
bool IsNvramLocked(uint32_t index) override { return false; }
unsigned int GetNvramSize(uint32_t index) override { return 0; }
bool GetOwnerPassword(brillo::Blob* owner_password) override
{ return false; }
bool PerformEnabledOwnedCheck(bool* enabled, bool* owned) override
{ return false; }
bool IsInitialized() override { return false; }
void SetIsInitialized(bool done) override {}
bool IsBeingOwned() override { return false; }
void SetIsBeingOwned(bool value) override {}
bool GetRandomData(size_t length, brillo::Blob* data) override
{ return false; }
bool GetAlertsData(Tpm::AlertsData* alerts) override
{ return false; }
bool DefineNvram(uint32_t index, size_t length, uint32_t flags) override
{ return false; }
bool DestroyNvram(uint32_t index) override { return false; }
bool WriteNvram(uint32_t index, const SecureBlob& blob) override
{ return false; }
bool WriteLockNvram(uint32_t index) override
{ return false; }
bool GetEndorsementPublicKey(SecureBlob* ek_public_key) override
{ return false; }
bool GetEndorsementPublicKeyWithDelegate(
brillo::SecureBlob* ek_public_key,
const brillo::SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const brillo::SecureBlob& delegate_secret) override
{ return false; }
bool GetEndorsementCredential(SecureBlob* credential) override
{ return false; }
bool MakeIdentity(SecureBlob* identity_public_key_der,
SecureBlob* identity_public_key,
SecureBlob* identity_key_blob,
SecureBlob* identity_binding,
SecureBlob* identity_label,
SecureBlob* pca_public_key,
SecureBlob* endorsement_credential,
SecureBlob* platform_credential,
SecureBlob* conformance_credential) override
{ return false; }
bool QuotePCR(int pcr_index,
const SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const SecureBlob& external_data,
SecureBlob* pcr_value,
SecureBlob* quoted_data,
SecureBlob* quote) override { return false; }
bool SealToPCR0(const brillo::Blob& value,
brillo::Blob* sealed_value) override { return false; }
bool Unseal(const brillo::Blob& sealed_value,
brillo::Blob* value) override { return false; }
bool CreateCertifiedKey(const SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const SecureBlob& external_data,
SecureBlob* certified_public_key,
SecureBlob* certified_public_key_der,
SecureBlob* certified_key_blob,
SecureBlob* certified_key_info,
SecureBlob* certified_key_proof) override
{ return false; }
bool CreateDelegate(const std::set<uint32_t>& bound_pcrs,
uint8_t delegate_family_label,
uint8_t delegate_label,
SecureBlob* delegate_blob,
SecureBlob* delegate_secret) override {
return false;
bool ActivateIdentity(const SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const SecureBlob& delegate_secret,
const SecureBlob& identity_key_blob,
const SecureBlob& encrypted_asym_ca,
const SecureBlob& encrypted_sym_ca,
SecureBlob* identity_credential) override
{ return false; }
bool Sign(const SecureBlob& key_blob,
const SecureBlob& der_encoded_input,
int bound_pcr_index,
SecureBlob* signature) override { return false; }
bool CreatePCRBoundKey(int pcr_index,
const SecureBlob& pcr_value,
SecureBlob* key_blob,
SecureBlob* public_key_der,
SecureBlob* creation_blob) override { return false; }
bool VerifyPCRBoundKey(int pcr_index,
const SecureBlob& pcr_value,
const SecureBlob& key_blob,
const SecureBlob& creation_blob) override
{ return false; }
bool ExtendPCR(int pcr_index, const SecureBlob& extension) override
{ return false; }
bool ReadPCR(int pcr_index, SecureBlob* pcr_value) override { return false; }
bool IsEndorsementKeyAvailable() override { return false; }
bool CreateEndorsementKey() override { return false; }
bool TakeOwnership(int max_timeout_tries,
const SecureBlob& owner_password) override
{ return false; }
bool InitializeSrk(const SecureBlob& owner_password) override
{ return false; }
bool ChangeOwnerPassword(const SecureBlob& previous_owner_password,
const SecureBlob& owner_password) override
{ return false; }
bool TestTpmAuth(const SecureBlob& owner_password) override { return false; }
void SetOwnerPassword(const SecureBlob& owner_password) override {}
bool IsTransient(TpmRetryAction retry_action) override { return false; }
bool WrapRsaKey(const SecureBlob& public_modulus,
const SecureBlob& prime_factor,
SecureBlob* wrapped_key) override { return false; }
TpmRetryAction LoadWrappedKey(const SecureBlob& wrapped_key,
ScopedKeyHandle* key_handle) override
{ return kTpmRetryFatal; }
bool LegacyLoadCryptohomeKey(ScopedKeyHandle* key_handle,
SecureBlob* key_blob) override { return false; }
void CloseHandle(TpmKeyHandle key_handle) override {};
void GetStatus(TpmKeyHandle key, TpmStatusInfo* status) override {}
bool GetDictionaryAttackInfo(int* counter,
int* threshold,
bool* lockout,
int* seconds_remaining) override
{ return false; }
bool ResetDictionaryAttackMitigation(
const SecureBlob& delegate_blob,
const SecureBlob& delegate_secret) override { return false; }
void DeclareTpmFirmwareStable() override {}
bool RemoveOwnerDependency(
TpmPersistentState::TpmOwnerDependency dependency) override
{ return true; }
bool ClearStoredPassword() override { return true; }
bool GetVersionInfo(TpmVersionInfo* version_info) override { return false; }
bool GetIFXFieldUpgradeInfo(IFXFieldUpgradeInfo* info) override {
return false;
bool SetUserType(Tpm::UserType type) override { return true; }
LECredentialBackend* GetLECredentialBackend() override { return nullptr; }
SignatureSealingBackend* GetSignatureSealingBackend() override {
return nullptr;
} // namespace cryptohome