blob: 5c0a0b714af87a25f30fd055d3b1629e63e744f3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# This include file defines library targets and other auxillary definitions that
# are used for the resulting executable targets.
'target_defaults': {
'defines': [
'targets': [
# Protobufs.
'target_name': 'cryptohome-proto-external',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'shared_proto_path': '<(sysroot)/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/cryptohome',
'proto_out_dir': '.',
'actions': [
'action_name': 'proto-mung',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': [
'sh', '-c',
'cp <@(_inputs) <(proto_out_dir)/ && sed -i s:LITE_RUNTIME:CODE_SIZE:g <@(_outputs)',
'target_name': 'cryptohome-proto',
'type': 'static_library',
# libcryptohome-proto.a is used by a shared_libary
# object, so we need to build it with '-fPIC' instead of '-fPIE'.
'cflags!': ['-fPIE'],
'cflags': ['-fPIC'],
'variables': {
'proto_in_dir': '.',
'proto_out_dir': 'include',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'includes': [
# D-Bus glib bindings.
'target_name': 'cryptohome-dbus-client',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'dbus_glib_type': 'client',
'dbus_glib_out_dir': 'include/bindings',
'dbus_glib_prefix': 'cryptohome',
'dbus_glib_header_stem': 'cryptohome',
'sources': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/dbus_glib.gypi'],
'target_name': 'cryptohome-dbus-server',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'dbus_glib_type': 'server',
'dbus_glib_out_dir': 'include/bindings',
'dbus_glib_prefix': 'cryptohome',
'dbus_glib_header_stem': 'cryptohome',
'sources': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/dbus_glib.gypi'],
# Common objects.
'target_name': 'libcrosplatform',
'type': 'static_library',
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'libcrostpm',
'type': 'static_library',
'dependencies': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['USE_tpm2 == 1', {
'sources': [
'all_dependent_settings': {
'libraries': [
['USE_tpm2 == 0', {
'sources': [
'all_dependent_settings': {
'libraries': [
'target_name': 'libcryptohome',
'type': 'static_library',
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'deps': [
'cflags': [
# The generated dbus headers use "register".
'sources': [
'conditions': [
['USE_tpm2 == 1', {
'sources': [
'all_dependent_settings': {
'libraries': [
'target_name': 'bootlockbox-adaptors',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'dbus_adaptors_out_dir': 'include/dbus_adaptors',
'dbus_service_config': 'dbus_adaptors/dbus-service-config.json',
'sources': [
'includes': ['../common-mk/generate-dbus-adaptors.gypi'],