blob: 16a9d921d2a51ebfd3aaf5d0f4fd3e5ae1671617 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. /usr/share/misc/
# On failure unmount all saved mount points and repair stateful
for mount_point in ${UNDO_MOUNTS}; do
umount -n ${mount_point}
# Leave /mnt/stateful_partition mounted for clobber-state to handle.
chromeos-boot-alert self_repair
clobber-log -- \
"Self-repair incoherent stateful partition: $*. History: ${UNDO_MOUNTS}"
exec clobber-state "fast keepimg"
local mount_point
# -c: Never canonicalize: it is a hazard to resolve symlinks.
# -n: Do not write to mtab: we don't use it.
if mount -c -n "$@" ; then
# Last parameter contains the mount point
shift $(( $# - 1 ))
# Push it on the undo stack if we fail later
remember_mount "$1"
cleanup_mounts "failed to mount $*"
# Assert that the argument is a directory.
# On failure, clobbers the stateful partition.
local path="$1"
if [ -L "${d}" ] || [ ! -d "${path}" ]; then
cleanup_mounts "${d} is not a directory"
# Checks if /var is close to being full.
# Returns exit code of 0 (boolean true) if there is less than 10MB of
# free space left in /var.
is_var_full() {
local var_avail="$(df -k --output=avail /var | grep -E -o '[0-9]+')"
[ ${var_avail} -lt 10000 ]
# Checks if the TPM is owned checking the output from command
# cryptohome --action=tpm_status
is_tpm_owned() {
cryptohome --action=tpm_status | grep -qF 'TPM Owned: true'
# Sanity check the date in case the RTC battery died and it initialized to
# something old ( This doesn't need to be perfect,
# just somewhat recent/sane. We'll recover later via tlsdate.
sanity_check_clock() {
# We manage this base timestamp by hand. It isolates us from bad clocks on
# the system where this image was built/modified, and on the runtime image
# (in case a dev modified random paths while the clock was out of sync).
# Calculated using: date -d"01 Jan $(date +%Y) UTC" +%s
local year="2017"
local base_secs="1483228800"
# See if the current time is older than our sanity time. If so, pull up.
if [ $(date -u +%s) -lt ${base_secs} ]; then
date -u 01020000${year}
# Mount debugfs as bootstat depends on /sys/kernel/debug
mount -n -t debugfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid,mode=0750,uid=0,gid=debugfs-access \
debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
# bootstat writes timings to both tmpfs and debugfs.
bootstat pre-startup
# Some startup functions are split into a separate library which may be
# different for different targets (e.g., regular Chrome OS vs. embedded).
. /usr/share/cros/
mkdir -p /dev/pts /dev/shm
mount -n -t tmpfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid shmfs /dev/shm
mount -n -t devpts -o noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620 devpts /dev/pts
# Initialize kernel sysctl settings early so that they take effect for boot
# processes.
sysctl -q --system
# Write SMBIOS info to disk, where non-root cros_config can read it.
mkdir -p /run/cros_config
if [ -e /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI ]; then
cat /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI > /run/cros_config/SMBIOS
# CROS_DEBUG equals one if we've booted in developer mode or we've
# booted a developer image.
crossystem "cros_debug?1"
CROS_DEBUG=$((! $?))
# Developer mode functions (defined in and will be loaded
# only when CROS_DEBUG=1).
dev_check_block_dev_mode() { true; }
dev_update_stateful_partition() { true; }
dev_gather_logs() { true; }
dev_mount_packages() { true; }
dev_is_debug_build() { false; }
# do_* are wrapper functions that may be redefined in developer mode or test
# images. Find more implementation in {dev,test,factory}
do_mount_var_and_home_chronos() { mount_var_and_home_chronos; }
if [ "${CROS_DEBUG}" -eq 1 ]; then
. /usr/share/cros/
# Create a directory where PID files can be placed to override suspend and
# shutdown (e.g. during firmware updates). This needs to happen early since
# flashrom may run before the powerd job has started.
mkdir -p "${POWER_OVERRIDE_DIR}"
chmod 1777 "${POWER_OVERRIDE_DIR}"
# Prepare to mount stateful partition
ROOT_DEV=$(rootdev -s)
# Example root dev types we need to handle: /dev/sda2 -> /dev/sda,
# /dev/mmcblk0p0 -> /dev/mmcblk0p, /dev/ubi2_1 -> /dev/ubi
ROOTDEV_TYPE=$(echo $ROOT_DEV | sed 's/[0-9_]*$//')
ROOTDEV_REMOVABLE=$(cat "/sys/block/${ROOTDEV_NAME}/removable")
