blob: 62f896e204fb0cb3305807f9ca337e9db780c215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/command_line.h>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/version.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
#include <brillo/syslog_logging.h>
#include "vm_tools/launcher/constants.h"
#include "vm_tools/launcher/crosvm.h"
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
namespace {
void Usage(const std::string& program, const std::string& subcommand) {
if (subcommand == "run" || subcommand == "start") {
cout << "Usage: " << program << " " << subcommand
<< " VM_NAME ([ --container=PATH ] | [ --rwcontainer=PATH ])\n"
<< " [ --nfs=PATH ] [ --ssh ] [ --vm_path=PATH ]\n";
if (subcommand == "run")
cout << "Run a VM in the foreground with serial console.\n";
cout << "Start a headless VM. Returns once the VM has booted\n\n";
<< "Arguments: VM_NAME - An arbitrary name for the VM. Required. Must\n"
<< " not be 'all'.\n\n"
<< "Flags: --container=PATH - Optional container disk image to mount.\n"
<< " If not specified, the VM will not run a\n"
<< " container.\n"
<< " --rwcontainer=PATH - Same as the --container flag, but the\n"
<< " disk image will be mounted read-write\n"
<< " --nfs=PATH - Optional path to a directory to mount via NFS\n"
<< " --ssh - Enable ssh in the VM. Only functional on VM test\n"
<< " images.\n"
<< " --vm_path=PATH - Optional path to a custom VM\n"
<< " kernel/rootfs.\n";
} else if (subcommand == "stop") {
cout << "Usage: " << program << " " << subcommand
<< " (VM_NAME | all) [ --force ]\n"
<< "Shut down a VM with the given name.\n\n"
<< "Arguments: (VM_NAME | all) - VM name to stop. 'all' will stop all "
<< " running VMs. \n\n";
} else if (subcommand == "getname") {
cout << "Usage: " << program << " " << subcommand << " PID\n"
<< "Print the name for a VM with a given PID to stdout.\n\n"
<< "Arguments: PID - PID to find a VM name for. \n";
} else {
cout << "Usage: " << program << " run VM_NAME\n"
<< " " << program << " start VM_NAME\n"
<< " " << program << " stop (VM_NAME | all)\n"
<< " " << program << " getname PID\n"
<< " " << program << " help SUBCOMMAND\n\n"
<< "Run `" << program
<< " help SUBCOMMAND` for specific usage and flags.\n";
// Get the path to the latest available cros-termina component.
base::FilePath GetLatestVMPath() {
base::FilePath component_dir(vm_tools::launcher::kVmDefaultPath);
base::FileEnumerator dir_enum(component_dir, false,
base::Version latest_version("0");
base::FilePath latest_path;
for (base::FilePath path = dir_enum.Next(); !path.empty();
path = dir_enum.Next()) {
base::Version version(path.BaseName().value());
if (!version.IsValid())
if (version > latest_version) {
latest_version = version;
latest_path = path;
return latest_path;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
brillo::InitLog(brillo::kLogToSyslog | brillo::kLogToStderrIfTty);
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
base::CommandLine* cl = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
auto args = cl->GetArgs();
if (args.size() < 2)
Usage(cl->GetProgram().value(), "");
else if (cl->HasSwitch("help"))
Usage(cl->GetProgram().value(), args[1]);
std::string subcommand = args[0];
// TODO(smbarber): Make an init script do this.
int rc = mkdir(vm_tools::launcher::kVmRuntimeDirectory, 0700);
if (rc && errno != EEXIST) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create vm runtime directory";
return 1;
// Handle run and start. Both have the same args, and only differ in
// I/O and blocking.
if (subcommand == "run" || subcommand == "start") {
std::string vm_name = args[1];
if (vm_name == "all") {
cout << "'all' is reserved and cannot be used for a VM name\n";
return 1;
base::FilePath nfs = cl->GetSwitchValuePath("nfs");
base::FilePath vm_path = cl->GetSwitchValuePath("vm_path");
if (vm_path.empty())
vm_path = GetLatestVMPath();
if (vm_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No VM rootfs/kernel available to run";
return 1;
base::FilePath container_disk = cl->GetSwitchValuePath("rwcontainer");
bool rw_container = false;
if (!container_disk.empty()) {
rw_container = true;
} else {
container_disk = cl->GetSwitchValuePath("container");
bool ssh = cl->HasSwitch("ssh");
base::FilePath kernel_path =
base::FilePath rootfs_path =
auto crosvm = vm_tools::launcher::CrosVM::Create(vm_name, kernel_path,
rootfs_path, nfs);
if (!crosvm)
return 1;
if (subcommand == "run") {
if (!crosvm->Run(ssh, container_disk, rw_container))
return 1;
} else if (subcommand == "start") {
if (!crosvm->Start(ssh, container_disk, rw_container)) {
cout << "Failed to start VM '" << vm_name << "'\n";
return 1;
cout << "VM '" << vm_name << "' started\n";
} else if (subcommand == "stop") {
std::string vm_name = args[1];
if (vm_name == "all") {
bool all_vms_stopped = true;
base::FileEnumerator file_enum(
false, // recursive
for (base::FilePath instance_dir = file_enum.Next();
!instance_dir.empty(); instance_dir = file_enum.Next()) {
std::string vm_name = instance_dir.BaseName().value();
auto crosvm = vm_tools::launcher::CrosVM::Load(vm_name);
if (!crosvm)
return 1;
if (!crosvm->Stop()) {
cout << "Failed to stop VM '" << vm_name << "'\n";
all_vms_stopped = false;
cout << "VM '" << vm_name << "' stopped\n";
return !all_vms_stopped;
auto crosvm = vm_tools::launcher::CrosVM::Load(vm_name);
if (!crosvm)
return 1;
if (!crosvm->Stop()) {
cout << "Failed to stop VM '" << vm_name << "'\n";
return 1;
cout << "VM '" << vm_name << "' stopped\n";
} else if (subcommand == "getname") {
std::string pid_raw = args[1];
pid_t pid;
if (!base::StringToInt(args[1], &pid)) {
cerr << "Couldn't parse '" << pid_raw << "' as a pid\n";
return 1;
std::string vm_name;
if (!vm_tools::launcher::CrosVM::GetNameForPid(pid, &vm_name)) {
cerr << "No VM associated with " << pid << endl;
return 1;
cout << vm_name << endl;
} else {
Usage(cl->GetProgram().value(), args[1]);
return 0;