blob: e47dbae969425f9492ef7bf53d6805037dfbc014 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arc/network/router_finder.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ndp.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "arc/network/arc_ip_config.h"
namespace {
const int kInitialRtrSolicitationIntervalMs = 2000;
const int kRtrSolicitationIntervalMs = 4000;
const int kMaxRtrSolicitations = 3;
} // namespace
namespace arc_networkd {
RouterFinder::RouterFinder() = default;
RouterFinder::~RouterFinder() = default;
bool RouterFinder::Start(
const std::string& ifname,
const base::Callback<void(const struct in6_addr& prefix,
int prefix_len,
const struct in6_addr& router)>& callback) {
result_callback_ = callback;
have_prefix_ = false;
ifname_ = ifname;
// FIXME: This magic delay is needed or else the sendto() may return
// EADDRNOTAVAIL. Figure out why.
rs_attempts_ = 0;
base::Bind(&RouterFinder::CheckForRouter, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
return true;
void RouterFinder::CheckForRouter() {
if (have_prefix_)
if (!ndp_)
StartNdp(ifname_, NDP_MSG_RA);
if (++rs_attempts_ < kMaxRtrSolicitations) {
base::Bind(&RouterFinder::CheckForRouter, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
void RouterFinder::SendRouterSolicitation() {
struct ndp_msg* msg;
CHECK_EQ(ndp_msg_new(&msg, NDP_MSG_RS), 0);
ndp_msg_ifindex_set(msg, ifindex_);
if (ndp_msg_send(ndp_, msg))
LOG(WARNING) << "Error sending router solicitation";
int RouterFinder::OnNdpMsg(struct ndp* ndp, struct ndp_msg* msg) {
if (ndp_msg_type(msg) != NDP_MSG_RA)
return -1;
int offset;
// TODO(cernekee): Validate RA fields per the RFC.
// (I think some of this happens in libndp, although our version
// might be out of date.)
ndp_msg_opt_for_each_offset(offset, msg, NDP_MSG_OPT_PREFIX) {
struct in6_addr* prefix = ndp_msg_opt_prefix(msg, offset);
uint32_t valid_time = ndp_msg_opt_prefix_valid_time(msg, offset);
// TODO(cernekee): handle expiration and other special cases.
// For now just try to stick with the first prefix that was found.
if (valid_time && !have_prefix_) {
memcpy(&prefix_, prefix, sizeof(prefix_));
prefix_len_ = ndp_msg_opt_prefix_len(msg, offset);
memcpy(&router_, ndp_msg_addrto(msg), sizeof(router_));
have_prefix_ = true;
result_callback_.Run(prefix_, prefix_len_, router_);
} else if (!valid_time) {
memcpy(&prefix_, prefix, sizeof(prefix_));
have_prefix_ = false;
result_callback_.Run(prefix_, 0, router_);
return 0;
} // namespace arc_networkd