blob: b8a3823c3892a782f78635c6bd38a841a399b19d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# If the hammer is attached during boot and needs update, we block the UI at
# splash screen until the hammer is updated. This script is called by `pre-ui`
# upstart job.
monitor_dbus_signal() {
# Monitor the hammerd updating DBus signal.
# If we catch the "update start" signals, then show the boot message, and
# restore the frecon after the update ends.
local interface='org.chromium.hammerd'
local started_signal='BaseFirmwareUpdateStarted'
local line
dbus-monitor --system --profile "interface='${interface}'" | \
while read -r line; do
if [ -z "${line##*${started_signal}*}" ]; then
logger -t hammerd-at-boot "Hammerd starts updating, display message."
chromeos-boot-alert update_detachable_base_firmware
# base_connected will block for at most 10 * 0.01 = ~100ms.
base_connected() {
# If the cros_ec_buttons driver hasn't been loaded yet, retry.
local event_path=""
local retries=10
while true; do
retries=$((retries - 1))
event_path=`grep cros_ec_buttons /sys/class/input/event*/device/name \
| sed -n 's|.*\(/input/event[0-9]*\)/.*|/dev\1|p' | head -n 1`
if [ "${event_path}" != "" ]; then
if [ "${retries}" -lt 1 ]; then
logger -t hammer-at-boot \
"Error: cros_ec_buttons driver could not be found."
return 1
sleep 0.01
# Return code is 0 on base connected, 10 on disconnected.
evtest --query "${event_path}" EV_SW SW_TABLET_MODE
main() {
if ! base_connected; then
logger -t hammer-at-boot "Base not connected, skipping hammerd at boot."
metrics_client -e Platform.DetachableBase.AttachedOnBoot 0 2
logger -t hammerd-at-boot "Force trigger hammerd at boot."
metrics_client -e Platform.DetachableBase.AttachedOnBoot 1 2
# Background process that catches the DBus signal.
monitor_dbus_signal &
local bg_pid=$!
# Trigger hammerd job, which blocks until the job completes.
initctl start hammerd AT_BOOT="true" UPDATE_IF="mismatch"
# Kill the dbus-monitor in the background process.
pkill -9 -P "${bg_pid}" -f dbus-monitor
main "$@"