# Load the GPT helper functions and the image settings.
. "/usr/sbin/"
if [ "${ROOTDEV_REMOVABLE}" = "1" ]; then
# Check if we are booted on physical media. rootdev will fail if we are in
# an initramfs or tmpfs rootfs (ex, factory installer images. Note recovery
# image also uses initramfs but it never reach here). When using initrd+tftpboot
# (some old netboot factory installer), ROOTDEV_TYPE will be /dev/ram.
if [ "$ROOTDEV_RET_CODE" = "0" -a "$ROOTDEV_TYPE" != "/dev/ram" ]; then
# Find our stateful partition mount point.
# To support multiple volumes on a single UBI device, if the stateful
# partition is not found on ubi${PARTITION_NUM_STATE}_0, check
if [ "${FORMAT_STATE}" = "ubi" ]; then
if [ ! -e "${STATE_DEV}" ]; then
DIRTY_EXPIRE_CENTISECS=$(sysctl -n vm.dirty_expire_centisecs)
# Check if we enable ext4 crypto.
if [ "${FS_FORMAT_STATE}" = "ext4" ]; then
# Enable directory encryption for existing install.
if ! dumpe2fs -h "${STATE_DEV}" 2>/dev/null | \
grep -qe "^Filesystem features:.* encrypt.*"; then
# The stateful partition is not set for encryption.
# Check if we should migrate.
if ext4_dir_encryption_supported; then
# Ensure to replay the journal first so it doesn't overwrite the flag.
e2fsck -p -E journal_only "${STATE_DEV}" || :
# The kernel support encryption, do it!
tune2fs -O encrypt "${STATE_DEV}" || :
# Mount stateful partition from STATE_DEV.
if ! mount -n -t ${FS_FORMAT_STATE} -o ${STATE_FLAGS} \
"${STATE_DEV}" /mnt/stateful_partition; then
# Try to rebuild the stateful partition by clobber-state. (Not using fast
# mode out of security consideration: the device might have gotten into this
# state through power loss during dev mode transition).
chromeos-boot-alert self_repair
clobber-log --repair "${STATE_DEV}" \
"Self-repair corrupted stateful partition"
exec clobber-state "keepimg"
# Mount the OEM partition.
# mount_or_fail isn't used since this partition only has a filesystem
# on some boards.
if [ "${FORMAT_OEM}" = "ubi" ]; then
if [ ! -e "${OEM_DEV}" ]; then
mount -n -t ${FS_FORMAT_OEM} -o ${OEM_FLAGS} ${OEM_DEV} /usr/share/oem
# Make sure our clock is somewhat up-to-date.
# TODO: See if we can move this before the stateful initialization above.
# This file is created by clobber-state after the transition
# to dev mode.
# This file is created after the TPM is initialized and the device is owned.
# Checks if developer mode is blocked.
dev_check_block_dev_mode "${DEV_MODE_FILE}"
