blob: 704b873ea612944cb19b2ca109b77dec0a6c9248 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <list>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "touch_keyboard/evdevsource.h"
#include "touch_keyboard/haptic/touch_ff_manager.h"
#include "touch_keyboard/statemachine/statemachine.h"
#include "touch_keyboard/uinputdevice.h"
namespace touch_keyboard {
class Key {
/* A class that represents a single key on the fake keyboard.
* This class is used to describe the location, size, and event code (which
* letter is on the key) for a single key on a fake keyboard and keep track
* of it's current state. A keyboard's layout is defined as a vector of
* these Key objects.
Key(int event_code, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax) :
event_code_(event_code), xmin_(xmin), xmax_(xmax), ymin_(ymin),
ymax_(ymax) {}
// Check if the point (x, y) is contained within this key.
bool Contains(int x, int y) const {
return (x < xmax_ && x >= xmin_ && y < ymax_ && y >= ymin_);
// This defines which event code to emit when this key is pressed.
// Essentially this specifies which key it is. (eg: KEY_A, KEY_BACKSPACE, etc)
int event_code_;
// The range of x and y values that are contained within the key.
int xmin_, xmax_;
int ymin_, ymax_;
struct Event {
/* A class to represent a pending keyboard event that is scheduled to be
* generated by the fake keyboard.
* As keys are pressed by the user, the FakeKeyboard class generates keyboard
* events, which represent the keys being pressed and released. To allow some
* measure of revoking, events are enqueued and only released after a brief
* pause. This way, if something unexpected happens to invalidate a keypress,
* the system can simply not send it. These events are represented as Event
* objects stored in a queue. They store all the information you need about
* a keyboard event such as which keycode it is for, which direction the key
* is going, and when the deadline to release the event is.
Event(int ev_code, bool is_down, struct timespec deadline, int tid) :
is_guaranteed_(false), ev_code_(ev_code), is_down_(is_down), tid_(tid),
deadline_(deadline) {}
// Some events are guaranteed to fire before their deadline expires. For
// example, if a finger leaves before the deadline the system already knows
// everything about it and can make a decision right away. Since there may
// be earlier, non-guaranteed events pending, we have to make such events
// guaranteed so that when they make it to the front of the queue, we know
// they are already checked and ready to go.
bool is_guaranteed_;
// This value stores which event code (which key) this event deals with.
int ev_code_;
// This value stores the "direction" of the event. A value of true indicates
// that this is a key-down event whereas false indicates a key-up event.
bool is_down_;
// Here we store the tracking ID (tid) of the finger that triggered this
// event. This is used to determine the validity of the event later, by
// looking up the finger's behavior via this tid.
int tid_;
// This timespec represents the deadline for this event to be emitted by.
// When an event is added to the queue a deadline is set briefly in the
// future. When this deadline passes, the FakeKeyboard is forced to make a
// decision on whether or not the event is valid.
struct timespec deadline_;
// These values represent the various rejection states of a finger that
// we're tracking on the touch keyboard and should be stored in their
// corresponding FingerData.rejection_status values.
enum class RejectionStatus {
kNotRejectedYet = 0,
struct FingerData {
/* FingerData objects represent the information we have for a certain contact.
* As a finger arrives, moves, and leaves the touch sensor we need to track
* various properties of the finger to allow this program to make intelligent
* decisions about what it's doing. This information is stored in these
* FingerData objects for each contact.
// Here is the time the finger was first reported on the touchpad.
struct timespec arrival_time_;
// This value stores the maximum pressure reported for this contact since
// its arrival.
int max_pressure_;
// Here we track which key in the layout the finger first appeared on.
int starting_key_number_;
// This Boolean indicates if a "key down" event has already been sent because
// of something this finger did, and as a result a "key up" event must be sent
// eventually.
bool down_sent_;
// This value indicates the current rejection state of this finger. When a
// finger misbehaves (acts in some way non-key-tapping-like) it can be marked
// here for rejection.
RejectionStatus rejection_status_;
class FakeKeyboard : public UinputDevice, public EvdevSource {
/* The FakeKeyboard class implements a kernel-level keyboard that
* generates events by processing touch input and comparing them
* to a predefined layout.
* A FakeKeyboard object consists of several parts:
* 1. It is an EvdevSource which pulls touch events from a source touch
* sensor.
* 2. It is a UinputDevice which creates a fake input device in the
* kernel using the uinput module that will emit keyboard events.
* 3. Finally, it includes logic to compare touches to a layout of keys
* printed on the touch sensor and determine which keys the user
* is intending to press
* To use this class, you should first instantiate a FakeKeyboard object
* then specify which device it is reading from. When you run Start() the
* object will block forever, looping on the touch input and generating
* keyboard events.
// Use this function to actually start processing. Start will block forever
// and should never return, but a new keyboard device should appear and
// begin sending out key events once you type on the touch sensor.
void Start(std::string const &source_device_path,
std::string const &keyboard_device_name);
// This is the workhorse function called by Start() that actually loops to
// consume the touch events and generate keystrokes.
void Consume();
// Use this function to enable the appropriate input events for the uinput
// keyboard device when setting it up. (eg: EV_KEY, KEY_ENTER, etc)
void EnableKeyboardEvents() const;
// This function does all the necessary work on each full "snapshot"
// describing the current state of the touchpad. This includes things like
// updating the current FingerData objects and making inferences based on
// finger position.
void ProcessIncomingSnapshot(
struct timespec now,
std::unordered_map<int, struct mtstatemachine::MtFinger> const &snapshot);
// Calling this function populates the layout_ member of a FakeKeyboard,
// filling it with the locations of each key printed on the touch sensor.
void SetUpLayout();
// Place ev into the event queue, while maintaining chronological order of
// the deadlines.
void EnqueueEvent(Event ev);
// Convenience function to build a guaranteed key-up event and enqueue it for
// the given event code using the default deadline.
void EnqueueKeyUpEvent(int ev_code, timespec now);
// Mark a given contact as rejected for the stated reason. This scans for
// all pending events associated with this tracking ID and rejects them all.
void RejectFinger(int tid, RejectionStatus reason);
// When a finger is leaving the pad, some special bookkeeping is required.
void HandleLeavingFinger(int tid, FingerData finger, timespec now);
// When a finger first arrives on the sensor some special setup is required.
int GenerateEventForArrivingFinger(
struct timespec now,
struct mtstatemachine::MtFinger const &finger, int tid);
// Confirm that a finger's correct position is still within the boundaries of
// the key that it initially arrived on.
bool StillOnFirstKey(struct mtstatemachine::MtFinger const & finger,
FingerData const & data) const;
// This is a convenience function that allows for easy manipulation of
// timespec structs, which are used to track the deadlines for sending
// events. To easily add a few ms to a timespec, you can just call this.
static struct timespec AddMsToTimespec(struct timespec const& orig,
int additional_ms);
// This is a convenience function that compares two timespecs, returning
// true if t1 comes *after* than t2.
static bool TimespecIsLater(struct timespec const& t1,
struct timespec const& t2);
// The touch force feedback manager used to play ff effects.
TouchFFManager ff_manager_;
// This group of Key objects stores the full layout of the keyboard.
std::vector<Key> layout_;
// This state machine is used to interpret the raw touch events coming from
// the kernel -- separating them by finger/etc.
mtstatemachine::MtStateMachine sm_;
// This list of events stores all pending events in chronological order based
// on their deadlines.
std::list<Event> pending_events_;
// This is a mapping front tracking id's (TIDs) to finger information that
// persists over the life of a contact to track global stats and information.
std::unordered_map<int, FingerData> finger_data_;
} // namespace touch_keyboard