blob: 927ade67321985b9cd695e362ba414e74e82c374 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "arc/network/multicast_forwarder.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "arc/network/dns/dns_protocol.h"
#include "arc/network/dns/dns_response.h"
namespace {
const int kNumTempSockets = 4;
const int kBufSize = 1536;
const int kCleanupIntervalMs = 5000;
const int kCleanupTimeSeconds = 30;
} // namespace
namespace arc_networkd {
bool MulticastForwarder::Start(const std::string& int_ifname,
const std::string& lan_ifname,
const std::string& mdns_ipaddr,
const std::string& mcast_addr,
unsigned short port,
bool allow_stateless) {
int_ifname_ = int_ifname;
lan_ifname_ = lan_ifname;
port_ = port;
allow_stateless_ = allow_stateless;
if (!inet_aton(mcast_addr.c_str(), &mcast_addr_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid multicast address " << mcast_addr;
return false;
mdns_ip_.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (!mdns_ipaddr.empty() && !inet_aton(mdns_ipaddr.c_str(), &mdns_ip_)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "invalid internal IP address " << mdns_ipaddr;
int_socket_.reset(new MulticastSocket());
int_socket_->Bind(int_ifname, mcast_addr_, port, this);
if (allow_stateless_) {
lan_socket_.reset(new MulticastSocket());
lan_socket_->Bind(lan_ifname, mcast_addr_, port, this);
lan_ip_ = lan_socket_->interface_ip();
return true;
// This callback is registered as part of MulticastSocket::Bind().
// All of our sockets use this function as a common callback.
void MulticastForwarder::OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking(int fd) {
char data[kBufSize];
struct sockaddr_in fromaddr;
ssize_t bytes = MulticastSocket::RecvFromFd(fd, data, kBufSize, &fromaddr);
if (bytes < 0)
unsigned short port = ntohs(fromaddr.sin_port);
struct sockaddr_in dst = {0};
dst.sin_family = AF_INET;
dst.sin_port = htons(port_);
dst.sin_addr = mcast_addr_;
// Forward traffic that is part of an existing connection.
for (auto& temp : temp_sockets_) {
if (fd == temp->fd()) {
int_socket_->SendTo(data, bytes, temp->int_addr);
} else if (fd == int_socket_->fd() &&
fromaddr.sin_port == temp->int_addr.sin_port) {
TranslateMdnsIp(data, bytes);
temp->SendTo(data, bytes, dst);
// Forward stateless traffic.
if (allow_stateless_ && port == port_) {
if (fd == int_socket_->fd()) {
TranslateMdnsIp(data, bytes);
lan_socket_->SendTo(data, bytes, dst);
} else if (fd == lan_socket_->fd()) {
int_socket_->SendTo(data, bytes, dst);
// New connection.
if (fd != int_socket_->fd())
std::unique_ptr<MulticastSocket> new_sock(new MulticastSocket());
if (!new_sock->Bind(lan_ifname_, mcast_addr_, port, this) &&
!new_sock->Bind(lan_ifname_, mcast_addr_, 0, this))
memcpy(&new_sock->int_addr, &fromaddr, sizeof(new_sock->int_addr));
new_sock->SendTo(data, bytes, dst);
// This should ideally delete the LRU entry, but since idle entries are
// purged by CleanupTask, the limit will only really be reached if
// the daemon is flooded with requests.
while (temp_sockets_.size() > kNumTempSockets)
void MulticastForwarder::TranslateMdnsIp(char* data, ssize_t bytes) {
if (mdns_ip_.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) {
// Make sure this is a valid, successful DNS response from the Android host.
if (bytes > net::dns_protocol::kMaxUDPSize || bytes <= 0) {
net::DnsResponse resp;
memcpy(resp.io_buffer()->data(), data, bytes);
if (!resp.InitParseWithoutQuery(bytes) ||
!(resp.flags() & net::dns_protocol::kFlagResponse) ||
resp.rcode() != net::dns_protocol::kRcodeNOERROR) {
// Check all A records for the internal IP, and replace it with |lan_ip_|
// if it is found.
net::DnsRecordParser parser = resp.Parser();
while (!parser.AtEnd()) {
const size_t ipv4_addr_len = sizeof(lan_ip_.s_addr);
net::DnsResourceRecord record;
if (!parser.ReadRecord(&record)) {
if (record.type == net::dns_protocol::kTypeA &&
record.rdata.size() == ipv4_addr_len) {
const char* rr_ip =;
if (mdns_ip_.s_addr ==
reinterpret_cast<const struct in_addr*>(rr_ip)->s_addr) {
// HACK: This is able to calculate the (variable) offset of the IPv4
// address inside the resource record by assuming that the StringPiece
// returns a pointer inside the io_buffer. It works today, but
// future libchrome changes might break it.
size_t ip_offset = rr_ip - resp.io_buffer()->data();
CHECK(ip_offset <= bytes - ipv4_addr_len);
memcpy(&data[ip_offset], &lan_ip_.s_addr, ipv4_addr_len);
void MulticastForwarder::CleanupTask() {
time_t exp = time(NULL) - kCleanupTimeSeconds;
for (auto it = temp_sockets_.begin(); it != temp_sockets_.end();) {
if ((*it)->last_used() < exp)
it = temp_sockets_.erase(it);
base::Bind(&MulticastForwarder::CleanupTask, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
} // namespace arc_networkd