# 'firmware-boot-update' is provided by chromeos-firmware for legacy systems.
# On most new boards, it should be simply an empty file.
# NOTE that in some cases (on any board that doesn't have a
# chromeos-firmware-* ebuild package) this file may not exist at all and that's
# OK. /bin/sh will yell about "command not found" but then will continue
# executing the rest of the script since errors aren't fatal.
# See
firmware-boot-update || true
# File used to trigger a stateful reset. Contains arguments for
# the "clobber-state" call. This file may exist at boot time, as
# some use cases operate by creating this file with the necessary
# arguments and then rebooting.
# Check for whether we need a stateful wipe, and alert the user as
# necessary. We can wipe for several different reasons:
# + User requested "power wash" which will create ${RESET_FILE}.
# + Switch from verified mode to dev mode. We do this if we're in
# dev mode, and ${DEV_MODE_FILE} doesn't exist. clobber-state
# in this case will create the file, to prevent re-wipe.
# + Switch from dev mode to verified mode. We do this if we're in
# verified mode, and ${DEV_MODE_FILE} still exists. (This check
# isn't necessarily reliable.)
# Stateful wipe for dev mode switching is skipped if the build is a debug build
# or if we've booted a non-recovery image in recovery mode (for example, doing
# Esc-F3-Power on a Chromebook with DEV-signed firmware); this protects various
# development use cases, most especially prototype units or booting Chromium OS
# on non-Chrome hardware. And because crossystem is slow on some platforms, we
# want to do the additional checks only after verified DEV_MODE_FILE existence.
if [ -O ${RESET_FILE} ]; then
# Wipe requested on previous boot.
chromeos-boot-alert power_wash
elif [ -z "${STATE_DEV}" ] || dev_is_debug_build; then
# No physical stateful partition available, usually due to initramfs
# (recovery image, factory install shim or netboot), or running from a
# debug build image. Do not wipe.
elif [ -O "${DEV_MODE_FILE}" ] ||
( ! is_tpm_owned && [ -O "${INSTALL_ATTRIBUTES_FILE}" ]); then
if crossystem 'devsw_boot?0' && ! crossystem 'mainfw_type?recovery'; then
# We're transitioning from dev mode to verified boot.
# When coming back from developer mode, we don't need to
# clobber as aggressively. Fast will do the trick.
chromeos-boot-alert leave_dev
echo "fast keepimg" >"${RESET_FILE}"
clobber-log -- "Leave developer mode"
if crossystem 'devsw_boot?1' && ! crossystem 'mainfw_type?recovery'; then
# We're transitioning from verified boot to dev mode.
chromeos-boot-alert enter_dev
echo "keepimg" >"${RESET_FILE}"
clobber-log -- "Enter developer mode"
if [ -O ${RESET_FILE} ]; then
ARGS="$(cat ${RESET_FILE})"
exec clobber-state "$ARGS"
# Checks and updates stateful partition.
# Make sure unencrypted stateful partition has the needed common directories.
# Any non-common directories should be created in the device implementation of
# "mount_var_and_home_chronos".
for d in home home/chronos home/root home/user \
unencrypted unencrypted/cache unencrypted/preserve; do
mkdir -p -m 0755 "/mnt/stateful_partition/${d}"
check_directory "/mnt/stateful_partition/${d}"
# Mount /home. This mount inherits nodev,noexec,nosuid from
# /mnt/stateful_partition above.
mount_or_fail --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/home /home
remember_mount /var
remember_mount /home/chronos
do_mount_var_and_home_chronos || cleanup_mounts "var and home"
# If /var is too full, delete the logs so the device can boot successfully.
# It is possible that the fullness of /var was not due to logs, but that
# is very unlikely. If such a thing happens, we have a serious problem
# which should not be covered up here.
if is_var_full; then
rm -r -f /var/log
echo "Startup.ReclaimFullVar" > /mnt/stateful_partition/.reclaim_full_var
# Gather log if needed.
# /run is now tmpfs used for runtime data. Make sure /var/run and /var/lock are
# bind-mounted to /run and /run/lock respectively for backwards compatibility.
# We recreate these all the time in case they were corrupted to point somewhere
# else than what we want.
rm -rf /var/run /var/lock || \
cleanup_mounts "failed to delete /var/run and /var/lock"
mkdir -m 0755 /var/run /var/lock
mount -o bind /run /var/run
mount -o bind /run/lock /var/lock
# Make sure required /var subdirectories exist.
mkdir -p -m 0755 /var/cache /var/db /var/empty /var/log/metrics \
/var/spool /var/tmp /var/lib/misc
# Before operating on them, verify that all stateful partition paths are
# directories (as opposed to say, symlinks).
for d in /var/cache /var/db /var/empty /var/log /var/log/metrics \
/var/spool /var/tmp /var/lib /var/lib/misc /home/chronos /home/root; do
check_directory "${d}"
# /var/tmp must be world-writable and sticky
chmod 1777 /var/tmp
# /home/root must be group-writable and sticky
chmod 1771 /home/root
# Selected directories must belong to the chronos user.
chown chronos:chronos /home/chronos /var/log/metrics
# rsyslog needs to be able to create new logfiles, but not delete other logs
chgrp syslog /var/log
chmod 1775 /var/log
# /var/cache, /var/db, and /var/empty may already exist with wrong permissions.
# Force the correct ones.
chmod 0755 /var/cache /var/db /var/empty /var/spool /var/lib /var/lib/misc
# Make sure the empty dir stays empty (only works on ext4).
chattr +i /var/empty || :
# "--make-shared" to let ARC container access mount points under /media.
mount --make-shared -n -t tmpfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid media /media
# Mount dev packages.
bootstat post-startup
# Always return success to avoid killing init
exit 0